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Warships, Animals, Pubs Eligible For Blessings From Church of England, But Not Same-Sex Couples; Global LGBT Recap

…against human rights of LGBTIQ people, Croatian citizens and thereby show that hatred and violence are not the values of our society. A social media campaign is asking people to speak out publicly: “Let’s show everyone that we, the citizens of the Republic of Croatian, we will not remain silent and watch as the foundations of our country collapsing under the guise of tradition and patriotism, while the ruling party relativize hate speech and viole…

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Nike’s Token Equality: New Campaign Masks the Truth About Workers’ Rights

…m–which animates discussions about Nike at Georgetown and Villanova given that both are Catholic universities–has long held that equality must include the protection of workers’ rights. The Catholic social tradition’s commitment to workers’ rights inspired Cezar Chavez, Dorothy Day, The Solidarność movement in Poland and countless others to struggle for “bread and freedom.” Building on Pope Leo’s defense of workers in the late nineteenth century,…

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Religious Traditionalists Resist Marriage Equality, Artist Questions What Is “Un-African” & More in This Global LGBT Recap

…“The biggest blasphemy is to think that God could be hurt by a novel, and that he is so weak that he needs to be defended by the police,” Rahmani told Human Rights Watch. UK: Openly gay priest rejected for bishop position in Wales Jeffrey John, an openly gay priest and dean of St. Albans Cathedral, was rejected for the fourth time for an appointment to become a bishop. From Christian Today: Neither the Church in Wales nor the Church of England are…

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What’s Behind a Conservative Mormon’s Call For “Religious Freedom” Advocates to “Stand Down” on LGBT Rights

…ople of faith to “stand down” on religious opposition to LGBT rights. But that’s exactly what Paul Mero, former executive director of the Sutherland Institute, did this month in an op-ed for the Salt Lake Tribune. It is time for those of us who cherish religious freedom to stop, yes stop, opposing gender equality… This is no trade-off, no compromise nor quid pro quo. Neither is it unilateral surrender. It is neutrality and it is wisdom. Mero may n…

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Gay Men Detained and Killed in Chechnya, and More in the Global LGBT Recap

…py? Should we be scared?” Anti-LGBT group C-Fam touted its new “analysis” that shows, in their words, that “only a tiny number” of United Nations member states “are hung up on homosexuality.” C-Fam, which has organized anti-equality nations to resist recognition of LGBT equality at the UN. C-Fam charged that efforts by pro-equality nations have “undermined the entire human rights concept and led to increased distrust of human rights language from…

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Is Religion the Only Tool Left for Legal Discrimination?

…ur trans female employee as a woman, which means she’s violating the dress code when she arrives to work wearing clothing that meets your company’s guidelines for women. When she inevitably sues for wrongful termination, you’ll have a federal judge on your side—at least if you live and work in Michigan. That stunning decision is an outlier among current case law, and is likely to be overturned on appeal, says Elizabeth Platt, director of Columbia…

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Humiliating “Kim Davis Bill” To “Protect” Anti-LGBT County Clerks Passes Texas Senate

…rely permissible if SB 522 becomes law. The bill also highlights the fact that Texas marital code still only identifies “a man and a woman” as the two parties who may apply for a marriage license. Even for Texas Republicans, this bill is a mean-spirited (though not at all unprecedented) attempt to circumvent the Supreme Court’s ruling on marriage equality in pursuit of accommodating a vocal minority who claim their faith trumps their neighbors’ pu…

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Catholic Archbishop Takes On Jesuit Magazine’s Slam on “Ecumenism of Hate”; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…angelical fundamentalists, they wrote, is the xenophobia and Islamophobia that promotes “walls and purifying deportations.” “Triumphalist, arrogant and vindictive ethnicism is actually the opposite of Christianity,” they said. AP’s Rachel Zoll called La Civilta Cattolica Antonio Spadaro “a close confidant” of Pope Francis. Conservative Archbishop Charles Chaput responded in a commentary, calling the article “an exercise in dumbing down and inadequ…

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Is God a Winning Strategy for Democrats?

…see it. And for a party that associates itself with Christianity, to say that it is okay to suggest that God would smile on the division of families at the hands of federal agents, that God would condone putting children in cages, has lost all claim to ever use religious language again. I cheered. I cheered for the lines and especially for the mention of state-church separation in the debate and I wish more candidates would proudly invoke that Am…

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Leave Your Stereotypes at the Door: 10Q on “Keeping it Halal”

…observing, listening, documenting, and then analyzing, he is able to show that what is really going on with these ostensibly “violent” youth is in fact about the constant need to protect oneself in a context of pervasive danger. These are the kind of powerful, stereotype-defying truths—still very necessary, unfortunately—that well-done ethnography can reveal. What’s your next book? My next project will be sort of the reverse of this book, in which…

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