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The Endurance Of Christian Reconstructionism

….) Right Wing Watch noted last week that Green’s candidacy is supported by Houston activist Steven Hotze, who believes Green would “vote against a liberal judiciary who will march lock step with Obama on the path to socialism.” Hotze is not an inconsequential player in Texas politics, but he is one who troubled the late conservative insider Robert Novak with his theocratic ambitions. In 2007, Novak devoted a column to how Hotze, who had hosted a f…

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Touch Me, Man, I’m Healed, I’m Straight

…he Mankind Project’s all-male New Warrior Training Adventure, which as the Houston Press reported, includes beating cooked chickens with hammers, naked blindfolded nature walks, and dancing naked around a fire. (Wyler’s bio says he was a staff member at Mankind Project for several years. One of the exercises at JiM involved us saying the words “as a man among men” and then stating a personal affirmation.) In 2007, Throckmorton asked Wyler about an…

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Taking the Economy Back From the Elites: Blessed Are the Organized

…of 2007, I led another seminar for IAF organizers and leaders, this one in Houston, and again went out into various communities to see what contemporary grassroots democracy looks like on the ground. The most important stops on that trip were in New Orleans, 16 months after Katrina, and in the Rio Grande Valley, where I accompanied a team of experienced organizers on a tour of the region where the shantytowns along the Mexican border had been orga…

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How We Got to Super: Grant Morrison’s Visionary Gnosticism

…I dug my comics out of the closet in my early 40s and took them to a local Houston comic book store. At least, I reasoned, I could get a few bucks from these silly childhood fantasies. That was not what happened. The imagination happened. The eventual result, some eight years later, was two books: one on psychical phenomena in the study of religion (Authors of the Impossible); and one on the paranormal and popular culture (Mutants and Mystics). I…

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The Way of the Brother: How Critics Missed the Boat on Tree of Life

…rs’ might be a misnomer in regard to a Terence Malick film, nevertheless a number of details of Tree of Life are revealed in the following essay. —eds.  Since watching Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life a few days ago, I’ve been trailing my daughters: slowly, deliberately, unsure if I’m a cinematographer or a parent. In spite of my lifelong love of cinema (and teaching and publishing on the topic for the past decade plus), I rarely take video of m…

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The View from a Jew at a “Solemn Assembly” Like Rick Perry’s

…rally, I met James Antoine, a 36-year-old Wal-Mart pharmacy employee from Houston, who “told me he spent a week at the Kansas City IHOP, where young people pray around the clock, which he called ‘powerful and life-changing.’” IHOP, he told me, “stirs young people” and “keeps them continuously alert about the end-times. So they can’t be distracted because they’re continuously being bombarded by the preaching of the end-times so it’s continuously o…

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To Pray or Not to Pray

…pport of pastors is nothing new for Perry, who will be humbling himself in Houston just one week before the Ames presidential straw poll in Iowa. Perry has invited other governors “to pray for a historic breakthrough for our country and a renewed sense of moral purpose. We want the presence, power, and person of Christ to fill our nation and turn the hearts of millions to righteousness, peace, and joy in Him.” Perry apparently believes this is the…

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Fundamentalist-Led Texas History Standards Get ‘D’ from Conservative Think Tank

…as. This attack was baseless, inaccurate, biased, and ineffectual. But the Houston Chronicle reports that the institute’s funding comes from many conservatives:  The Fordham Institute also gets funding from the Walton (Wal-Mart) Family Foundation, the William Simon Foundation, The Hoover Institute and other conservative players. “We could be described as right-of-center,” Institute spokeswoman Amy Fagan said. “We support education reform and are d…

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Violence of the Lambs: The Legacy of Anti-Choice Extremist Father Norman Weslin

…DC bio, and does not seem to have eulogized Weslin.) Twenty years later, a number of Weslin’s Atlanta cohort—like Shannon, Dinwiddie and Bray—would become chief supporters of Scott Roeder, the Operation Rescue follower who shot Dr. Tiller at his church in 2009. The 1988 arrestees were housed separately for 40 days, resulting in the creation of an ad-hoc movement school that the prisoners compared to the civil rights schools of Birmingham jails in…

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Atheists Battle for High School Clubs

…ing 18-year-old Brian Lisco, a senior at Stephen Austin High School in the Houston suburbs. The school offered a compromise—call it a Philosophy Club and drop any affiliation with the Secular Student Alliance. He refused. “We atheists are already invisible—we don’t come out. That’s a form of repression in itself. It’s about getting pushed to the margin of our community.” As a Christian lesbian, all I can say is, welcome to the margins, Brian. Marg…

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