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“Far Too Extreme For America To Accept,” Hamas “Endorsed Obama,” “Forced Abortions,” and More

…Point” political attack ad, starting last Friday. Using clips from, World Net Daily, Fox Business,, and Glenn Beck, narrator E. W. Jackson invokes the boogeymen of ACORN, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the New Black Panther Party, Hamas, and Mao Tse-Tung to paint President Obama and the Democratic Party as “extreme,” “treacherous,” “socialist,” and “with hostility” towards America. As I wrote two years ago during the presidential c…

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Brazilian Evangelicals Launch ‘Sin-Free’ (Read: Gay-Free) Version of Facebook

…eady in place in some European nations and the U.S.” According to, “His comments followed sermons read out in Greek Orthodox churches throughout the island during Sunday mass, calling on believers to ‘disapprove of civil unions’.” The law was scheduled to go to a vote on Thursday but parliamentary leaders decided at the last minute to postpone the vote until September. LGBT rights advocates praised the delay, suggesting that last-min…

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Pseudo-Historian David Barton in the Times and on The Daily Show

…1p / 10c Exclusive – David Barton Extended Interview Pt. 1 Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog The Daily Show on Facebook The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Exclusive – David Barton Extended Interview Pt. 1 Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog The Daily Show on Facebook   But the two consistently spoke right past each other. Barton repeatedly relies o…

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LDS Church to be Fined for Late Reports of Prop. 8 Funding

…d those contributions together in a later filing.” According to, an independent research project conceived and led by Mormons, the Church’s non-monetary contributions to the Yes on 8 campaign total $190,000. The $37,000 at issue in the FPPC complaint and the $190,000 documented in-kind LDS donations constitute but a small fraction of the Mormon-affiliated fundraising for the Yes on 8 campaign through the Protect Marriage coalition….

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Bachmann Staffer Likens
Rick Perry to King Saul and Bachmann to anointed
King David

…in full: The three-part video interview of Waldron on the Herman and Sharron Bailey Show talking about his time in prison in Uganda is up at YouTube. As of this morning, Waldron’s websites, (Google cache here) and (Google cache) have been taken down. Waldron’s current project, “Christians Restoring America’s Greatness,” can be viewed here….

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The Theology Behind Alabama Official’s Demand to Flout SCOTUS

…to refuse to comply with Obergefell. In Johnson’s letter, which he tells was not directed exclusively at the governor, but “to all public officials,” he writes: Public officials are ministers of God assigned the duty of punishing the wicked and protecting the righteous. If the public officials decide to officially approve of the acts of the wicked, they must logically not protect the righteous from the wicked. In fact, they must become prot…

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LDS Church Launches New Website Calling for Greater Openness and Understanding on LGBT Issues

…his since 1992.” There is no change in doctrine announced at no revision to the Church’s position that being gay is not sinful although having gay sex is. And the site may miss an opportunity in providing the explicit helps for Mormon parents of gay youth developed by public health researchers working in cooperation with Mormon lay leaders at San Francisco State University’s Family Acceptance project. But with its explicit call…

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Maddow Confronts Author of Ugandan “Kill the Gays” Bill

…y are doing God’s work, even if it means that people will die. What gives me hope is that, unlike homosexuality, bigotry is a learned behavior that can be unlearned. Part 1: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Part 2: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy…

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The Papal Prayer Machine

…ut—one could record their pledge to pray for the pope at, or even mail in an actual paper prayer card—but they presumably would not enjoy the Twitter-specific thrill of imagining that @pontifex himself might note their devotion while scrolling through the papal mentions feed. In any case, the names of all those who pledged to recite a daily prayer written by the supreme chaplain of the Knights of Columbus, Archbishop William…

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Soy Story: Atrocious ‘Reporting’ on Insular Religious Groups

…e soy story is just one example from coverage of the Hasidic world. published a video that deceptively edited a Hasidic Rabbi to give the appearance that he was seeking to cover-up and handle sexual abuse allegations within his community, without involving outside authorities. In reality, the unedited transcript revealed that the rabbi had advocated for “work[ing] together hand in hand with the authorities.” After the unedited transcri…

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