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Debating God: Atheist and Evangelical Face Off at Notre Dame

…r and gave the opening speech. He’s tall, a bit lanky, steady with his eye-contact, and erring on the side of clean-cut. Around here, he’s someone who can get things done and get money out of the administration. Even professors talk about him with a shade of awe. As a freshman he was class president, but then he quit student government for greater things. He also has a visionary streak, and a knack for stringing winged words together into crescend…

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What Caused the Catholic Church Child Sexual Abuse Crisis? Blame the Sixties.

…in abuse cases in the 1960s and 1970s was influenced by social factors in American society generally,” the report continued. “This increase in abusive behavior is consistent with the rise of other types of ‘deviant’ behavior, such as drug use and crime, as well as changes in social behavior, such as an increase in premarital sex and divorce.” The report dismissed the all-male priesthood or priestly celibacy as factors in peaking abuse trends sinc…

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Progressive Faith Leaders Rally to Keep Heat on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

…ear, and the faith communities he represents are fired up and ready to act because the next four weeks are critical to the fate of DADT. He, and the Human Rights Campaign are calling on everyone who wants DADT repealed to contact their US Senators today to urge them to push for repeal before the November election. As Knox insists, “we must not wait on the courts. The Senate must not pass the buck on justice. The time for repeal is now.”…

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Mormons Prepare for WA Marriage Equality Fight

…ged members to vote for the initiative but instructed them not to use ward contact lists for campaigning or to say they were campaigning or voting on behalf of the LDS Church. The letter even specified that the letter itself should not be printed or distributed, only read by the bishop to congregations. It seems like there is a heightened awareness on the part of LDS leaders that members are tracking what’s happening more carefully. SH: Yes. We be…

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Degrees of Separation

…) the library and the office. This means that women need to have access or contact with the men’s side or the main section for many of the functional matters of just being in the mosque, let alone iftar. On the women’s side are classrooms — and these were overflowing with women and children when I came for iftar last Sunday. I can see a kitchen door to the outside when I enter the courtyard and parking lot. It is in between the women’s entrance an…

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Angry Voters, Right-Wing Populism, & Racial Violence: People of Faith Can Help Break the Linkages

…information was so troubling, it convinced one attendee, Ken Stern of the American Jewish Committee, to volunteer to summarize the information, concerns, and a warning of impending violence. Stern presented the report to federal authorities just a few weeks before the Federal Building in Oklahoma City was destroyed. Stern, disheartened by the failure of government officials to act on the information, turned his report into a book, A Force Upon th…

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Presbyterians, Change Hearts & Minds, Begin Ordaining Gays

…l” nature of their work: the campaign’s success relied on person-to-person contact. Peterson says the Covenant Network group in Blackhawk Presbytery set a goal of calling every single commissioner, urging them to come to the meeting and in many cases, offering to meet to talk further. Some presbyteries employed scripts and talking points; others were more informal. “There were a lot of cups of coffee shared,” says Peterson. She noted that whereas…

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‘Culting’: From Waco to Fundamentalist Mormons

…dicated by a CNN/Gallup poll taken in 1993, which found that 73 percent of Americans thought the decision to gas the Branch Davidians was a “responsible” decision, and 93 percent of Americans believed that David Koresh alone was to blame for the deaths. FLDS at Yearning for Zion Ranch While no one has been killed as a result of law enforcement action against the Yearning for Zion ranch last month, authorities again appear to have taken overreachin…

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Teaching Love: Soulforce Takes it to the Quad

…that they plan to visit their campuses, Higgins explains, and that initial contact often opens the door for a conversation between Soulforce and campus thought-leaders once the Equality bus arrives. But not always. “Through e-mail,” Higgins says, “we’ve had students [at other schools] say that they’ve watched us from the library window but they didn’t have the strength to come outside. That’s why sometimes we need to walk on campus even it means b…

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Biblical Battered Wife Syndrome: Christian Women and Domestic Violence

…teaching is profoundly and dangerously wrong,” says Roberts, who tried to contact Saddleback twice after the teachings were publicized in early January, offering them her book’s findings that 1 Corinthians 7:15—a verse commonly interpreted as applying solely to an unbeliever deserting a believing spouse—provides the biblical grounds for abused wives to consider their union nullified. “The key question is not ‘who walked out’ but ‘who caused the s…

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