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Where Are “Religious Liberty” Advocates After Police Raid of Ferguson Church?

…the organization’s president, the Rev. Welton Gaddy, wrote: I find profoundly disturbing and constitutionally unsettling the reports coming out of St. Louis County, Missouri, that police officers have ‘raided’ a local church that opened its doors to aid protestors and provide a place of refuge for fatigued supporters of justice. Religious institutions hold a special status in our nation protected by the First Amendment. No religious body is above…

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Why Don’t Republicans Want to Allow Pastors to Endorse from Pulpit?

…ould seem to be better off keeping the toothless law that offends a little bit without actually keeping churches out of politics. Especially since removing that offense would only give Walter Jones, Jr. a legislative victory. Which is why, come January 2017, one of the very first things to happen on the very first day of the 115th US congress may well be another version of this bill, destined to disappear into committee, never to be heard from aga…

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Introducing The Cubit, RD’s New Religion & Science Portal

…ou’ll find surprising and provocative perspectives at The Cubit. Why The Cubit? The cubit is an ancient unit of measurement, based on the length between the elbow and the tip of the middle finger. Ancient China, ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire, and other cultures independently made the forearm a standard of measure. And why not? It’s convenient and ubiquitous. When you lift a hammer, it’s already sitting at the end of a cubit. We chose this humble…

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The Battle for the Evangelical Vote

…y blended with patriotism. That’s not to understate, of course, Lane’s likely visible role in the early primary states (and, significantly, in also helping to shape Republican opinion about Israel, which is also sure to be a big campaign issue in 2016). He’s certainly a player, and perhaps even more so because of the support he has received from the American Family Association, which was behind Lane-inspired efforts like The Response (hosted by th…

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Marriage equality comes to Slovenia, continues to spread in Mexico; Civil Union legislation approved in Sicily, debated in Peru; Global LGBT Recap

…oman’s body’ because I’m starting to realise that my body is my body and only I can define it.” Put simply, he isn’t a “man in a woman’s body”; he’s, well, Chris in Chris’s body. Zimbabwe: Activist says anti-gay policies hamper HIV efforts In Zimbabwe, led by the intensely anti-gay Robert Mugabe, a gay-rights activist is warning that the government’s hostility is hampering anti-HIV efforts. Chesterfield Samba, director of Gays and Lesbians of Zimb…

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Freezing Our Way to a Fiery Hell?

…slowly, wising up to the evils of social prejudice. We are even more globally aware in that respect. My wish for a snow day is only local. But a snow day here is connected to warmer polar temperatures that affect everyone. Why don’t I think of the rest of the world when I’m dressing like an Inuit to wait for the bus? I need to turn my eyes to the sky. The world is the one thing we all share and the atmosphere covers us all. Unless we can sustain o…

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Vatican Council on Women Would Be Funny Were it Not So Insulting

…spectrum of ways human beings understand themselves gender wise is completely ignored. Oddly, the first issue raised is plastic surgery, as if the Vatican were gearing up a campaign against it akin to its anti-abortion efforts. Oh, that pesky matter of choice again. There is much to critique about the medicalization/commercialization of women’s bodies that lines the pockets of unscrupulous surgeons. But I would advise this committee to debate the…

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To Get Hebdo Cartoons You Must Get Laïcité

…s ire was directed more against the clergy than against religion: it actually attempted (unsuccessfully) to reinvent religion in France through two civil religions, the Cult of Reason and the Cult of the Supreme Being. During France’s tumultuous nineteenth century, republicans generally endorsed the principles of the Revolution, including anti-clericalism, while monarchists typically embraced the Church, finding it—particularly with regard to its…

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Republican Jewish Coalition Calls Obama Out for “Donors” Mention

…presidential hopeful? That’s donor power. Then, from 2010, there’s the widely disseminated report from Public Campaign described, quite directly by the Huffington Post as one that “raises the question of whether hard-line Cuban Americans will succeed in stifling further changes in U.S.-Cuba relations through their campaign contributions to members of Congress.” Or, if you prefer a good old fashioned book, there’s Esteban Morales Dominguez and Gary…

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The Sisterhood Episode 2: Crying and Twerking

…girls they were heading to their favorite local shrine. Christie is the only one who is truly excited about the prospect. She thinks she might get to have a date with Jesus while she is there. The trip takes the girls not to a sanctuary, but to the “Holy Cow” ice cream shop where all the nuns are lined up outside in their full habits, delighted by their prank. I have to say that the show is starting to hook me. I love everything about the nuns, a…

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