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Top 2011 Religion Stories That Weren’t

…Ideas about Religious Liberty The dramatic new push for religious liberty exemptions for faith-connected providers of taxpayer-supported health services underscores the radical way in which understandings of religious liberty have changed in recent years. It’s not that the push for exemptions hasn’t made the news; it’s that no one is writing (at least in the MSM) about the radical nature of the shift. In the past, the social service arms of religi…

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2011’s Best Books—
Or Just a Great Reading List

…ng, mourning, and healing. A delightful read.   2. The Convert: A Tale of Exile and Extremism by Deborah Baker Graywolf Press Her name was Maryam Jameelah, but not originally. She ended up living beside and propagandizing for Mawlana Mawdudi, a rigid and unimaginative Pakistani ideologue, who championed a cold, inelastic Islam. Growing up, I knew of her through various books and pamphlets, all of them passionately, though crudely, cheering Mawdudi…

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Neither Radical Nor Secular: The West Struggles with the New Islamism

…lections, Mohamed Sa’ad al-Katatni responded to fears that his party would promote an exclusivist vision of Egyptian society saying, “Our party is not a religious party, it’s a civil party… that seeks a modern and democratic state, but with an Islamic reference.” In the end, the real story of the revolutions of the Middle East is not one of an “Islamist takeover.” Rather it is the coming of age of a new Islamism that is working to participate in a…

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Cozy Cottage or House on Fire? Thomas Kinkade’s Theo-Aesthetic Legacy

…scape painting became one of the great vehicles. Casper David Friedrich in Germany, Francisco Goya in Spain, and William Blake and JMW Turner in England are among the best known. Across the Atlantic the Hudson River School of Albert Bierstadt, Frederic Church, and Thomas Cole followed their European counterparts as Westward expansion and continental colonization revealed dramatic new visions of nature: the Hudson Valley, the Catskills, the Rockies…

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Today We Pray for Women for Whom Pregnancy is Not Good News …

…he Liberty Counsel proclaimed, was “comparable to the religious leaders in Germany who supported Adolf Hitler.” Of course spirituality already exists in abortion clinics. Kromenaker estimated that over 80% of the women who come to the RRWC grew up going to church. One of five states with only a single abortion provider, North Dakota is primarily Catholic and Lutheran. Even though women might worry that God will never forgive them or that they’ll g…

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What Will Romney Do about Bryan Fischer’s Gloating Over Grenell?

…to children”; and has written “today in America, it is chic in some homosexual circles for individuals to wear replicas of Nazi Germany uniforms, complete with iron crosses, storm trooper outfits, military boots, and even swastikas.” Republican politicians have had many opportunities to declare Fischer out of bounds, or at least put some distance between them. But they have declined to do so, for the most part, except for Romney’s rebuke at VVS….

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Chris Caldwell Sees Muslim Bogeymen. Again.

…ed for xenophobia, he suggests, should instead be praised. Not content to extol Enoch Powell and Marie Le Pen for their ‘insight,’ Caldwell excoriates Dutch, British, and Scandinavian parliamentarians but especially [the recently defeated] President Sarkozy of France for their concessions to ‘diversity.’ So one should not be surprised to learn that the two books he chose to review are Europe’s Angry Muslims: The Revolt of the Second Generation by…

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The Redemptive Power of Jewish Self-Hatred

…sure,” a “smear.” Reitter’s title is slightly misleading—the book doesn’t explain why some Jews hate themselves. Instead he explains the origin of the term. Reitter argues that many historians have wrongly assumed that the term has always been censorious, but careful study reveals that Jewish self-hatred was first put forward for a salutary, even messianic purpose. According to Reitter, the confusion comes about when historians don’t distinguish b…

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When Nazi Comparisons are “Civil”

…rucially important for religious liberty,” adding that the government has expanded so much that it has caused the breakdown of what he calls “civil society” — “the clubs, the political parties, the grassroots organizations, the local government, particularly the church and the family, those are the two most vital.” When they break down, Colson said, “what you have is tyranny.” If calling the government “tyrannical” — particularly in the context of…

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Fox Makes Mockery Of Promise To Rein In Beck’s Anti-Semitism

…collaborator has proliferated on the right ever since. What’s even more inexcusable here is that Fox (and Beck) have been questioned about Beck’s anti-Semitic broadcasts, have promised to end them, yet persist, unabashed. Simon Greer, president and CEO of the Jewish Funds for Justice, issued a statement on Wednesday about how he and other Jewish leaders met with Fox News president Roger Ailes and Beck’s producer, Joel Cheatwood, in July, during wh…

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