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What Muslim Ban? A Religious Liberty Hearing in the Trump Era

…ainst each other, claiming that the legacy of the Holocaust was preventing Germany from adequately screening out Muslims that “hate Jews,” Representative Steve Cohen—Tennessee’s first Jewish congressperson—called Islamophobia the “latest form of dog-whistle politics” and noted that he himself had received an increased number of “jabs” for his faith in recent months. Thus Trump’s EO on immigration has shed a clear spotlight on what many advocates a…

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Muslims for Trump

…ty years ago once explained to me, the reason many Jews did not leave Nazi Germany until they could no longer leave was principally because they thought anti-Semitism would never reach them. Buzzfeed has published two very important articles this week. In “Welcome to America – Now Spy on Your Friends,” Talal Ansari and Siraj Datoo report on a disturbing trend that was, additionally, expressly prohibited by Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez nine ye…

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What Does Heidegger’s Anti-Semitism Mean for Jewish Philosophy?

…cal theological questions you are grappling with are either from France or Germany rather than America? There are some important American thinkers engaged in this book, although you are correct that the core of the book deals with European thinkers, who wrote in German and French. On the most elemental level, my philosophical training was primarily in what used to be called continental philosophy, and especially in hermeneutics and phenomenology….

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Norwegian Catholic Church May Stop Civil Marriages; Global LGBT Recap

…ho compared the advancement of gay rights to the rise of Nazism in pre-war Germany.” The event that weekend featured American religious right figures Eric Metaxas and Jeffery Ventrella, an attorney with the Alliance Defending Freedom. Gay rights leaders have called for the Treasurer to pull out of the event and have warned that the Australian Christian Lobby’s alignment with the US group is a sign it plans to step up its campaign against the LGBTI…

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Bishop Says Gay Couples Cannot Be Part of Parish Life; Does Rising Evangelical Political Power in Brazil Contribute to Anti-LGBT Violence?; Global LGBT Recap

…final vote tally showed India breaking away from countries such as France, Germany, United Kingdom and many Latin American nations, exposing the fact that New Delhi’s loud proclamations about being an international player didn’t extend to the human rights arena. But India voted in favour of at least two amendments that restricted the scope of the watchdog, betraying what the country’s intention was. Devirupa Mitra at the Wire has more on India bac…

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Refusing the Monsters on Maple Street: A First-Person Commentary from the Mass Hysteria at JFK

…t her go. What I remember most from growing up during the Cold War in West Germany is how it felt to have “No Future” because the US and Russia had overwhelming arsenals of atomic warheads pointed at each other. From my point of view, the world seems safer now in some ways, and so much less safe in others. Still, it is we who must make some decisions about how we deal with such a heightened level of anxiety. Authoritarian forces in governments all…

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Trump Election Could Threaten LGBT Rights Globally

…on ORAM…. But activists in countries where US support has been critical to promoting LGBT rights say they are afraid more broadly that a Trump victory could tacitly encourage governments with weak commitments to human rights or democracy. “I don’t think he’d be able to hold our leaders accountable or uphold American values abroad,” said Clare Byarugaba, who co-chaired the coalition of groups in Uganda that fought the sweeping Anti-Homosexuality Ac…

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International Protest of Anti-Gay Persecution in Chechnya Grows; more in Global LGBT Recap

…nt and sad passions.” Candidate pledges and victimhood appeals are tactics promoted by the U.S.-based anti-LGBT, Catholic-minded National Organization for Marriage, which wants to play its hand in the French elections, too. Socialist President Francois Hollande signed marriage legislation on May 18, 2013 amid violent clashes and thousands of protesters decrying the scuttling of traditional family values as the fall of Western civilization. In the…

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Don’t Overlook Endless War in Rise of ISIS

…orm? In the first half of the twentieth century, countries like Russia and Germany, and the lands in between them, initiated or suffered extremes of war that few countries have thankfully ever experienced, or could conceive of. Iraq might be able to. Just review the last one hundred years of Mesopotamian history. France and Britain had long desired to control the Ottoman Empire’s Levantine territories, Zionists aimed to colonize Palestine, and the…

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London’s ‘Big Gay Iftar’ And More in Global LGBT Recap

…fi Islam and Putinism. The authorities have banned alcohol, enforced dress codes and “moral behavior” for women, supported honor killings and blood feuds, and even closed orphanages as being alien to Chechen culture. Russian police reportedly arrested about 20 protesters in St. Petersburg on May 1. The BBC reported on psychological and religious “cures” that gay people in Russia are being subjected to: Some Russian families turn to religious insti…

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