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Watch John Oliver Satirize IRS’ Lack of Church Oversight

In Last Week Tonight with John Oliver’s recent segment on televangelists, Oliver illuminated how these preachers exploit the special tax exemptions granted by the IRS to churches and church based organizations. As churches aren’t required to make their financials available for public view, they can avoid the financial transparency and accountability required of 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. Through the creation of his own “church,” aptly tit…

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Unbeknownst to Richard Dawkins the Feminist Revolution in Islam Has Already Begun

The revolution for women’s rights and equality within Islam began long ago. And it was initiated and is perpetuated by Muslim women themselves. Despite this, renowned atheist and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins recently tweeted: He followed this proclamation with the quotation of multiple verses from Islamic texts related to women garnering the ire of many Muslims, especially man…

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Justice v. Revenge: The Question Beneath the Question of Prison Reform

This article is part of It’s Your Fault, The Cubit’s series on blame in contemporary society. In her contribution to the series, journalist Xarissa Holdaway examines the American prison system and the fragile relationships among rehabilitation, containment, and revenge. For more on blame, read the introductory post or explore the full series. When Louis Dwight died in 1853, the Boston Courier lamented, “we know not who can succeed him; but it is…

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Amazing Grace: Obama Hits a Blue Note in Charleston

If Sunday morning at 11 o’clock is Christian America’s most segregated hour, then “Amazing Grace” might be its most segregated song. To be sure, it is one of very few pieces of music instantly recognized all over the United States, by people of all races and even of different faiths. Sing the first few words in a public place and you can be sure someone around you will join in. You may even find youself leading a spontaneous choir. The same might…

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Anti-Gay Violence Rages in Gambia; Conservative ‘Complementarity’ Confab; Coming Out in Iraq Can Be Death Sentence; Global LGBT Recap

Transgender Day of Remembrance was observed around the world on Thursday to memorialize victims of violence against transgender people. Organizers report that at least 226 trans people were murdered in the past year, which almost certainly under-reports the actual figure. In the US, the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs reported earlier this year that, based on data collected from 13 states and Puerto Rico, almost three-quarters of LGB…

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Trick or….Bible: Christians Coping with Halloween

What are Christians supposed to do with Halloween: a day which has become a cavalcade of non-Christian symbolism: ghosts, witches, black cats, and evil spells? For many, the long-standing answer was to close the curtains, turn off the porch light and stay home. But some Evangelicals have been looking for a different approach. For example, there’s “Jesus Ween,” an attempt by a Canadian pastor to offer a “Christian alternative” to Halloween. The id…

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On MSNBC RD Editor Discusses Trayvon Martin

…RD contributing editor Anthea Butler, who wrote about Trayvon Martin and American Exceptionalism this week, appeared on Melissa Harris Perry’s MSNBC program this morning to talk more about the tragic shooting and its aftermath.  Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy…

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Pussy Riot Members Sentenced to 2 Years for Offending Russian Orthodox Church

This afternoon three of the women behind Russian punk rock collective Pussy Riot were sentenced to two years in prison for “hooliganism motivated by religious hatred,” according to a Reuters report, which includes these words from Judge Marina Syrova as she read the verdict: “The girls’ actions were sacrilegious, blasphemous and broke the church’s rules.” Of course, blasphemy has frequently been equated with hatred of religion against those who’v…

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History Channel’s The Bible Keeps Conservatives (Mostly) Happy and Jesus White

Where have I seen this before? Moses realizing his calling, leading his people, parting the Red Sea (only this time with CGI assistance); Samson, falling for Delilah; King David, marching as to war; Jesus (yet another fine-looking white guy), breathless, sexy, mouthing his beatitudes before suffering on the cross; and much, much more. Admittedly, I had not seen Noah (portrayed here by an actor with a fine Scottish brogue) deliver some of the key…

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Prosperity Gospel and Foreclosure

A headline caught my eye this morning: “Indiana’s Largest Megachurch Faces New Foreclosure Proceedings.” It made me think of Steve Munsey, an Indiana prosperity preacher I watched in a Decatur, Georgia television studio in 2007, pleading for audience members and viewers to give their money to the Trinity Broadcasting Network. As it turns out, the story is about Munsey’s church, Family Christian Center, which claims to have a weekly attendance of…

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