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Is Cardinal Dolan’s Pro-Life Piece More Evidence of Pro-Catholic Bias from RNS Publisher?

After credible allegations that Religion News Service publisher and CEO Tom Gallagher demonstrated favoritism toward the Catholic Church, you might expect RNS to lay low, for a while at least, in its coverage of Catholicism. If you did, I hope you didn’t place any big bets on it. “Staffers tell me that [Tom] Gallagher’s behavior was part of a pattern, with Gallagher repeatedly attempting to influence the site’s coverage of Catholicism,” wrote Sar…

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Jerry Falwell Jr. Is Corrupt, but Liberty U’s Problems Go Far Deeper

Liberty alumni of a certain age remember December 4, 2015. It was a Friday morning and we were sitting in one of our mandatory, thrice-weekly Convocations, where political and prominent Christian guests are invited to speak to the student body. I doubt many of us remember who the guest speaker was that day, just that Jerry Falwell, our university president, addressed us afterward. Two days prior, a duo in San Bernadino, California carried out a m…

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Kavanaugh’s ‘Jesuitical’ Response to ‘Abomination’ of ‘Roe v. Wade’ in 2006

Jesuitical of or relating to Jesuits or Jesuitism. (often lowercase) practicing casuistry or equivocation; using subtle or oversubtle reasoning; crafty; sly; intriguing. – After many years of Jesuit education, I recognize dissembling jesuitical remarks when I hear them. To wit: At a 2006 hearing to name Brett Kavanaugh to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, Senator Chuck Schumer asked now Supreme Court Justice nominee a direct quest…

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The ‘Pro-Family’ Movement Has Little to Say About Family Separation

…ve punishment, not compassion—even, as it turns out, when children are involved. James Dobson, a founder of the pro-family movement, recently stated that he doesn’t “think anyone in the country is comfortable with children being separated from their parents.” But, at least according to their statements (or lack thereof) it looks as though many of his constituents and friends are quite comfortable with children being torn from their parents for the…

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The Religious Origins of Fake News and ‘Alternative Facts’

…rship. This alternative educational and media ecosystem of knowledge was galvanized and mobilized when the Christian Right emerged in the late 1970s to influence the Republican Party. There were two long-term consequences for our fake news world. First, theologically and politically conservative Christians learned to distrust the proclamations of the supposedly neutral media establishment, just as they had grown to suspect the methods and conclusi…

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Louis C.K., Paige Patterson, and the White Male Forgiveness Charade

…within the church and that no outside judges or authorities should be involved. And then, in 2017, the #MeToo movement, initially begun by Tarana Burke in 2006, gained new energy on Twitter and elsewhere. The open secret about Louis C.K. led to the cancellation of a series he was developing and his shunning from the stand-up comedy circuit. Meanwhile, an avalanche of testimonials, demonstrating a penchant for encouraging women to stay in abusive…

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DC Attorney General Goes ‘Religious Freedom’ Route to Investigate Catholic Church

…y, Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring announced that he had opened an investigation into clerical sexual abuse in that state, citing the recent grand jury report in Pennsylvania as his motivation. “We shouldn’t assume the behavior and the problems are limited just to Pennsylvania or to one diocese. If there has been abuse or cover-up in Virginia like there was in Pennsylvania I want to know about it, I want to root it out, and I want to help s…

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Conservative Christians: Think Twice Before Claiming ‘Islam Is Not a Religion’

…ins for their claims that they alone possess the singular path to God or salvation. “The fact is that intolerance is inbuilt into the basic Semitic [religious] approach,” wrote Ram Swarup in Hinduism vis-à-vis Christianity and Islam. Similarly, since at least 2011, the fiery Radha Rajan has been arguing, as she did for, that all Abrahamic religions like Christianity are intent on conquering the world for their jealous God, and are t…

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The Women’s March, Anti-Semitism, and ‘The Jewish Farrakhan’

…ted and repudiated, this is a political positionality that many Jews themselves did not assume when it came to Kahane. Even after Kahane was removed from the Israeli Parliament and deemed a “racist” by the Jewish state, he was invited to speak at Yeshiva University as recently as 1988. And he spoke at Brandeis University in 1990, where I was then a graduate student, only a few days before he was assassinated. I do not criticize those who defended…

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What the Hail: Satanists Got Busy in 2018

…plained about working with Satanists and that the partnership must be dissolved. Later, the YWCA claimed this had been a miscommunication. There were no hard feelings from the chapter, but by then, they had already found another partner for their campaign in “Go with the Flow.” TST-UK collaborated with artist Darren Cullen to subvert a new law in Bavaria requiring all public buildings to be adorned with a cross (in response to an influx of Muslim…

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