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The American Right Hasn’t Adopted Children’s Rights — They’ve Redefined and Weaponized Them

…ly matters—the same arguments used against compulsory education laws in the 1800s, against criminalizing child abuse and neglect in the early 1900s, and against federalizing our child protection system in the mid-1900s. The problem is that our society has rejected these arguments. We rejected them because we decided that children are not mere property—of parents, communities, or governments. Children belong to themselves. While children require nu…

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As an African American Who Loves Thanksgiving, Must I Simply Ignore the Historical Suffering of the Wampanoag and Pass the Sweet Potato Pie?

…oncept of double-consciousness, African Americans are composed of “warring” 1619 and 1620 souls that place them simultaneously within the realm of the oppressed and as celebrated participants in the dispossession of Native Americans. Take, for example, the Times’ story about Liberian-Americans’ struggle with the continued observance of Thanksgiving given their own history as descendants of ex-slaves who colonized territory along the coast of West…

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Win For ‘Natural Family’ Crowd at UN Human Rights Council…

…t documents the behind-the-scenes work ADF is doing at the Organization of American States and its Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. The push into Latin America follows earlier expansion of its presence in Europe. Today, ADF is one of the largest conservative legal organizations in the United States, with a budget dwarfing those of sister groups like the Becket Fund and Liberty Counsel. Indeed, one might argue that it is chiefly responsib…

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Will Growing Alliance With Christian Zionists Split the American Jewish Establishment?

…’t think the Bible says anything about democracy” “lobbed a grenade at the American Jewish establishment.” In other words, at the heart of the American Jewish establishment’s pro-Israel cause is a claim to support democratic values in the Jewish state. “By claiming democracy doesn’t matter, Adelson was sabotaging the case for Israel that the American Jewish establishment has been making for decades,” Beinart writes. This is evidence, Beinart argue…

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Russia Expels Gay American Pastor, An Epidemic of Anti-LGBT Violence in Brazil, And More in the Global LGBT Recap

…tradition of accounting for homosexual and homoerotic relationships by the 13th and 14th century Islamic mystical poets Rumi and Hafiz, whose work he was exposed to from an early age.” He quotes a poem by Hafiz, in a translation by Daniel Ladinsky: It happens all the time in heaven, And some day It will begin to happen Again on earth — That men and women who are married, And men and men who are Lovers, And women and women Who give each other Ligh…

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Gays Attacked in Uganda After Mag Publishes Info

…the country on a five-week pilgrimage across the United States to educate Americans on the AHB and the American evangelicals who helped provoke this witch hunt. Rev. Mark Kiyimba is a Unitarian Minister and founder of the Unitarian Church in Kampala, one of the few churches in Uganda that welcomes LGBT people. During his four-day stop in Boise, Idaho, Kiyimba told RD, “I think [Yiga] was among the people who were outed in the newspaper.” Earlier,…

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Don’t Blame Secularism: Reading Blind Spot: When Journalists Don’t Get Religion

…erican knowledge of Central Asian religion puts us, by comparison, at about 1971. Most Americans learn a thing or two about Islam in school in a class called ‘Religion.’ We know it is out there because we read a chapter about it in a book. Maybe we even took a test. But then we just went about our business. The basics about Central Asia are kept in an educational black box, today, similar to the one that contained knowledge of the Soviet Union fro…

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Gun Ownership as Sin—A Strategic, Secular Proposal for Gun Reform

…ously-based reform, one stands out above the others: Through the end of the 19th century, most Americans ascribed social ills to the moral failings of individuals; in short, to the power of sin. That view was shared across the political spectrum, embraced as firmly by reformers—the forerunners of today’s progressives—as by their conservative opponents. Reform movements were, to a large extent, crusades for personal virtue and against sin. Progress…

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Israel Under Bush: The Islamophobia Years

…a liberal, and how increasingly representative his ideology is among Arab Americans. Though he is far better-schooled than most Americans, Khalidi’s intellectual achievements make it difficult to define him by political alliances that require a hostile and unreasonable other, particularly at a time of continued conflict in the Middle East. As long as it can be established that someone like Khalidi is an extremist bent on Israel’s destruction, the…

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Did You Read About Conservative Judaism’s Anti-Black Antisemitic Smearing of Hebrew Israelites? Neither Did I

…nagogues, American Christianity is like a specter haunting the practice of American Judaism. So just as American Christianity has liberalized, so has American Judaism. But what does that mean for Jewish law? Here is a brief list of the “changes” that Conservative Judaism has made to halacha: Driving on the sabbath Mixed gender worship Ordaining women Recognition of same sex marriages and ordination of LGBTQ+ clergy These examples display the varia…

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