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Biblical Patriarchy Advocates Celebrate Titanic 100th with “Women and Children First” Theme

…y three times the survival rate of those in third. One would only use “raw numbers” if one was trying to make a point not supported by the numbers. In biblical patriarchy, the refrain of “women and children first” hides an agenda whereby the women are “first” only insofar as they keep their place which is subordinate to men. I wrote about the fallout when they don’t in my book, Evangelical Christian Women. And in Quiverfull, RD’s Kathryn Joyce sho…

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Big MoPublican Primary 2012: Dignity Watch

…e shoulder. Recognized and then cheerfully interrogated by fellow protestors, Huntsman melted into the crowd. Both Huntsman and Romney remind me of the premium Mormon culture has placed on clean-cut all-American likeability. Since the middle of the twentieth-century, that’s been the ticket we’ve tried to ride away from our frontier origins and melt into the suburban middle class. And still, Mormons consistently find our faith ranking consistently…

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Romney: “A Life Balanced Between Fear and Greed”?

…nt with a values-neutral approach to work, livelihood, and the marketplace? Why does religion play an outsized role in the politics of gay marriage and contraception but apparently has no say when it comes to big-ticket items like national spending and economic policy? That profound disconnect certainly did not originate with Romney, but it may in fact be the key to understanding how he would lead and govern….

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Nuns on the Bus: 2700 Miles, Nine States, and a Rock Star DC Welcome

…uns, who say that without apology, are not naïve. Their rock-star days are numbered; their work is cut out for them. At the 200th anniversary celebration of the Loretto Community this year, Kim Klein, grassroots fundraiser extraordinaire and a Protestant co-member of Loretto, put her finger on a big reason that relates to why religious communities, which might seem anachronistic to some, are still and increasingly popular. The world does not need…

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Decoding Rick Warren’s Appreciation for Chick-fil-A

…hday meal. I could find them “distasteful,” or “unappetizing,” or any of a number of options my mother would suggest. My brother could “disagree” with Nixon’s policies, but he could not profess hate for the man. “You don’t know him personally. You cannot possibly ‘hate’ him,” she would insist. “Hate” was a big-ticket word not to be squandered on annoying siblings or corrupt politicians. My mother’s semantic ethics on this point have stayed with me…

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Paul Ryan: “This Is Not Theology…”

…passed the “Ryan Budget” I’m thrilled, personally, that it’s Ryan. The GOP ticket is now led by two unbelievably privileged and self-important white guys (are Billionaires for Bush still around to gin up Rapacious for Romney material?), but it’s even better than that. The Ryan Budget is such a gift to the Democrats that one might think the Angel of Moroni had dropped into their laps. Unlike Romney, Ryan is anything but a cipher in respect to concr…

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Is the Ryan VP Pick Good for Mormonism?

…party types who will now turn out enthusiastically. It adds pizzazz to the ticket. An ideological firebrand is the one thing Romney has never been accused of being, and now he can borrow that heat. I believe that Romney or the people close to him pushed Romney for some of these reasons—including getting past the Mormon moment and the focus on Romney’s character. The persistent question about Romney has been: who is this man? What made him who he i…

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Personhood USA says Romney would Permit “Death Penalty” for “Babies Conceived in Rape”

…ce in “judicial tyranny.” Now, they’ve set their sights on the Romney-Ryan ticket, which released the statement that “a Romney-Ryan administration would not oppose abortion in instances of rape.” “Personhood USA does not endorse political candidates, but we had hoped that Congressman Ryan would be a good influence on Governor Romney, considering Romney’s liberal abortion record,” Jennifer Mason, the group’s communication director, said in a statem…

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Senate Candidate Todd Akin’s Anti-Abortion Acquaintances from the Late ’80s

…inding members that gaining entrance to heaven isn’t like buying a lottery ticket. There is no magic to it, no speaking in tongues, no handling snakes, no eternal security. You work hard here on Earth, quietly, diligently, to retire in eternity. Your works are an outward manifestation of your faith, and your faith is what saves you. A young woman wedged in behind an organ calls out, “Somebody pick a hymn,” and somebody else calls back, “How about…

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Bishop Jenky’s Last Stand

…aithful to encourage them to “vote Catholic”—i.e. vote for the Romney/Ryan ticket. Leading the charge is Bishop Daniel Jenky, of Peoria, Illinois, who is calling for all priests “by virtue of their vow of obedience to me as your Bishop” to read his letter on the election at each mass they celebrate this weekend. The letter, addressed to Catholic believers, is an appeal to the “threat to religious liberty” because of the HHS mandate. Since Bishop J…

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