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Did Pence Decline to Wear a Mask Because He’s a ‘Muscular Christian’?

…illed more Americans over a month and a half than all who died fighting in Vietnam over 19 years. It’s the smart thing to do in a health clinic whose patients are recovering from COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus. It’s the smart thing to do for the official second-in-line to the most powerful office in the land. Pence is no dummy. What gives? Some have speculated he doesn’t believe he needs one. As a twice-born conservative Chris…

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High Holidays Watch: Seth Rogen’s Latest Highlights the ‘American Pickle’ of Living with Death

…arly 1970s as the anchor duly reported the number of US soldiers killed in Vietnam. After a while we became numb to the numbers. We bantered during the reportage, or got up to get a drink, either because we couldn’t bear to hear it, or because it became meaningless. Numbers are the entry point to the banality of death. An American Pickle is a film about two people, who are really one person (Seth Rogen plays both roles), the hapless Herschel Green…

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Billy Graham and the Gospel of American Nationalistic Christianity

…ing the country together after the Kent State massacre and the toll of the Vietnam War. Graham led a prayer service on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Graham’s sermon included checking the “stitches” (on the US flag) of racism, poverty and foreign policy. While Graham and others promoted a strong America, part of the audience engaged in an “Honor America Day Smoke-In,” while white nationalists protested for the white man. While Graham would lat…

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The End of My Line: It’s Okay to Embrace The ‘Covid Baby Bust’

…wanted to go. There’s only one column, labeled “Destination.” It includes Vietnam, Peru, Jordan, Sri Lanka, Cuba, and Ireland. My life doesn’t feel long enough to possibly go to all the places I want to go. My body doesn’t even feel big enough to hold all of the longings I feel. I’m confused when people ask me whether I’m lonely. I already feel like a small country. I do admit—especially as I turn 40 this summer—sometimes I still feel haunted by…

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This Veterans Day, the Centennial of the Unknown Soldier, Skip the Platitudes and Talk to a Veteran

…t commemorates the cessation of hostilities, the moment when the armistice between Germany and the Allied Forces officially ended World War I. The war to end all wars was over, and peace, it was hoped, might prevail. And none too soon. The armistice itself went into effect on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. The symbolism was lost on no one. By that point, more than 20 million people had died in a war whose most coherent and compel…

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For Black Buddhists Struggling with Intergenerational Trauma of Slavery, Segregation, and Incarceration, Thich Nhat Hanh’s Teachings are Vital

…orical slavery are still present. Indeed, while there are many differences between forms of Buddhism in the United States, in many ways the practices of Black Buddhists closely mirror the practices of Asian Buddhists, particularly with regards to devotional rituals to venerate ancestors and community. Berry describes how Thay’s commitment to honoring ancestors within a Buddhist practice of deep listening was formative as Berry participated in ritu…

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Prominent Russian Orthodox Church Rejects Pro-Putin Patriarch Kirill, Raising Tensions Within Orthodox World

…ally, the events in Amsterdam highlight the ways that the ongoing conflict between the Patriarchate of Moscow and the Patriarchate of Constantinople is deeply intertwined with geopolitics and now the global Culture Wars. As much as this is a conflict between Russia and the West, it’s also a conflict within Orthodoxy, in which not only the Russian Church but also the Russian state has a stake in keeping people and parishes on its side. As a consequ…

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Why Real Political Power Will Not Come From a Revived Religious Left

…Commissioner for Human Rights. However, there is a fundamental difference between the position of Kairos and the usual idea of the religious left. It isn’t just that a properly crafted moral message will reach the hearts of generally good-natured American believers and turn them into supporters of something like the Poor People’s Campaign. Instead, it needs to be clear that there is no potential for a moral revival in this nation without centerin…

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Will the Taliban Actually Remain Somewhat Moderate This Time?

…down the Embassy gates. The airport was out of commission since the North Vietnamese military had attacked it, and in fact the last American soldiers to lose their lives in the war were defending the airport. After that last helicopter flight not a single person was evacuated by the US military. The “boat people” who fled Vietnam did so on their own. By contrast the Taliban has been remarkably patient. The airport hasn’t been bombarded, and tens…

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Another Manufactured Outrage: Rep. Ilhan Omar Did Nothing Wrong in Listing Hamas, Israel, and U.S. Together

…ion? Should she have clarified that she was not making “a moral comparison between Hamas, the Taliban and the U.S. and Israel,” that she was “in no way equating terrorist organizations with democratic countries with well-established judicial systems”? Perhaps, although arguably this complaint comes far more from some nationalist pride that America (and Israel) are special and good, when in fact the body count from America alone is far greater. Thi…

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