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No Such Thing as a Great 9/11 Work of Art

…ld have been written close to 2001, but in 2007, after looming failures in Iraq and Afghanistan, a sense of distance, and desire to try to make sense of the changing world, Hamid’s book provided a window we were finally getting ready to look through. While Hamid’s work was very much based on the world of foreign politics and policy, with implications in the domestic space, other authors choose to focus on the American experience. After 9/11 we see…

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New Vatican Document Good News for Poor, Bad News for Tea Party

…he presciently sent a cardinal to tell George W. Bush that an invasion of Iraq would be a “defeat for humanity.” With the release of this document, the right wingers are now running for cover, claiming it is not official. “The pope didn’t say it,” just some little old Vatican group off on a left-wing bender—as if one word of this document (which is pregnant with papal quotations) could slip out of the Vatican by night without the pope’s full bles…

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Shari’ah ≠ Islamic Law: Misunderstanding the Role of Islam in Libya

…and ask why we weren’t as concerned about the Islamic nature of the “new” Iraq and Afghanistan. Omar Ashour speculates on the reason for the mention of Shari’ah, positing that firm references to the role of Islam might have something to do with appeasing the Islamist elements of Libya’s popular revolution. To begin, a brief primer. Shari’ah is not quite Islamic law. It is, rather, “the path to the water,” the sum total of God’s revelation to huma…

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The Many, Not the Few: An Anthem for Occupy

…ket capitalists, lobbyists, political leaders, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the bank bailout, while naming the refusal of party politics and the embrace of social media that makes “occupation” a much bigger ideological and practical strategy than trampling tents at Zuccotti Park or in downtown Oakland even begins to understand. And then, so not for nothing, he manages to sum it up with a catchy refrain (played, he says, some fifty times a…

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Not All Choice is Free

…from death penalty provisions? Why no such tax withholding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? And why is the state bending over backwards to accommodate these religious sentiments about contraception, rather than some others? One explanation might be historical: what a difference a generation makes. After thirty years of hammering away at the need for the secular state to accommodate religious objections to virtually every damn thing it does, t…

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It’s Time to Reconsider Graduation Prayer in Public High Schools

…xpression of meaning possible in American life, which is tantamount to the promotion of a kind of radical individualism. We are supposed to be a political community. Community requires some kind of creed—though not of course necessarily a religious creed. Silence is no substitute for communal expression, but some devotees of separation seem to feel that any communal expression of meaning is too close to religion to be permitted to the government….

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Fight the Power: How to Read, and Re-Read, the Book of Revelation

…vil War, with people on both sides reading it. And in World War II and the Iraq War as well. They read it, as you say, as predicting this means this, or the beast is this. But prophesy, as we know, is a highly interpretative art, and the way this book lives and has lived for two thousand years is by interpretation and reinterpretation. The way this book has lived has to do with the openness of these vivid symbols for John of Patmos—like the headed…

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Muslim Stowaways
on the European
Titanic: “Eurabian” Alarmism 2.0

…hem as painfully necessary. When asked her reaction to half a million dead Iraqi children, Madeleine Albright admitted to the moral difficulty of the situation, but concluded, “The price is worth it.” For every Caldwell who links incidents of Muslim violence together to present a grand narrative of Islamic brutality, there is a Middle Easterner or South Asian who links Iraqi sanctions, Condoleezza Rice’s cruel “birth pangs of a new Middle East,” a…

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When I Have Fears The Middle East May Cease To Be

…kistan struggle with extremism amplified by the roles of a murky military. Iraq and Syria tremble over sect, ethnicity, and identity. Tunisia and Turkey test the boundaries of secularism and faith. Morocco and Jordan contend with traditional monarchy and modern statehood. But as I watch the latest news from Egypt, that the country’s parliament has been dissolved by a Mubarak-era court, I wonder: Has the revolution ended before it began? (Revolutio…

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The 1000-year-old Muslim Perspective on Meat Eating

…o a 10th c. Shi’ah rationalist, philosophical movement based in modern-day Iraq. According to the Institute of Ismaili Studies (IIS), publishers of the most recent translation of the Epistles in English: Besides the filial observance of the teachings of the Qur’an and hadith, the Brethren also reverently appealed to the Torah of Judaism and to the Gospels of Christianity. Moreover, they heeded the legacies of the Stoics and of Pythagoras, Hermes T…

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