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US Bishops Meeting: Pope Who?

…ce, as well as Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia, who has been highly critical of efforts to modernize the church. Newly appointed Chicago Bishop Blase J. Cupich was selected as an alternate. And Cardinal Timothy Dolan, who spent the meeting denying that there was any discord at the recent family synod and blaming any perception of such on the media, was elected to head the Committee on Pro-Life Activities, giving him an elevated platform…

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Vatican Considers ‘Disordered’ Language; HBO Doc on LGBT Persecution in Russia; Nigerian Bishop Shifts on Anti-Gay Law; Arson at ‘Open Mosque’ in South Africa; Global LGBT Recap

…rchbishop Ignatius Kaigama told The Tablet, “If the son is part of the family it is only natural that the family should be together. You cannot exclude a family member from a feast, from a meal. Our arms should be open.” But that is the same Archbishop Kaigama who earlier this year thanked God and praised Nigeria’s president for signing a new anti-gay law, which imposes a 14-year prison sentence for homosexuality, and a 10-year prison sentence for…

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His Own Received Him Not: Jimmy Carter, First Evangelical President

…d when I first started writing about evangelicalism, evangelicals were hardly culturally ascendant, although they were beginning to make a bid for cultural and political power. Jimmy Carter, following his bruising political defeat in 1980, is not generally seen as a victor, although his activities since leaving the White House have burnished his reputation considerably. But I’ve always been drawn to his story, replete as it is with the evangelical…

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At the UN, Conservative Christian Agenda Cloaked in Human Rights Language

…reside in a stable, intact family with a married mother and father, generally exhibit greater well-being in every measurable indicator including physically, socially, emotionally, economically and academically; and that the child shall have the right, as far as possible, to know and be cared for by his or her parents (CRC Art. 7); We call upon States Parties and the United Nations system to discourage sexual relations and childbearing outside of t…

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Let Us Now Praise Wealthy Men? Structural Poverty, Religiously (Re)Considered

…to acknowledge that workers play an important role in production that is only rarely acknowledged in our culture. In many other countries workers and their contributions are much more highly regarded; in some European countries, in fact, worker representatives hold seats on corporate boards, which is one way of acknowledging and honoring the value and wisdom of working people. But working people do much more than make valuable contributions at the…

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Rage Against the New Age Machine: Three Days at the Osho International Meditation Resort

…marched to where the registrar sat with the tousled couple and spoke crisply and clearly, “I need to pay now.” The registrar looked surprised, the couple was startled and the rest of the room went silent. Oshoites do not speak loudly. They speak softly, and address each other as “friend.” No ego and no anger. My loud assertions violated a basic code of the center: rather than transcending my base self, I was wallowing in it. From what I could see…

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Vatican Enlists Allies Against Gay Marriage; Iranian Gays Pushed to Change Gender; And More in This Week’s Global LGBT Recap

…s. The initiative was initiated by an organisation called Alliance for Family, and strongly supported by an American far-right evangelical organisation Alliance Defending Freedom. The Constitutional Court ruled three out of four questions were admissible. One relates to the definition of marriage as a union between a man and a woman, whereas a second seeks to ban adoption of children by “same-sex couples or groups.” A third question that was deeme…

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Circuit Court Rejects Priests for Life Contraception Challenge

…ion to be any part of the government’s plan to make contraception more easily accessible is grounded not only in our respect for conscience and religion, but precisely in our regard for women and their health. The Pill, IUDs and sterilization devices like Essure are harming women every day. So which is it? Is PFL claiming that its religious freedom is being violated by making it complicit, even remotely, in the third-party provision of contracepti…

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Where Are “Religious Liberty” Advocates After Police Raid of Ferguson Church?

…the organization’s president, the Rev. Welton Gaddy, wrote: I find profoundly disturbing and constitutionally unsettling the reports coming out of St. Louis County, Missouri, that police officers have ‘raided’ a local church that opened its doors to aid protestors and provide a place of refuge for fatigued supporters of justice. Religious institutions hold a special status in our nation protected by the First Amendment. No religious body is above…

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