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Profiling of Muslims Produced No Terror Leads, NYPD Concedes

…would be of concern, so that’s why it’s important to me.” About 15 million Pakistanis and 60 million Indians speak Urdu. Along with English, it is one of the national languages of Pakistan. The AP investigative reporting team won a Pulitzer Prize earlier this year for its expose of the spying program. Galati also testified that eavesdropping on conversations in Lebanese cafes could be “useful” (even though it wasn’t) because the NYPD “might be abl…

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Muslim Stowaways
on the European
Titanic: “Eurabian” Alarmism 2.0

…ver heard such a thing, nor do I believe theology could adequately explain Pakistan—or any other country for that matter. Even when Caldwell turns to polls to describe Muslims, he does so deceptively and selectively. Muslims’ claims of moderation must be read against, and tempered by, evidences of ongoing sympathy for resistance in places like Chechnya and Kashmir. This, Caldwell thinks, proves a uniquely Muslim taste for violence. Though if you r…

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Lurid Picture of Nigeria’s Muslims in Newsweek

…for the survival of Christian minorities in Muslim-majority countries like Pakistan, Iraq, and Egypt over recent months and years, but not every part of the world where Muslims and Christians live together is the same.        I have lived in West Africa for nearly three decades and in Nigeria for eleven of those years. Hirsi Ali, who has no particular expertise on Nigeria, has painted too lurid a picture of the current Christian-Muslim tensions in…

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In The Daily Beast, Niall Ferguson Says: Bomb Iran

…ed then? Creating an open front, so to speak, a giant security vacuum from Pakistan’s frontier with Kashmir to southern Lebanon. Fantastic. The same extremists who slide in and out of Afghanistan and cause so much damage in that region could then smuggle weapons and material across Iran, through a patchily-governed Iraq, and across an unstable, violent Syria—as is already happening in the aftermath of the redistributive consequences of the Libyan…

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United Nations Affirms the Human Right to Blaspheme

…s not only a clear condemnation of the blasphemy laws of countries such as Pakistan, which despite having ratified the ICCPR in 2008, continues to impose the death sentence for blasphemy and “defiling” the name of Prophet Muhammad. The Comment equally repudiates the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, which has upheld Austrian, British, and Turkish laws against blasphemy and religious insult by invoking a sui generis rig…

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There is No Religious Freedom: A Lesson from a ‘Pastafarian’ Stunt

…ds us what is at stake. Whether it is the Copts of Egypt, the Ahmadiyya of Pakistan, or the unregistered Protestants of China, self-identifying religious minorities can, to varying degrees, suffer the consequences of being deemed inauthentic by decree. During the French debate on the veil, President Sarkozy declared, “The burqa is not a religious sign,” suggesting that women had no religious right to don it. If the ideal of religious freedom means…

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Omar Ahmad: Muslim, American, Cowboy Boot Aficionado (1965–2011)

…hbor.’” Omar was quintessentially American. Born of immigrant parents from Pakistan, he helped to shape the technological world in which we live. He held high-level positions at Grand Central (now Google Voice), Netscape, and Napster. He once said that when the order came to close Napster as a file sharing service, he was the one who had to “pull the plug.” Despite his technological wizardry, he was firmly committed to building his community the o…

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The Drowning of Bin Laden

…bin Laden; in that there is cause for profound spiritual reflection. There is also, I hope, cause to end any confusion of what he and his followers did with what Muslims want and what Islam teaches. I pray we find in his anonymous burial, in the sea south of Pakistan, that at the end, none of the peoples he claimed to be fighting on behalf of wanted him; more than that, to the few grumbling voices out there, President Obama’s framing—and the decis…

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Satire is Religion

…hemy are still used to violate freedom of religious conscience, whether in Pakistan, where members of the persecuted minority Ahmadiyya Muslim community are accused of “defaming the Prophet”; or in Iran, where seven Baha’i leaders have been unjustly imprisoned since 2008 on charges of “warring against God.” Libertarian Theology I don’t mean to compare Matt Stone and Trey Parker to towering reformers and prophets of history or to persecuted religio…

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