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Of Zionism and Anti-Zionism: The Ultra Orthodox and the Settler Movement in Israel

…ey is. As a result, Settler Zionism’s ideology will remain strong, but its case will weaken. The practical component necessary for its wider acceptance may collapse. In the mid-1980s the fate of the Israel government (Labor or Likud) hung in the balance and would be decided by the Haredi parties. Rabbi Eliezer Shach, then the leading voice among Haredim in Israel, addressed the nation in an unprecedented speech. Rav Shach chose to support the Liku…

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Pop-Eye: Meat The Wrestler

…“apocalyptic” film, and Aronofsky shows how the metaphysical and the physical cannot be bifurcated. Such examinations continue, to greater or lesser effect, in Requiem for a Dream (2000) and The Fountain (2006), interrogating the relations of biochemical influences and transcendental experiences. And so it is with the finale of The Wrestler. It is Randy/Robin/the Ram’s final leap that sutures the soul and body together in the film. Meat is who he…

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RDBook: Apocalypse Without God

…egaard, Derrida, and Nietzsche. I take, as you suggest, the particular ethical-political question of water, partly because it’s not often thought of in ethical and political ways, and partly because I don’t think there’s an adequate realization of how critical this issue is. I think water will be the critical issue of the 21st century, even more so than oil. Why? Because there are substitutes for oil, even if they take a while to develop, and ther…

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House GOP Hires Lawyer to Prevent Federal Recognition of Same-Sex Marriage

…gths, and the great expense of a high-power law firm, to try to score some cheap political points on the backs of same-sex couples.” I suppose Boehner can pander to the religious right and continue to defend “traditional” marriage, but I think it’s fair to ask why—when jobless rates continue to hover near 10 percent—which issue may be most important to God: how people arrange their intimate relationships, or how we feed and care for those families…

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Can a Greek Monastery Be Ground Zero of Global Financial Meltdown?

…is also the notorious butt of many jokes in Greece, whose monks are often caustically represented as the very souls of epicurean excess: gourmandes who eat and drink far too well; homoerotically inclined men who enjoy the favors of their many doting pilgrims; spendthrifts who have lately taken to fiddling while Athens burns.  The story of what happened here is a complicated one, beginning in the very different era of Reagan and Thatcher. Greece w…

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Romney Goes to Bat Against Reid in Nevada

…participated in a town hall-style teleconference call in support of Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle, a move some observers believe was designed to overcome concerns among Mormons (who make up 7% of Nevada’s population) about comments by Angle’s pastor deriding the LDS Church as a “kooky” “cult.” More likely, it’s a move by Romney to appear relevant in the context of a Tea Party-infused, mortgage-meltdown-fueled voter backlash in Nevada….

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Note for Today

…ith. I wish I could afford to have one of my sons with me. That would take care of the technicality of the mahram, since they are both adults now, but also, they would give me the intimate company of someone male. It would be nice to have one of my daughters, but then they would not bring something I could not get from myself, as females. The sheer numbers of people leaves me wanting a male so I could form a block against too much jostling. What e…

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Hajj Journal: Tawaf: How I Fell in Love…

…ed at first innocuous. I started smiling and continued to do so whenever I caught sight of the Ka’abah. It became the only thing that mattered, this crude structure established by the Prophet Abraham to commemorate the Oneness and Truth of God. Now, for me, that was all that mattered. Even when a woman to our right said (in English, nonetheless) that my hair was showing, and it was slightly longer than my scarf at certain points; I had no thoughts…

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Sarah Palin and the Politics of Victimization

…r more than once, taking cheap shots at political adversaries (including McCain campaign apparatchiks) and using the annoying, sophomoric reference to the Democratic Party as the “Democrat” Party. But Going Rogue was not unpleasant. The second book in the Sarah Palin œuvre, however, America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag, crosses the line from cute puppy bouncing on his back legs to mangy cur relentlessly humping a visitor’s leg….

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Crowdsourced Catholicism: New iPhone App Lets Users Forgive Sins

…e first person as God. “God forgive me,” writes one penitent, to which the Cardinal of Canada replies, “Okay, I forgive me.”  Online anonymity is most frequently associated with the cruelty of masked trolls, seduction by gender dissimulators, and financial scams. We forget too easily that online facelessness also facilitates the sacred possibilities of the masked ritual, the voting booth, and the therapist’s couch. From their first moments, online…

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