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Novak Djokovic, Extraordinary Tennis Player, Ordinary Orthodox Anti-Vaxxer

…, this tension is about a fundamental disagreement over how to engage with Western modernity, arising from a Christian part of the world that has never been wholly Western. It’s a conflict that also highlights Orthodoxy’s ongoing problem with “rogue holy men,” who seem to inevitably take the side of the most difficult and destructive. Again, to be clear, the Orthodox Christian world’s most senior bishops have universally—whatever other disagreemen…

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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Legacy of Eugenics and Racism Can’t Be Ignored

…mong humanity. But first, let’s be clear: before World War II, much of the Western World was, what most of us would now regard as openly racist. Anti-Semitism, anti-blackness, anti-immigration, anti-disability, and misogyny dominated the populations of the United States and Europe. Leaders in science and industry coupled such racism with Darwin’s conception of evolutionary progress to produce horrific decades of enforced eugenic practices. The hel…

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North America Has a Hindu Nationalist Problem, and Scholars are On the Frontlines of These Right-Wing Attacks

…ority within the United States academy, which is dominated by the study of Western traditions and world areas. Many of us spend our days reading languages considered obscure by most Americans (like Persian, Sanskrit, and Urdu), and our battles in the academy usually focus on the urgent need to integrate the study of non-Western cultures, religions, and societies much more significantly into North American education. Yet, even as we attempt to broa…

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Please Stop Using Islam to Critique the Abortion Ban: It Only Excuses the Very Christian, Very White Roots of Anti-Choice Movements

…m like an “anomaly” or “exception” here. America is, after all, a liberal, Western country; we and we alone foreground women’s rights and other liberal democratic principles. Despite all of the hand-wringing about Muslim women’s oppression, Islamic legal perspectives on abortion have historically been quite diverse and nuanced—a fact obscured by Western oversimplifications of “shari`a,” and assumptions about Muslim male chauvinism. Muslim jurists…

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What a Spooky Summer Trend Says About Enchantment in the Late Modern U.S.

…ted nations in the world. If you think this is odd, you’re not alone. Many Western intellectuals and scholars in the middle of the twentieth century expected supernatural belief and religion to decline as modernity rolled on. They were right on one level. Traditional religious affiliation has indeed been declining in the United States over the past couple decades. On the other hand, supernatural beliefs and some forms of spirituality don’t seem to…

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What Passover Taught Me About Being Black

…roup. They believe that enslaved African and Indigenous populations of the western hemisphere are the genealogical descendants of the biblical Israelites. For the sake of space, I won’t go into all the particulars of their doctrine but suffice it to say that what drew me to this group was their iron-clad explanation for the existential and transgenerational suffering of Black and Indigenous people throughout the western hemisphere—or so I believed…

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After Orthodox Priest Suspended for ‘Stop the Steal’ Activity, a Renewed Spotlight on the Orthodox Far-Right

…verts who are fed up with what they see as progressive secularism invading Western Christianity. Certainly, there are more extreme converts than Hodges. Matthew Heimbach, who’s now been excommunicated from the Antiochian Archdiocese, made the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hatewatch list for his association with the Traditionalist Youth Network, and has since been involved with the white supremacist and terrorist organization, the Russian Imperial…

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‘Only Christopher They Acknowledge is Columbus’: The ‘Biblical’ Reason why Replacing Columbus Day is an Uphill Battle

…lf in the “defender” role. Whether he portrays himself as the “defender of western civilization,” “defender of the Christian,” or even his continued defense of white supremacist groups, Trump’s penchant for casting himself as the messianic savior of whiteness allows him to remain beloved by his most ardent supporters and play upon their anxieties over a changing demographic landscape. In other words, Trump has turned the Jay-Z line, “I’m anti-Sant…

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COVID-Denying Father Sergei is Just the Latest Example of the Russian Orthodox Church’s ‘Holy Man’ Problem

…ery turned up no violations of the secular law. It’s understandable that a Western audience would find this story thoroughly bizarre. Peak 2020, if you will. But within the Eastern Christian tradition it’s just not that weird. It is, in fact, quite unsurprising as there’s a long history of renegade holy men within the Eastern Christian world. This tradition is largely unknown in the West, but it’s a practice that is very much alive from the halls…

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State Director of Christian Right Legislative Group, ‘Project Blitz,’ Calls for Lynching of Rep. Ilhan Omar (Updated)

…. and even “America’s Foundation.” A short video produced by the rightwing Western Journal to which Witherington’s Facebook post was responding, claimed that Omar had called for the “complete dismantling of the American way of life.” This false characterization was taken as fact by Witherington who then claimed it was also representative of Islam and incompatible with the Constitution. Omar’s actual quote read (and is even to be heard in The Weste…

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