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Evangelicals and Immigration Reform, Again

…t Lively, who is known as one of the instigators of the anti-gay frenzy in Uganda that has led to the kill-the-gay bill there. This is not a new effort by evangelicals to press for immigration reform. Two years ago, a group calling itself Conservatives for Comprehensive Immigration Reform, which included the NHCLC, the National Association of Evangelicals, and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, pressed for immigration reform, but without the…

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Notify This! Vatican Bungles Response to Sexual Ethics Book

…garet’s community, the Sisters of Mercy. She still makes regular visits to Uganda and Cameroon to teach and learn as a collaborator. The organization “brings together women religious so that they may address the crisis of HIV and AIDS by listening to, learning from, and empowering one another to collaborate in strategies for prevention and care in response to the pandemic. The essence of the AACSS is the bonding that exists between Sister to Siste…

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Methodists Vote to Keep Homosexuality “Incompatible”

…ues of human sexuality — especially homosexuality, where governements like Uganda’s are trying to make it a capital offense just to be gay. Baden said the Reconciling Ministries Network is working hard to open dialogues with church leaders in countries like Africa to educate them on the realities of being gay or lesbian. “We’re having deep conversations on human sexuality especially in places where we haven’t always been able to have these convers…

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First Gay Bishop? Give Me a Break

…e especially striking interview, given current events in Uganda, is with a Ugandan woman with HIV who Robinson met in England, talking about how much she and her family have been helped by gay people. Other notable voices include Bishop Jon Bruno of Los Angeles, who notes that the church has a tendency to “claw on the carpet” while being dragged from the past; retired bishop Otis Charles and his husband Felipe; and Bishop Tom Shaw, an openly gay c…

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Tainted Love: The Cost of Sojourners’ Refusal to Take Sides on LGBT Issues

…ential for goodness and holiness as heterosexuality. One need only look at Uganda to realize the violent, if not deadly, effects that anti-gay evangelical efforts can have on the safety and peace of LGBT persons.  Following the Funding But I believe there is an ever more disquieting question that arises out of this situation. What is the real reason that progressive evangelicals try to sidestep taking a stance on welcoming gays and lesbians into c…

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Beyond Alarmism and Denial in the Dominionism Debate

…ue, where witch hunting, particularly of children, is really scary, and in Uganda, where the hunting and persecution of sexual minorities is driven at least in part by the view that homosexuality is caused by satanic spirits. And even here in the states, casting out of demons can be a scary business. (I remember a story Carlton Pearson, who knows this world well, told me about Ted Haggard, with whom he attended Oral Roberts University: that Haggar…

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Global LGBT Recap: Asylum for Victims of Homophobia Exports; Orthodox Church Sees Anti-Gay Campaign Turned Toward Itself

…ire additional staff to work on the problems facing LGBT people in Russia, Uganda, Eastern Europe, and elsewhere. India: US Offers Asylum While Exporting Homophobia Speaking of aslyum, IndiaWest reported last week that an Indian gay couple who had been held for six months in Immigrations and Customs Enforcement detention facilities in El Paso, Texas, were granted asylum in December. Jagdish Kumar and Sukhwinder Sukhwinder left India in June 2012 a…

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LDS Church Responds to South Park Mormon Musical

…Lopez, telling the tale of two naive but well-meaning LDS missionaries to Uganda who, faced with the realities of mass human suffering, collide with the limits of their insular Book-of-Mormon-Belt worldview. Reviewers are reporting that despite the shock value of the show’s obscenity-laden musical centerpiece, The Book of Mormon musical is actually sweet on Mormons, depicting us—for all of our unique beliefs and, well, cultural corniness—not as c…

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What’s Ahead in the World of Mormonism for 2011

…shku (founder of the THARCE-GULU nonprofit for women’s postwar recovery in Uganda) are thinking global, and asking us all to do the same and put our shoulders to the wheel. Contemplating a global Mormonism, with new missions and temples quickly opening in Africa, it is a great time for Mormon feminists to take a deep breath, shed our well-earned fear of excommunication, and work towards greater understanding for the temporal and spiritual challeng…

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Mike Huckabee’s Army of Anti-Gay Zealots

…gators of religiously-motivated violence and persecution of LGBT people in Uganda after he brought his “gay agenda” conference to Kampala in 2009. Glenn, an early Huckabee supporter when Huckabee was lambasting Washington insiders for not getting behind his candidacy, was a “volunteer” for a get out the vote drive during the 2008 primary, which focused on targeting churches. The following year, Huckabee provided a videotaped speech to Glenn’s grou…

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