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LGBT Rights in the New Egypt

…he state, typified by the Queen Boat trials. She also correctly notes that Arab culture is infused with homoerotic imagery and actions. A scholar like Khaled El-Rouayheb argues that what we now call homosexuality was much more accepted in the pre-modern Islamic period. And Alaa Al-Awany’s wonderful novel The Yacoubian Building shows what an open secret homosexuality is in Egypt.  More importantly, and credit to the interviewer Michelangelo Signori…

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Egyptians Rejecting Religious Leadership, But Not Religion

…t that the ruling National Democratic Party fell, Egypt would turn into an Arab version of Iran — a fear that was repeated many times over the last few days by the right-wing press all over the world. There have been other things said relating to religious figures or organizations that are to be taken with a heavy dose of salt. Some in the Egyptian pro-Mubarak camp argued that Hizbollah from Lebanon were the ones responsible for opening the prison…

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Israel’s Immigration Debate: “Where is the Jewish Spirit?”

…the advent of Eurabia and the imminent demise of European culture. In the United States, meanwhile, a controversial immigration law granting law enforcement officers wider powers to question and arrest suspected illegal aliens was adopted by the state of Arizona. The law, nixed this week by a federal judge, has sparked lively debate. At least one Republican legislator has recommended a change in the 14th Amendment granting US citizenship to anyon…

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No Democracy in Huckabee’s Orientalist Egypt

…inherently different about Egypt—something inherently different about the Arab world. Democracy won’t work there and we should just settle for stability, or so the narrative goes. The late Edward Said labeled this notion of inherent difference between the West and the East/Middle East “Orientalism.” In his groundbreaking study, aptly titled Orientalism, he wrote, “the Orient has helped to define Europe (or the West) as its contrasting image, idea…

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Palin Cries ‘Blood Libel’: Can Words Harm Us?

…a pound of flesh from Antonio, but, as a Zionist, appropriating land from Arabs. The Middle East blood libel has evolved to include charges of Jews drinking Arab blood, serialized television programs about ritual murder, newspaper columns, and cartoons—frequently published with official government approval. Some are Guilty, but All are Responsible Sarah Palin accused her critics of practicing a “blood libel” and closed by stating that “we need Go…

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Paranoia Over Foreigners in Egypt Eclipsed by Cooperation

…e scene of a protest bereft of state authority, the magnitude of which the Arab world has never seen, is remarkably safe. Going across Cairo, on the other hand, if one chooses to go by car, and holds a foreign passport, one is likely to find their way home elongated quite a bit. I had the misfortune of being stuck outside my neighbourhood after curfew, and took a cab to get home – bad idea. Better to walk home, and take an hour or so in the walkin…

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Everything You Think You Know About the Dark Ages is Wrong

…will see here,” he whispered, “is the earliest Latin manuscript to contain Arabic words. The earliest proof of the transmission of Arabic science to the West. Now I will order the manuscript.”  He filled out a form and took it to another desk.   Ten minutes later, the manuscript arrived from the vault. It was a rather thin little book, with a newish leather binding. The parchment was off-white with brown letters, undistinguished. He turned the pag…

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The Right Wing Bible and the Politics of Impotence

…ch of the Western world, I’ve watched the coverage of the uprisings in the Arab world with a mixture of awe and trepidation. Despite lingering questions about Egypt’s leadership, our hearts go out to common people around the world who assert that self-governance is a basic human right—particularly when they do so in a peaceful manner. The people have discovered the ability to see beyond the horizons of their present reality, and have taken a stand…

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King Hearings: Right to Attorney = Enabling Extremism?

…c and political engagement: make your society better. As we’ve seen in the Arab world recently, the “liberty narrative” is not foreign to Muslims, and does not need to be inculcated. Like any skill, it must be developed and nurtured. That holds true for all Americans, not just Muslims. Unfortunately, Jasser’s argument starts falling apart when he gets to specifics, and shows he does not comprehend why people are upset by these hearings. His eviden…

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