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What Coverage of a Fatal Orthodox Baptism Reveals About Western Media

…s heralded as the mythic ancestor of the West, while modern Greeks, nearly all at least cultural Orthodox Christians, were (and frequently still are) excluded from its shifting borders. Which brings us back to those Orthodox full-immersion infant baptisms. It should be noted that this is not the first time an Orthodox baptism has caused controversy. The video of a baby being “violently baptized” has circulated on the internet for the past two and…

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Alabama’s Yoga Ban Is Part of the Christian Right’s War on Pluralism

…nt part of the Hindu religion… As such, it does not need to be taught to small children in public schools.’” And yet, on its website, the organization includes in its mission statement: “An ethical, moral and responsible lifestyle based on biblical standards is an attainable goal that will benefit the entire state.” There are several issues here to unpack. Undoubtedly, Hinduism is at the historical crux of yogic practice. At the same time, yoga ha…

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Evangelicals in Moral Panic Over Exvangelicals

…sparently contentless objections to the existence of ex-evangelicals are really all they have left. Well, that and the silly old apologist standby of “You really just left to have all that sweet, sweet, unbiblical sex, didn’t you?” Their protestations thus come across like one big, petulant Principal Skinner meme: “Am I so out of touch? No, it’s the children who are wrong.” Russell Moore, who recently left his position as head of the Southern Bapt…

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‘Purity’ Guru Joshua Harris May Have Left Evangelicalism But He’s Still a Member of the Church of Patriarchy

…early 2000s we even had a slogan: “Ring by spring or your money back.” Spoiler alert: I did not marry my high school boyfriend. But I did carry the courtship framework into subsequent relationships. Its patriarchal logics harmed a generation of evangelical women and men by setting them up to fail themselves, one another, and God. It placed unhealthy emphasis on the role of sex in relationships, whether you were unmarried, and therefore not suppos…

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Don’t Believe the Hype (About Believing): You Don’t Need Religion to be Happy

…taking the side of believers, at least when it comes to wellbeing and mental health. “Faith in a higher power is associated with health, and in a positive way,” a philanthropist tells us in Forbes. A therapist uses the opinion pages of The Wall Street Journal to—explicitly and irresponsibly—exhort parents who don’t believe in God or life after death to lie to their children, lest they scar their psyches, and adds, “Spiritual belief and practice r…

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Confronting the Rise in Conspiracy Thinking … With Wisdom Literature

…t a match, and you have a recipe for, if not an explosion, then the political equivalent of a coal seam burning underground: long-lasting, difficult to extinguish, constantly undermining the foundations of everything on the surface. Commentators often marvel at the daffiness of the ideas on display in these coalescing movements. How is it possible to believe that Donald Trump won the 2020 election, that vaccines will implant microchips giving Bill…

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Will the Taliban Actually Remain Somewhat Moderate This Time?

…ll not clear how the Taliban will rule. There are several reports of reprisal killings and brutal enforcement of their strict interpretation of Islamic law. But there are also statements of support for women’s rights, protection from reprisals, and overtures of the Taliban leadership to former Afghan leaders like Hamid Karzai to create a coalition government. More significantly, for over a week the Taliban stood aside while 50,000 foreigners and t…

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A New Mormon Religion Has Taken QAnon Conspiracies and Canonized Them as Doctrine

…S. are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who run a global child sex trafficking operation.” Things grew complicated in 2021 as the vaccine became widely available. The leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the largest branch of Mormonism, acted quickly during the pandemic to close temples and offer guidelines for Church meetings, including social distancing and masks. In addition, they encouraged vaccin…

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How ‘The Seven Missions’ of the ‘Doomsday Couple’ Connect Them to the Larger LDS Prophecy Subculture

…ney Beyond the Veil (2014). The media has given this prophecy subculture unparalleled attention since December 2019 when apocalyptic fiction author and visionary Chad Daybell and his new wife, Lori Vallow—sometimes referred to as the “doomsday couple”—began to appear across various platforms. The details surrounding the disappearance of their children and three mysterious deaths, including their former spouses,are available at any number of major…

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Glenn’s at it Again, and Again

…or the Glenn Beck media empire. Witness his exchange with David Barton of Wallbuilders on August 16: Beck: I think this is an opportunity to gather God’s people together and wake people up. And I just have this feeling that this is the beginning of something gigantic in this country, that it is spiritual awakening. What’s going to happen there will raise the hair on your arms. What’s going to happen there you will never, ever forget and I promise…

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