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New Book by Olivier Roy Argues that Aggressive Attempts to Christianize the West Actually Hasten Secularism

…ationalists goes beyond exposing the shallow piety of media talking heads. European courts have recently been challenged by Christian nationalists, Muslims, and others to weigh in on cases which seem at first outside their legitimate commissions. Prominent here are blasphemy cases, the most notorious of which concern Salman Rushdie’s Satanic Verses or the Danish cartoons of Muhammed. Problematically, although European courts don’t officially recog…

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The Forgotten History Behind Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim Terrorism

…s the fact that Muslims were as likely to fight for and with Christian-led European militaries as they were against them. The military history of medieval and modern Europe is as much a story of Christian-Muslim cooperation as conflict. For example, in the taifa period of Spanish history from the 11th to the 13th century, when there were several small principalities vying for political control of the Iberian Peninsula, Christians often served in M…

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Enjoy the Kosher Collard Greens, But Understand This: Hebrew Israelites Have Something to Say to the Rest of the Jewish Community

…lee or Judah Touro, from the Colonial period to the 20th century people of European backgrounds discussed our communities extensively. And if one examines that literature, the consistent theme is that our community’s existential connection to slavery’s victims poses a problem for Jews of European ancestry. And why? Because our mere existence is a living prooftext that “mainstream” American Jews did not have the fortitude to address problems of sla…

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The ‘Dreher Affair’ Highlights the Right’s International Networks

…r the international Christian Right, some right-wing US groups have set up European offices that conceal their agenda behind innocuous sounding names, like the European Center for Law and Justice, an offshoot of the American Center for Law and Justice—both founded by televangelist Pat Robertson. The Anti-LGBTQ group Alliance Defending Freedom has set up shop outside the US as well, dubbing its coordinating international body Alliance Defending Fre…

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Hey Hey, Ho Ho White Jesus Has to Go… But The Issue is More Complicated Than You Think

…subjugation. The continued depiction of Jesus as a “white male” of Western European heritage is problematic not only for historical reasons but also for explicit and implicit connections between conceptions of the divine and racial whiteness. For those reasons it would be wise, if not morally just, if Christians of all backgrounds began the important work of removing and replacing depictions of Jesus as a white man with more historically accurate…

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Turn On The News: The Times Has to Make a Choice: It Can’t Laugh at Satanic Claims and Take the Christian Right at Face Value

…thin the pretext of their nonpartisanship. Perhaps it’s asking a lot of a European culture piece to cover this territory. But I can’t help thinking that had this whole controversy taken place in the US context, its shape and content would have been much different. You can bet, for example, that von Hauswolff’s claim that “Catholic integralism won over art, but not over love” would have been “balanced” with a proponent of integralism explaining wh…

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Pope Benedict’s 2006 Islamophobia Controversy Wasn’t an Isolated Incident — Islamophobia is an Integral Part of His Theological Legacy

…lam represents Europe’s threatening, external other. Benedict’s account of European history, as Columbia University’s Joseph A. Massad writes, “recode[s] European forms of despotism as democracy”—for example, portraying the Crusades as struggles for Christian unity against the culture-destroying threat of Islam. As we reflect on Benedict’s life and legacy, it’s crucial to remember that despite his attempt to put out the fire from a single accusati…

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‘Only Christopher They Acknowledge is Columbus’: The ‘Biblical’ Reason why Replacing Columbus Day is an Uphill Battle

…milate into the largely hostile white Protestant society that marginalized European Catholics. By asserting Columbian primacy over America’s origin myth, it allowed for the consolidation of Catholic and Protestant whiteness in the form of a dual myth of national origins. America’s struggle with its national myths is perhaps most conflicted around the two origin myths. The arrival of Columbus in 1492 in the Bahamas and the arrival of the Pilgrims i…

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How Belief in Moscow as ‘The New Rome’ Explains Kirill’s Astonishing Declaration That ‘Russia Has Never Attacked Anyone’

…two decades have increasingly looked westward. Romania is a member of the European Union and NATO. It held the European Council presidency in 2019, a fact still celebrated in the Bucharest airport. If anything, for these western-facing Romanians, like their Greek counterparts, the new Rome isn’t Moscow, but Brussels. Russian claims that the borders of nation-states—most of which are notably less than two-hundred years old—don’t have any significa…

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