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A Shining City: The Occupy Movement and the American Soul

…der dresses and ridiculously high-heeled shoes. They sipped from splits of cheap sparkling wine while their tuxedoed companions swilled the local brew, Budweiser—that, too, a faded American icon, sold off in 2008 to the Belgium-based multinational, InBev. No, of course, these were not the protesters who have begun to appear in more and more American cities, but keepers of the once-stable base of a certain version of the fabled American Dream: wedd…

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On Eve of Sudan Split Clashes Continue

…ater, he was handed over to an Israeli employment agency to be a source of cheap labor in Eilat—the bottom tip of the country, where the Negev meets the Red Sea, and where Sudanese and Eritrean refugees do the service jobs that support the tourism industry. William’s people are no strangers to exploitation. He told me that much of Northern Sudan was built by the Southern Sudanese. To illustrate the system of forced labor practiced in the North, Wi…

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Watching Preachers’ Daughters Right After the Boston Bombings While Teaching a Class on Augustine’s Confessions

…the reductive “purity” rhetoric with something reductive of my own, like a cheap criticism that Christianity is anti-sex and anti-body. Which brings me to Augustine’s Confessions, and specifically, reading Augustine’s Confessions with my Intro Theology class this week. Internet, I love Augustine Confessions. I love, love, love, love Augustine’s Confessions. I love it even when I want to throw it across the room and curse. It’s a complicated love,…

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Can I Get Some Birth Control Pills With That Slushie?: Unpacking the Contraceptive Mandate Rollback

…ul to motivate a certain segment of the electorate. It’s probably more accurate to say that this is a now six-year effort on the part of the religious right—by which I mean both the Catholic and evangelical right—to impose “traditional” or conservative morality. But obviously the Trump administration is more than happy to do their bidding on this issue. SB: Right-wing legal groups like Becket (which represented Little Sisters of the Poor in its ch…

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Strippers versus Church: Cosmic Battle With Civic Consequences

…equest was also denied citing freedom of speech—though a judge limited the number of protestors that could be present to fifteen. So on August 8, George and several of his strippers decided to turn the tables by holding their own protest in front of the church during Sunday morning services. The Foxhole dancers (some of whom complained of sleep deprivation) did not match Pastor Dunfee’s zeal. Rather than bullhorns, they came equipped with lawn cha…

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The Dalai Lama and Muslims

…inding us of that shared connection. Disclosure: Eboo Patel and I have been friends for several years, and IFYC supplied my ticket to this event….

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Fragments of Secular Sanctity

…s of what is going on here. The beleaguered Catholic Church is trying desperately to show itself fully in step with modern values, despite the recent scandals. That is why Galileo was originally rehabilitated by Pope John Paul II in 1992. And in times of economic crisis, any way to create a new pilgrimage site provides a welcome boost to the local economy, whether in Poland or in Tuscany. But the Church is not doing it, this time; a museum of mode…

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The Real (and More Interesting) World Behind Magic in the Moonlight

…em with their seeming opponents, or by framing their stage-shows with elaborately contradictory claims, the point was to represent and reconsider the ambiguities of lives lived well within the bounds of staged theses and antitheses. It was to perform séances or spiritualistic send-ups before crowds similarly primed to look for winks and wires; or to perform “Chung Ling Soo” while knowing full well that audiences saw also “Billy Robinson.” And it w…

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Before Breitbart: How Right Wing Media Transformed American Politics

…nnett of the Gannett Corporation, and William Hearst of the Hearst conglomerate. These men did reach out beyond the pages of their papers to try to influence politics. Gannett, a devoted anti-New Dealer, founded the National Committee to Uphold Constitutional Government in 1937 to counter Roosevelt’s Court-packing plan. In 1940 he launched a quixotic presidential bid. McCormick was heavily involved with the GOP before bolting the party in 1952 and…

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If Hillary Wins Big It Won’t Be a Moral Victory—And That’s a Crying Shame

…Joe Biden impersonation can’t compensate for this defect at the top of the ticket. No number of morally-impassioned surrogates can compensate. We should not forget that a widely-shared yearning for a moral revolution formed the heart of the Sanders movement. We shouldn’t forget that this surge of moral energy surprised the Vermont senator himself, or that it was really a remarkable thing to behold, especially considering the many liabilities of th…

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