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How Trump’s Assertion of “Power to Pardon” Tramples the American Sacred

…fense of American civil religion, American Covenant, expands beyond simply freedom to include equality, “national solidarity (‘We, the People, in order to form a more perfect union’), the common good (or ‘general welfare’) and active citizenship,” suggesting that “civic inclusion and recognition should perhaps be added to our national creed as well.” Tyranny isn’t merely the opposite of individual freedom—though it is always that for some citizens…

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Malta Adopts Marriage Equality Over Objections of Catholics and Evangelicals; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…anizations, and individuals from any attempt to curb or obstruct religious freedom or freedom of conscience which are guaranteed by international human rights laws.” Caruana said that although TEAM was aware that marriage equality will not affect religious marriage, it was still concerned about religious rights. “As Christians we believe that according to Biblical teaching, God ordained marriage as a union between one man and one woman for the rea…

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International Protest of Anti-Gay Persecution in Chechnya Grows; more in Global LGBT Recap

…nt and sad passions.” Candidate pledges and victimhood appeals are tactics promoted by the U.S.-based anti-LGBT, Catholic-minded National Organization for Marriage, which wants to play its hand in the French elections, too. Socialist President Francois Hollande signed marriage legislation on May 18, 2013 amid violent clashes and thousands of protesters decrying the scuttling of traditional family values as the fall of Western civilization. In the…

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What Muslim Ban? A Religious Liberty Hearing in the Trump Era

…ant as those measures remain to LGBTQ families, unmarried parents, and women, what was left unsaid during the hearing is of equal import: the religious right may not have a monopoly on the “religious freedom” platform for long, especially if they continue to ignore the new free exercise and establishment clause battles being waged in the courts, legislatures, and streets….

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Irony Watch: Trump’s Travel Ban Violates Religious Freedom Act According to ACLU Lawsuit

…merican citizens or lawful permanent residents, the order infringes on the free religious exercise to which all Americans are guaranteed — and which the Trump-Pence administration claims to value over several other “inalienable rights.” The complaint systematically documents the overwhelming evidence suggesting that the travel ban was indeed intended to discriminate against Muslims, and calls out specific crafters of the order, most notably senior…

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Trump Election Could Threaten LGBT Rights Globally

…on ORAM…. But activists in countries where US support has been critical to promoting LGBT rights say they are afraid more broadly that a Trump victory could tacitly encourage governments with weak commitments to human rights or democracy. “I don’t think he’d be able to hold our leaders accountable or uphold American values abroad,” said Clare Byarugaba, who co-chaired the coalition of groups in Uganda that fought the sweeping Anti-Homosexuality Ac…

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Talking Salsa with Douglas Hofstadter, Enigmatic Author of Gödel, Escher, Bach

…ooks. I had sketched GEB, but I by no means had finished it. I went off to Germany to work on my PhD thesis with my advisor, in the town of Regensburg near Munich. And it was a very lonely time because I didn’t know anyone there. I would turn on the radio and Radio Warsaw would play something at exactly midnight, that would go, “Hello, this is Radio Warsaw calling… Ici Radio Varsovie… This is the time for our nightly Chopin broadcast.” And it was…

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In a Time of Irrational Fear and New Media: The Deadly ‘Dance Plague’ at 500

…omaniacs.” The affliction, Paracelsus noted, was marked by dance that was “free, lewd, impertinent, full of lasciviousness without fear or respite.” Strasbourg had been stricken with the “voluptuous urge to dance.” Consider a smaller outbreak of chorea lasciva, decades later in 1564 at Molenbeek in Flanders, as depicted by the Netherlandish painter Pieter Brueghel. A disquieting scene—at the edges of the painting are two peasant women in bonnet, s…

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Norwegian Catholic Church May Stop Civil Marriages; Global LGBT Recap

…ho compared the advancement of gay rights to the rise of Nazism in pre-war Germany.” The event that weekend featured American religious right figures Eric Metaxas and Jeffery Ventrella, an attorney with the Alliance Defending Freedom. Gay rights leaders have called for the Treasurer to pull out of the event and have warned that the Australian Christian Lobby’s alignment with the US group is a sign it plans to step up its campaign against the LGBTI…

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Muslims for Trump

…ty years ago once explained to me, the reason many Jews did not leave Nazi Germany until they could no longer leave was principally because they thought anti-Semitism would never reach them. Buzzfeed has published two very important articles this week. In “Welcome to America – Now Spy on Your Friends,” Talal Ansari and Siraj Datoo report on a disturbing trend that was, additionally, expressly prohibited by Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez nine ye…

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