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Hopping on the Meditation Brandwagon: “Heartfulness” Makes Landfall in Los Angeles

…rst. The conference and the materials were free, and there’s nary a dollar sign to be seen for any of their heartfulness services on the website. But for the organization to have the reach and global real estate it apparently possesses, there is certainly a point at which revenue (donation!) is extracted. That combined with the nebulous promise of transformation (if only you connect with a Los Angeles-based trainer!) earned a side-eye or five from…

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Did SCOTUS Just Restore Sanity to Religious Liberty Debate?

…el Alito, who questioned the need for such laws and called it an “ominous” sign for religious liberty: There are strong reasons to doubt whether the regulations were adopted for—or that they actually serve—any legitimate purpose. And there is much evidence that the impetus for the adoption of the regulations was hostility to pharmacists whose religious beliefs regarding abortion and contraception are out of step with prevailing opinion in the Stat…

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In Trump Era, Young Muslims Question Respectability Politics of Mosques

…he also feels a growing sense of frustration with the Muslim community. “I signed that letter because it’s a step forward,” Aly said. “But the letter just focuses on Muslim issues, and at this point, we don’t need to have 400 people sign one letter. We need 400 letters—you know what I mean? We are not one voice, we are not a monolith.” Given the demographics of American Muslims, the most diverse faith community in the nation, it might seem natural…

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Even Amid Controversy, ‘My Soul Still Sings,’ Says UMC’s First Lesbian Bishop

…body of Christ, can’t show that difference is not a bad thing, and it’s a sign of God’s divinity, if we can’t show what it’s like to live in the tension of those differences, and find unity, what hope is there for the rest of the world?” Nevertheless, Oliveto is optimistic about the future of the church that still makes her soul sing. “I really believe there’s a love revolution going on,” she said of the response to her election. Even those who r…

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Why Natural Disasters Were Perfect Timing for Anti-LGBT Nashville Statement

…evangelicals were all too eager to point to that man’s material success as more than enough goodness to overlook his flaws. In fact, as the prosperity gospel teaches us, having material wealth is a sure sign of God’s favor. And losing all of your material wealth in a natural disaster? Well, that’s surely a sign of God’s judgment—so brace yourself for the victim-blaming aftershocks….

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Is “Weak Leadership” to Blame for Catholic Trump Support?

…e Act, paired with opposition to same-sex marriage, that helped convince a significant segment of white Catholics that the Democratic Party is hostile to people of faith. As Mark Silk notes in RNS, the campaign to turn the Catholic Church “into a spiritual doppelgänger of the Republican Party” on the part of both lay and clerical elites from the right has been underway for some time: Despite the Church’s longstanding support for universal health c…

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Teaching Love: Soulforce Takes it to the Quad

…in the college handbook. Does Crook see a connection between the worldview promoted at Central Baptist and the violence and rejection LGBT people often face? “There’s a lot of talk about religious bigotry,” he says. “About Christians hating other people for the way they act. I don’t think that’s true. We don’t hate them—we love them like we love anybody else. We just happen to disagree with them. That gets turned around into they hate us, and it m…

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American Brokenness: A Lament

…rtsmouth, New Hampshire, showed up with a pistol strapped to his leg and a sign calling for the refreshment of the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants. That was a patriotic sentiment in revolutionary times. Now it’s just a vile form of sour grapes. That an election went against the conservative movement does not mean that it was unfair, or undemocratic, or oppressive. In this nation, we stick together—win or lose. But that, I think, leads us…

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Putting the “Protest” Back in Protestant: Reclaiming the Spirit of Resistance

…within the Religion-Industrial Complex (see below), there is absolutely no sign that white evangelicals are ready to switch their allegiance in any significant way to Democratic principles or to Democratic candidates. Unless, of course, Democrats are willing to pander in classic Republican fashion to the particular prejudices of these religious voters. It is particularly dismaying to have to note that white evangelicals these days don’t even seem…

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Is Change Possible? Shifting the Ex-Gay Question

…licting information about whether Schmierer, the board member in question, signed this letter at the time it was sent (reproductions of the letter on numerous websites, including Throckmorton’s, do not include his signature, while the letter currently on the Exodus site does). In March 2010, a year after the initial conference, the organization issued a formal public statement opposing the criminalization of homosexuality in Uganda. In contrast to…

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