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Catholic Bishops Fund Anti-Choice ‘Clinics’ Set to Receive Trump Title X Funding

…ing stripped from four Planned Parenthood affiliates that provide abortion services, will go to seven Obria-affiliated clinics in Southern California. Three of the clinics, those owned directly by Obria, don’t provide any contraceptives, according to USA Today. The Obria website doesn’t list contraception or family planning counseling as a service provided at its clinics. The only publicly available information about contraceptives provided under…

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LGBTQ Methodists on Whether the United Methodist Church Will Ever Affirm LGBTQ People

…inished with church until they both attended a late-night Methodist church service on a whim. They both quickly fell in love with the Methodist tradition. “Methodists have always emphasized the lived reality of faith,” Rebecca tells RD. “Salvation isn’t going to heaven (instead of hell) when you die, like the Baptists taught. It is dedicating your life, here and now, to building a better world….Any faith that is purely about an individual’s relati…

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HuffPo Columnist Tries to Link Darwin to Hitler

…nghoffer a forum for his lies. He wrote originally: Creationists do a poor service to the memory of Holocaust victims by using their deaths in a politically motivated attack against science. David Klinghoffer and his fellow creationists should be ashamed of themselves, and the decision by Huffington Post to give a platform to an organization pushing a tactic rejected by a US federal court judge as “breathtaking inanity” should be strongly criticiz…

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SCOTUS Likely to Support Memorial Cross; Should We Even Care?

If you’re Jewish, your service doesn’t matter. If you’re a Hindu who served, we don’t care. If you’re an atheist—even if you’re a hero like Pat Tillman—your sacrifice means nothing. The Bladensburg cross—which “was re-dedicated in honor and memory of all veterans” decades ago—sends those messages to our military, veterans, and their families. Though some Christians truly do appreciate the problem, conservative Christians are desperate to defend t…

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Celebrate Jesus with Weird Merchandise!

…ration and new beginnings and people coming together—concepts that get lip service during even the most secular Christmas celebrations. Easter is about death and resurrection. It’s the highest holy day of the Christian calendar. That’s not an easy thing to package, which is probably why there’s a such clean break between the bunnies-and-eggs version of Easter, and the church-service version. Merchandisers are wise to define Easter by marshmallow c…

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The Quietly Crumbling Wall of Separation

…nts as unfair impediments to churches participating in the nation’s social-service fabric. Bush and his surrogates contended their efforts were attempts simply to “level the playing field”—their favorite catchphrase—for religious groups that just wanted to help their communities like any other service organization that qualified for government funding. Religious conservatives (along with a handful of moderate and progressive Catholics and evangeli…

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Science, Syphilis, and the Evolution of Ethics

…cience were going on in post-WWII Germany, the United States Public Health Service was intentionally exposing Guatemalans to the bacterium that causes syphilis, so that different therapies for the disease could then be tested on them. First, infected prostitutes were identified and made freely accessible to ‘volunteer’ prisoners for sex. When this didn’t work so well, attempts were made to infect patients in an asylum for the mentally ill, through…

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As Gays More Accepted, Religious Opponents More Vocal

…and issues such as marriage equality, civil unions, adoption, and military service. Overall, support for civil unions has increased 12 points from 45 percent in 2003 to 57 percent in 2009. The support for marriage for gays and lesbians is also gaining support, but more slowly. Thirty percent supported it in 2003, with an 8-point gain by January 2010 to 38 percent. Support has also grown, though not as swiftly, for adoption rights, rising eight poi…

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‘Welcome to the War’: What a Creationist Conference Can Teach us About Evangelical Vaccine Resistance

…, homeschooling and Sunday School curricula, and even its own TV streaming service—is based on the concept that “mainstream” science is fundamentally flawed in its approach to evidence. Secular scientists might claim that they allow observation and replicable experimentation to dictate their conclusions, but Answers in Genesis argues that scientists are deluding themselves about their true “starting point.” Ham famously argues that there are only…

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Spiritual Unplugging, Or What to Do When There is Wifi at the Ashram

…of a priest felt right. I wanted to make the priest’s total commitment to service, especially a service so rooted in wisdom, social justice, and peace. That this commitment entailed celibacy didn’t seem to matter—it was a sacrifice, after all. The vows only legitimated my deeper desire. Until I had a chance to live it out. Something about the politics of living in community coupled with the nobility of the cause—the work of God! – put a sour tast…

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