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Fear, Guns, and the (Unwinnable) War Against Death: A Letter to My Fellow Americans

…shooting. I spent a full hour, numb with terror, refreshing the news on my phone and waiting to be reassured that the violence had been contained. The (unarmed) door guards at the school’s drop-off line know my daughter’s tricks; how she likes to stall and take her sweet time. And I watch her dance away into the little building where she builds her dreams and plays with her friends every day. I can hold it together until I drive away, but then it…

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Capricology: Tattoos, Blood, Cyber-Dating

…way of evoking homosocial/homoerotic desire, Vergis’ promise that he will buy everything Graystone likes and destroy it, represents a particularly complex interweaving of fear, greed, desire, and ambition. (And once again, we have a let me show you my tats moment! This does seem to be a major kink among Taurans.)   Anthea Butler_____________ Blood is the theme that steps out of this week’s Caprica. Whether it is blood spilled to get ahead (the th…

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“The Slut Assumption”: Myths About Jewelry Reveal Diamonds Aren’t Always A Girl’s Best Friend

…it would make women more thoughtful about letting jewelry—and the men who buy them jewelry—have too much power over them. The younger generation of women nowadays often prefer to buy their own jewelry. . . . Are you hoping to just inform readers? Entertain them? Piss them off? Certainly to inform and entertain! Not really to piss off anyone but De Beers! What alternative title would you give the book? Are Diamonds Always a Girl’s Best Friend? Myt…

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The Missing Element in the Conversation on Christian Nationalism and Freedom: Whiteness

…rs of currently identified white Christian nationalists, shocking as those numbers might be. Christian nationalism and settled ideas about white freedom have always danced together, of course. The formula “free, white, and 21” never needed the word “Christian”—it was implicit among those who used it. And here’s the point: deeply rooted notions about white freedom harden the fist of Christian nationalism by adding an extra degree of impunity, sugge…

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When the Golden Rule is Used to Silence Dissent and Protect the Politically Powerful

…le energy resources. Therefore, ma’am [Ocasio-Cortez], you’re not going to buy off Texans for your green new deal energy pipe dream for $2 million” [my italics]. Ocasio-Cortez did not blame Texas politicians for the straits they’re in. Her pitch has not been “screechy,” as Frank Bruni wrote. Her manner has not been “savage.” She has been living up to the Golden Rule according to Bruni’s advice. But what does she get in return? Lies, slander, conte…

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As Cambodia Erupts in Protest, a Stolen Buddhist Relic Ignites Anger

…rs say that since the theft, few see the point of coming. “I ask people to buy my lotus flowers, incense and candles, but they mock me. They do not know what to buy and pray for, because the relic was stolen,” said a 23-year-old woman who has worked there for years. “We feel so sorry about the loss, but we do not know who stole it. Security has been been tightened ever since the relic vanished. Authorities stationed police and military police at t…

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Ringing in a Christian Nationalist 2019 With an Even Larger Legislative Playbook

…om all of this would just be don’t play on their turf,” Platt said. “Don’t buy into their idea that all religious exemptions enhance religious liberty, and don’t buy into an inherent conflict between religious liberty and civil rights. These exemptions are … actually violating religious liberty.” It’s important to underscore that, although the Christian Right will have its ups and downs politically and electorally, and although their state legisla…

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“Flipping the Script” to Win Gays Back to the Evangelical Church

…p is about so much more. What Roen is denying to himself and to others who buy his script is this deep human fulfillment of knowing and being known so deeply by another human being that being away from for them an extended period of time physically hurts. What two people can share in a deeply intimate and personal relationship is, I believe, as close to divinity as human beings can get. Roen would deny this to LGBT people, but he offers a couple o…

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The Biblical Money Code!

…kes a lot of his one big win, when, late last year, he predicted that Best Buy would jump from $11 a share to $40. Currently Best Buy is trading at around $34—not quite Hyman’s prediction, but still an impressive jump. Beyond that it’s difficult to say, though Hyman seems to have had a lot of success as an investment advisor. He claims to have more than 57,000 subscribers to his “Ultimate Wealth Report” (that’s around $2.68m) and he’s been peddlin…

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“Gospel of Jesus’ Wife” Less Durable Than Sexism Surrounding It

…s he buys: “We are storytellers first, and these items tell a story… We’re buyers of items to tell the story. We pass on more than we buy because it doesn’t fit what we are trying to tell.” There is no trope of the “ugly sister” What about the “ugly sister” metaphor? There is no such trope, Askeland claims. “Ugly” refers to the paleography—the sloppy handwriting on the forged fragment. “Sister” simply refers to “sister” fragments, related texts th…

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