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A Third Reconstruction? Rev. William Barber Lifts the Trumpet

…esh met and developed their agenda in the U.S.-run prison at Camp Bucca in Iraq. And if we are going to talk about violence and terror, we must not forget the wisdom of the late Coretta Scott King: Poverty can produce a most deadly kind of violence. In this society violence against poor people and minority groups is routine. I remind you that starving a child is violence; suppressing a culture is violence; neglecting schoolchildren is violence; di…

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In the Story of the New Testament We Are the Romans—No Matter Who Wins the Election

…e statues were less about honoring the Civil War dead than they were about promoting 20th century white supremacy). In some ways, it’s not all that different from the ideas that sold people on the first Crusade back in the 11th century. And it’s not all that different from the story we tell ourselves today, every time we enter another country for their “own good.” Sure, we went into Iraq on the basis of false information about WMDs. But in the rhe…

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Why The Church Can’t Stop Gun Violence

…cknowledged and filed away. Even large protests, such as those against the Iraq War, are ineffective without clear demands and leverage points. Two recent examples prove the point, I think. The Black Lives Matter movement has seen some success because they’ve mostly concentrated on local issues: in Chicago, it’s possible to make police brutality toxic enough that the mayor feels the need to fire the police superintendent. Pressure like that is unl…

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Motivations of “God Hates Fags” Church’s Philosophy

…hether Westboro’s 2006 picketing outside the funeral of a Marine killed in Iraq constitutes protected speech. So perhaps now is a good time to examine the motivations of hate from the Phelps family. Fortunately, in a series of articles, Amarnath Amarasingam, a doctoral candidate in the Laurier-Waterloo PhD in Religious Studies, has dug into Westboro Baptist’s philosophy and offers some insight into where such a twisted belief structure comes from….

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Palin Talks Israel in Anticipation of 2012

…Still, there’s a good chance that aid to Israel, like the American wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, will manage to be exempt from their ire. The billions of dollars spent every month on the two wars (and over 270 American military bases around the world) are somehow not a sign of “big government” for the Tea Party faithful. Late last month, in a trenchant article for The Nation, Princeton lecturer Melissa Harris-Perry sought to explain why many of he…

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Not His House: Archbishop Oversteps, Opposes Repeal of DADT

…levant, you would expect Broglio to invoke it in a critique of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which fell (and still fall) significantly short of Catholic just war criteria (Catechism of the Catholic Church #2309).  With respect to DADT, Broglio’s reading is selective. While he emphasizes a few passages dealing with homosexuality, the Catechism offers no less than ten pages on the eighth commandment, regarding truthfulness. DADT should be repeal…

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Waterboarding in the Living Room

…e PMS?”  Although the torture captured on film at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq was presented as aberrant (the behavior of “a few bad apples”), released memos have shown again and again that torture and so-called enhanced interrogation remain part of US policy—sanctioned, supported, ordered, and rewarded. And although President Obama opposes torture and pledged to close it, the Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp remains open and, as the ACLU reports, t…

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The Fear is Real: A New View of Halloween “Hell Houses”

…lence inflicted against youth who are economically conscripted to fight in Iraq; economic violence inflicted by regressive tax policies; or psychological violence inflicted by a culture that tends to belittle poor whites—is it any wonder that Tribulation Trail enacts violent scenarios without directly deeming them “scary”? Is it any wonder that its vision of hope is located in something beyond immediate material realities? “Did your God find me a…

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The Latest Suspicious Ex-Muslim

…eally show it. I also find it odd that he was apparently raised in secular Iraq as an engineering student and decided that he was programmed with “Islam.” In the span of 23 years he has managed to become a theological scholar with a 780 chapter thesis. It almost reads like a paranoid conspiracy theory, except that someone thinks this is “humanly possible” and he is therefore a valid speaker. At the rate the ex-Muslim industry is growing, I suspect…

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Freak Show at Supreme Court

…He’s a staff sergeant in the Army Reserve, having served on active duty in Iraq, tours totaling 27 months. He lives in Lillington, N.C., near Fort Bragg. “I think they should be out here,” Clark said. “They’re the biggest idiots in the world, and they’re out here showing everybody that they’re the biggest idiots in the world — and they have the right to do that. Isn’t that amazing? I served in the military to preserve their right to show everybody…

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