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Doubt v. Predator: A Vatican II Parable

…t things are even more complicated than that, as the story is also an elaborate critique of the way power is wielded in the Church—and the fact that Vatican II managed to change very little. Sister Aloysius is paralyzed by her position, unable to do anything about Father Flynn directly because the Monsignor will protect him. In their final confrontation, Father Flynn reveals this reliance on male hierarchy as he admonishes her: “You have taken vow…

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Pop-Eye: Meat The Wrestler

…ronofsky’s tale is disinvested of tacky teardrops falling from the sky and cheap-trick resurrections. The reason reviewers passed over the religious is not simply, I suspect, because of religious illiteracy, but because of the received wisdom of late-modern culture that continues to dwell on a body-soul dualism, with the soul in power, the body a mere marionette. Several of the religious review sites described Randy’s body in metaphorical terms: R…

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National Association of Evangelicals Supports Immigration Reform, But Elsewhere Discord Reigns

…self to come to the golden land of America. Of course, sometimes people migrate because they want to migrate, and that, too, needs honoring. We might even call the ability to move a basic human right. Whether we see it as an opportunity or a terrible problem, the economy is globalizing. Everyone knows it. Very few understand it. The global horse is already out of the barn, and it is time to take a look at how far behind the law is compared to the…

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Build the Muslim Community Center at Ground Zero

…th respect and hope at its heart. What about forgiveness? It can be such a cheap word. It is obnoxious the way so many people tell other people they need to forgive the wrong done to them. Often those of us who advocate forgiveness don’t know what we are talking about. Then again, there is really no end to the suffering if we can’t forgive. There is no end game. We become hateful, the way our wrongdoers were hateful, and the victory goes to the te…

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Why Taxing the Rich is the Godly Thing

…ervative bloviators like Charles Krauthammer and Amity Schlaes openly celebrate the anti-Obama strike and call it by its right name.   So Sen. Hatch wants to talk about job killing taxation? President Obama should egg him on and then slam him to the mat with the sickening reality of the current capital strike. The hardworking and hard-pressed folks sitting up in the cheap seats would cheer him on—and maybe even think about voting for him again, an…

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Israel’s Immigration Debate: “Where is the Jewish Spirit?”

…on deteriorated with the beginning of the second intifada in fall 2000 and cheap Palestinian labor became increasingly inaccessible due to curfews and roadblocks designed to prevent terrorist attacks. And they came, creating in the process a mosaic of cultural diversity. Most of Israel’s foreign workers (30 percent) came from Thailand but many migrated from the Philippines (18%), and from China (10%), Nepal (6%) and Romania (5%). They were willing…

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Playing Hooky: Will Boycott of Catholic Church Spur Reform?

…ng is a struggle, but a necessary one. But their significance can be exaggerated. When progressives leave their counterparts shape the Church more and more as they like it. Some have tried forming alternative Catholic communities, groups that celebrate their own masses in living rooms and rented halls, sometimes even ordaining their own priests. In the most extreme cases, the result has been marginalization and excommunication. Others have led the…

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Richard Dawkins’ Atheist Academy of Unguided Truth

…“The very sound of the phrase ‘Christian child’ or ‘Muslim child’ should grate like fingernails on a blackboard,” he writes. Whatever one may make of this statement, it has the virtue of being consistent with his idea that what children need is a “Think for Yourself Academy.” Can he really mean this? Does he really think that any child can stand above the fray of competing worldviews and let reason eliminate all but the best, like a cautious cons…

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“Hey You! Anti-Semite!”: A Jewish Krewe does Mardi Gras

…ve; mocking authority. Traditionally, the Jewish holiday of Purim was celebrated by performing parodies of the biblical story of Esther and getting too drunk to be able to tell the good guy from the bad guy. Over time these performances incorporated current events and transgressed social norms with vulgarity, ultimately giving rise to Yiddish comedic theater and modern American Jewish humor. Freud observed distinctive elements of Jewish humor, not…

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Can a Greek Monastery Be Ground Zero of Global Financial Meltdown?

…put all of Greece’s rail passengers into taxicabs.” The public schools operate with surprising inefficiency, with students scoring the lowest numbers in Europe despite having four times as many teachers as Europe’s highest ranked system, in Finland. There are there separate government owned defense corporations. As for Greek health care, it is unclear whether waste or outright theft by state employees is the greater drain on a hopelessly overburd…

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