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Pastor Declares “Civil War” After Supreme Court Rejects DC Gay Marriage Case

…th Bishop Harry Jackson, who brought the suit seeking to invalidate the 10-month-old same-sex marriage law in the District, accused the Supreme Court of forcing the law “down the church’s throat.” “[W]hat the Supreme Court has set up is the greatest civil war between the church and the gay community,” Evans said. “And let me just state for the record, we don’t want that fight. We love our gay brothers and sisters. But if the Supreme Court is not g…

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The Two Faces of Maryland’s Anti-Equality Campaign

…Although polls have shown marriage equality leading in the polls, Austin Nimocks of the Alliance Defending Freedom (formerly the Alliance Defense Fund) declared, “we will win if the church shows up.” In case anyone was inclined to believe that the event wasn’t political, or that anti-gay organizing is not tied to a larger anti-Obama effort, organizers kicked off with a video from right-wing pastor E.W. Jackson touting his “Exodus” project and dema…

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Religious Right: God Should Kill Health Care Reform to Save America from Herod

…d for Life’s Charmaine Yoest portrayed Planned Parenthood as an evil giant motivated by profit (even though it, like most of the organizations represented on the call, is a non-profit). In keeping with Engle’s Esther theme, and the Herod theme, the health care reform debate was depicted as a sort of pro-choice last stand. Perkins claimed the battle over abortion coverage in health care represented the “last breath and struggle of the pro-abortion…

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Pariah or Charmed Hero: America’s Obsession with Jews and Israel

….T. Press, 1963) We Are All Multiculturalists Now (Harvard U. Press, 1997) Moses and Monotheism (Vintage, 1955) Moses the Egyptian (Harvard U. Press, 1998) Like seventy million other people around the world, I watched the Joe Biden v. Sarah Palin vice presidential debate with some apprehension. I didn’t expect to learn anything new (about the issues or about each candidate), but the debate’s proximity to world events and an ever-expanding financia…

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Revelations from Family of Secrets (an addendum)

…ates, the deck has long been and continues to be, stacked on behalf of big money players, especially those in commodities and natural resources *from gold to oil *and those who finance the extraction of these materials. The defense industry, and the aligned growth of business of “intelligence,” provide muscle. On a lower level is an army of enablers*the campaign functionaries, the PR people, the lawyers. This was the Bush enterprise. The Bushes em…

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Cinema and the Re-Creation of the World

…and hero myths, seeing how fascinating it is that, for instance, Finding Nemo, Shrek, and Princess Mononoke all evoke a quite rigid and classical hero mythical structure. Ultimately, though this may be a book in itself, is a deeper investigation into what some of us have been terming “visual ethics”: The means by which our ways of seeing have ethical implications. Most humans are born with sight but not the ability to see, that is a learned proces…

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True Blood: When Marketing Goes For the Jugular

…cts are endorsed, but from the perspective of a fictional vampire. It is rumored that more of these ads are scheduled to appear in major media outlets. And what is the public response to this? Judging by the posts on Bloodcopy, it would seem to range from mild annoyance to smoldering rage. Several posters state that they are not amused and vow never to watch True Blood. A similar outrage followed Columbia Broadcasting’s adaptation of The War of th…

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By the Way: “Ten Commandments Judge” To Be Alabama’s Next Gov?

…ted a violation of the First Amendment and the workers were preparing to remove the monument, one of the protesters screamed, “Get your hands off my God!” Unless I miss my guess, one of the commandments etched into that monument says something about a graven image. Moore’s refusal to remove the monument, as directed by the court, resulted in his own removal as chief justice. And a martyr was born. Moore traveled around the country addressing relig…

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A Daily Utopia: Creating Our Moral Values Every Day

…ally, and still today, people’s relations with domestic animals have been among the most important dimensions of our lives. The history of different species and their roles in various cultures have received a lot of attention, and there are some great histories out there. There are also some very interesting “popular” works on relations with animals, many of which have great insights and material. However, for the most part the ethical dimensions…

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Is Religion the Only Tool Left for Legal Discrimination?

…st if you live and work in Michigan. That stunning decision is an outlier among current case law, and is likely to be overturned on appeal, says Elizabeth Platt, director of Columbia University School of Law’s Public Rights/Private Conscience Project. Similarly, she points out, a sweeping Mississippi “religious freedom” law that protected certain beliefs about appropriate sexual activity, legal marriage, and gender identity, has been smacked down…

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