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After Orlando: Love Wins, But When?

…lected. (Never mind the strange psychology of the “lone wolf.”) So the freedom to live without threat and the freedom to own a gun are at odds. Someone will have to win and someone will have to lose. I mean this quite literally. The only way to have meaningful gun control will be to vote people out of office. The popular cry is to have enough moral courage and political will to take guns off the streets. The latter certainly, but I’m not concerned…

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Can I Get Some Birth Control Pills With That Slushie?: Unpacking the Contraceptive Mandate Rollback

…g women and taking away their choices. If you don’t have control over your reproduction, you don’t have control over your life. By chipping away at the ability of a person to decide when/if they become pregnant, Republicans are ensuring a society where everyone won’t be equal, where half the population won’t have the tools to build the best futures for themselves and their families. It’s the reinforcing of patriarchy—plain and simple. PM: Weakenin…

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First Things First: Sexual Equality Just Is

…oing work women have always done. Women and men can now both have equally “cheap sex” thanks to the Pill, but Regnerus concludes that this has come back to bite the very women who thought they were liberated by creating an equality-induced “power imbalance” in the marriage market: there is a surplus of women who want to marry, creating a buyer’s market for men. Pathetic, lonely women like “Nina” are now left out in the cold where they can expect “…

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Trump’s Easter Egg Roll: Inauthentic Christianity in a Bunny Suit

…’s librarians who were outraged at her lackluster delivery and obvious boredom with the story. The internet had a field day. She didn’t even show the pictures! It’s both funny and terribly sad at the same time to watch her rush through the central story of Christianity with a scowl, as if she would quite literally rather be in the briefing room being grilled by CNN’s Jim Acosta But of course Sanders, like the rest of the Trump administration, care…

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Must We Burn Something to Get Attention?: 50 Years After the Catonsville Nine

…up) are affiliated with the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, when Robert Jeffress is the poisonous voice sanctifying the American embassy’s relocation in Israel, when the Vice President of the United States understands Christianity as a “get out of jail free” card used to freely exercise open bigotry, it can seem pretty conclusive that power has prevailed over justice. But consider some other words of Daniel Berrigan’s: “Redeem…

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Must We Burn Something to Get Attention?: 50 Years After the Catonsville Nine

…up) are affiliated with the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, when Robert Jeffress is the poisonous voice sanctifying the American embassy’s relocation in Israel, when the Vice President of the United States understands Christianity as a “get out of jail free” card used to freely exercise open bigotry, it can seem pretty conclusive that power has prevailed over justice. But consider some other words of Daniel Berrigan’s: “Redeem…

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Holding Out for a Hero: New ID Book Aims to Save You From Despair of Evolution

…larly, given how many ways an average protein could be arranged if just randomly assembled from its parts, and given how few of those randomly-assembled variants would actually function, no functional protein could have evolved by random chance. And if a protein—a complex molecule, but just a molecule nonetheless—could not have evolved by chance, then an entity as complex as a cell could certainly not have evolved, let alone an organism. All of th…

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In a Time of Irrational Fear and New Media: The Deadly ‘Dance Plague’ at 500

…efs which proliferate on social media that were mentioned earlier. Christendom itself was on the verge of mutilation, as Martin Luther had initiated his Reformation only nine months earlier, the very world turned upside down. Society itself seemed to mimic the chaos of the medieval Shrovetide, the pre-Lenten season best known for wild Carnival celebrations, the most famous of which in the U.S. is Mardi Gras—which saw the ordination of an “Abbot of…

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‘People You May Know’ Reveals a War on Democracy Being Waged With Big Data

…their film’s reception, and the serious threat that big data manipulation represents to democracy. This interview, which will be presented in two parts, has been edited for length and clarity. Read part II here. Part 1 CS: So, your film covers a complicated topic with a lot of moving parts that can be tricky to follow. What would be your thirty-second elevator pitch summary of what you want viewers to walk away from People You May Know with? CK:…

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I Agree: Critical Race Theory is Indeed Incompatible With Southern Baptist Convention’s ‘Faith and Message’

…he enslavement of Black bodies, located within an empire carved out of the cheap labor and natural resources stolen from the Global South, future seminarians at these six institutions can continue, without any pangs of conscience, to lift their eyes to the heavens in thanksgiving to their white God, who richly blessed them according to the loving mercies God holds for “his” chosen. But woe unto us who lack faithfulness to whiteness and insist on m…

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