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Beck & Palin Rake in the 9/11 Cash

…ge’s Dena’iana Center will have to fork over anywhere from $73 for a basic ticket to $255 for a special meet-and-greet. Since these Fox favorites failed to designate how these funds will be spent, here’s a selection of potential charities taken from Charity Navigator’s “Listing of 10 Non-Profits That Make Ebenezer Proud”: * American Association of State Troopers, Association for Disabled Firefighters * California Organization of Police and Sheriff…

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Decoding Rick Warren’s Appreciation for Chick-fil-A

…nally. You cannot possibly ‘hate’ him,” she would insist. “Hate” was a big-ticket word not to be squandered on annoying siblings or corrupt politicians. My mother’s semantic ethics on this point have stayed with me throughout my life, so I’ve never been one to throw around words like “hate,” “hater,” or “hate speech” casually. Words are of course powerful things, filled with the potential for hurt and shame that can linger for years, poisoning sou…

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Nuns on the Bus: 2700 Miles, Nine States, and a Rock Star DC Welcome

…uns, who say that without apology, are not naïve. Their rock-star days are numbered; their work is cut out for them. At the 200th anniversary celebration of the Loretto Community this year, Kim Klein, grassroots fundraiser extraordinaire and a Protestant co-member of Loretto, put her finger on a big reason that relates to why religious communities, which might seem anachronistic to some, are still and increasingly popular. The world does not need…

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Romney: “A Life Balanced Between Fear and Greed”?

…nt with a values-neutral approach to work, livelihood, and the marketplace? Why does religion play an outsized role in the politics of gay marriage and contraception but apparently has no say when it comes to big-ticket items like national spending and economic policy? That profound disconnect certainly did not originate with Romney, but it may in fact be the key to understanding how he would lead and govern….

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HBO’s Game Change Hits, But Sarah Palin Pic Misses Religion

…McCain’s choice opened the door to the teeming masses of lower- and middle-class Republicans who believed in Sarah Palin, rather than party politics. Those masses were given form in the Tea Party, essentially resulting in a takeover of the GOP by the very groups it hoped to exploit for votes: evangelicals, tea partiers, and birthers. Today’s candidates have each taken a page from Palin’s playbook, from prayer rallies to makeovers, while Rick Santo…

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Latest Supporters of Messianic Jews: Duck Dynasty

…th us. Tap your toes with us. And as Phil says, get “HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY.” Ticket prices range from $100 for an individual seat to $10,000 for a “Commander” table. Last year, Robertson’s homophobic remarks to GQ magazine, along with his assertion that blacks were “happy” before the civil rights era, caused a temporary suspension of Duck Dynasty by the A&E network, and an outcry of so-called persecution from the family’s conservative supporters. In…

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Sarah Palin: Obama Wants to Make White People Slaves

…ms to want to do is go back to before those days when we were in different classes based on income, based on color of skin. Why are we allowing our country to move backwards instead of moving forward with that understanding that as our charters of liberty spell out for us, we are all created equally. Palin’s civil war screed was in the middle of a longer segment about the supposed smoking gun video from the late Andrew Breitbart, with then law stu…

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Replacing Godless Hollywood with Bible-Based “Cultural Dominion”

…Congressman Tom Tancredo is running for governor on the Constitution Party ticket, endorsed by conservative blogger and CNN contributor Erick Erickson. Tea party groups are learning about the “biblical basis” of the Constitution from the Constitution Party-related Institute on the Constitution. The younger Phillips travels the country, to conventions and conferences sponsored by Vision Forum and its Reconstructionist allies, and is a renowned spea…

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Women, Religion, and Film: Higher Ground Raises the Stakes

…things spicy in the bedroom, flirts with a police officer to get out of a ticket, and tells Corinne to trust her body, that it will tell her what she needs. The film is unexpectedly funny, and much of the humor happens when the two women are together. It is rare to see a film that presents friendship between women as a powerful source of laughter, resistance, knowledge, and love. So many of the films I see in theaters are written by men for men a…

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Untethering Conscience From Religion: An Interview with Louisa Thomas

…ty—very slightly—as a man who ran for president six times on the socialist ticket between 1928 and 1948, and who inspired a lot of people. But it’s also about his three brothers, Evan Thomas, the conscientious objector my father wrote about, and Ralph and Arthur, who were soldiers. The book is about their family drama during that time, as each decided what his conscience demanded in these extreme circumstances. All of the brothers were deeply invo…

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