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Don’t Cry For Me Argentina, Cry For the Catholic Church

…elationship with the military government. It was fairly common among upper class Argentine families to have one son who was a general and one who was a bishop or cardinal, so the lines were thin between church and state.* The Apostolic Nuncio to Argentina at the time, Archbishop Pio Laghi, was rumored to play tennis with the generals who ruled the country, including Admiral Emilio Eduardo Massera of the junta. The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo (wom…

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Debating God: Atheist and Evangelical Face Off at Notre Dame

…. Even professors talk about him with a shade of awe. As a freshman he was class president, but then he quit student government for greater things. He also has a visionary streak, and a knack for stringing winged words together into crescendos. Busy Notre Dame students need this, he says. They live in an “upper-middle-class Catholic Disneyland” and need to be shaken up. “I wouldn’t necessarily call myself an instigator, but—” he says, trailing off…

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Capricology: Week 3: Apotheosis, Anyone?

…our culture, which allow us to talk about contradictory expectations about class, race, gender, generation, sexuality, and especially about power. So, I wonder if we could use the news stories to help figure out what are the fault-lines in the society being constructed on Caprica. We already have hints at ethnic differences (if we can use such terms to refer to contrasting planets), religious differences, and class differences. It is interesting t…

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Meet Arizona’s Even More Anti-Immigrant Bill

…or public benefits that violate federal law and enhances penalties (from a class 2 to a class 1 misdemeanor) for agency employees who fail to report “discovered” violations of federal immigration law;  Limits the types of documents a person can show to prove their identity; Requires the state police training agency, AZ POST, to summarily revoke a peace officer’s ability to serve the public if the officer does not uphold state or constitutional law…

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2012 Film Heralds Progressive Utopia, No Effort Required

…vagueness is a well-worn and pragmatic combination. The former is good for business; the latter will stave off criticisms in 2013. While the movement’s means might seem a bit dubious to those who don’t otherwise rely on the Mayan calendar, its ends are noble. Pinchbeck and others imagine 2012 as an idyllic time of peace, environmental stewardship, and equality. The film asserts that whatever happens in 2012, it will allow things like rooftop farms…

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Angry Voters, Right-Wing Populism, & Racial Violence: People of Faith Can Help Break the Linkages

…t it is much broader than what we faced in the 1980s. It crosses economic, class, race, and geographic boundaries. The challenge we face is that populist sentiment can go either way, toward right-wing regressive and potentially racist forms of populism; or toward a more progressive movement. That’s the dilemma on the table right now.” There’s Something Happening Here We are in the midst of one of the most significant right-wing populist rebellions…

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Meditation is the Multi-Tasker’s Answer

…ly and lead happier lives. On the other hand, capitalist institutions like businesses and corporations are constantly looking for ways to increase productivity and workflow, and “brain optimization” is a great way to get more work for the same pay. In study after study, meditation is getting drawn into both of these goals. Perhaps the lotus position is coming to a training video near you. In related news, I have a business idea for meditation cush…

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The Gutting of ‘Roe’ isn’t About Religion, it’s a Product of White Terror

…ts. Pro-death, anti-abortion public policy and protest are a form of race, class and gender warfare disguised as religious morality crusades to “protect” innocent “babies.” Challenging the abortion-as-“Black genocide” billboard campaign mounted by right wing foundations in 2011, founding reproductive justice activist Loretta Ross said: “We decided to have abortions. We invited Margaret Sanger to place clinics in Black neighborhoods. We are part of…

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Obama’s Pastor and the Politics of Patriotic Treason

…r. Wright’s appeal among interracial, progressive faith communities of all class levels. His excessive rhetoric that transmits unbridled passion, easily identified villains, and visions of divine retribution create a space for emotional release among those outraged by the seemingly ubiquitous nature of injustice. This is particularly true among middle-class African Americans in the south side of Chicago. For those who have played by the social rul…

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Conservative Catholic Elites Oppose Trump… as He Rides Catholic Vote to Victory in Michigan

…ence of Catholic Bishops, which has long had an alliance with Catholic pro-business conservatives and neocons, but, it turns out, not the white working class voters who are supporting Trump. It seems that if you don’t have a job and are watching your community crumble around you from years of economic stagnation, “defending religious freedom” or “rebuilding our marriage culture” as defined by the Catholic right are of little concern. And while Geo…

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