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When the ‘Biblical View’ for Evangelicals Was That Life Begins at Birth

…ecades ago. In 1968, Christianity Today, the nation’s leading evangelical magazine, hosted a gathering of evangelical leaders from across the country for a symposium on human procreation. Led by theologian Carl F.H. Henry, participants produced a joint statement representing “the conservative or evangelical position within Protestantism.” While affirming that developing life has some value throughout pregnancy, they were not comfortable assigning…

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From Engravings to Ultrasounds: The Politics of Imaging the Womb

…s at the extraordinary history of imaging the womb. – eds *** In 1751, the anatomist William Hunter obtained the corpse of a woman who had died unexpectedly in her ninth month of pregnancy. Hunter, who would go on to become accoucheur (or, less respectably, man-midwife) to England’s Queen Charlotte, immediately set about dissecting the body, layer by layer. He employed an artist to draw the cadaver as he worked. After this first lucky get, Hunter…

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Russian Orthodox Patriarch Blames Gays For ISIS; ‘Christian Nationalist’ Sworn In As Guatemala’s President; Vatican Resists Civil Unions in Italy; Global LGBT Recap

…al justification for human rights violations: “LGBT people face violence, harassment, unequal treatment, mistreatment by cops, denial of health care, isolation — always in the name of culture,” said Biden as the Huffington Post reported. “I’ve had it up to here with culture. I really mean it.” … A video of the Biden’s remarks the Huffington Post posted online shows the vice president striking the table with his palms as he spoke during the roundta…

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Greek Orthodox Bishop Says Spit on Inhuman Gay Scum: This Week’s LGBT Global Recap

…se.” Israel: Gay Iranian Poet Who Fled to Turkey Seeks to Stay in Israel Isaac Scharf at Associated Press writes about Payam Felii, a gay poet who “fled his native Iran last year because of the persecution he faced over his sexuality.” Feili, who has written nine books, many of them openly discussing homosexuality, escaped to Turkey last year when the Iranian government’s threats against him and his family became unbearable. He is in Israel to see…

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How Are the “Nones” Raising Their Children?

…, so it felt hypocritical to tell her something I didn’t believe. But then again, Christianity had been such a rich and wonderful part of my own childhood, and part of me felt guilty to not provide what my mother had given to me. So I started talking to other non-religious parents—and later, with help from grant funding, to parents all over the country—and realized I was not alone in my predicament. The growth of the Nones has been called the deca…

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Georgetown Poverty Summit Impoverished on Women in More Ways Than One

…l itself—when it came to women. The much-touted panel on which President Obama appeared lacked a single women who was deemed expert enough to discuss solutions for poverty alongside the likes of American Enterprise Institute President Arthur Brooks, Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne, and Harvard University Professor and Bowling Alone author Robert Putnam. This, despite the fact that women constitute the majority of poor Americans: nearly 6 in…

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Do Unmarried Men Not Love Their Kids?

Last Sunday, the New York Times ran a piece noting what it termed “An Odd Couple in the News Business”: the Deseret News, which is owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, had partnered with the Atlantic to produce a four-part series “examining the role of fathers in American families” (See part one, part two, part three, and part four). The series is informative and thoughtful, stressing not only the importance of fathers in chi…

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Vatican, ‘Cool Pope’ Blast UN Link Between Sexual Abuse Scandal and Church Attitudes on Gays, Contraception, Abortion

…h “Cool Pope Francis”—as Gawker dubbed him—is running so high that even a magazine usually devoted to guitar gods and pop princesses devoted nearly 8,000 words to the pontiff.  While that article attempts to determine just how much of an agent for change Francis might actually be, the big question, as commentators like Mary Hunt here on RD have asked in one form or another, is how much headway he can make—or wants to make—on reforming church doctr…

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The Creepy Surveillance of Elf on a Shelf

…rosy-cheeked elf toy that monitors children as Christmas approaches. It is available in light or dark-skinned varieties. Accessories allow families to transform the elf into a boy or girl. The elf emerged from The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition co-authored by mother and daughter, Carol Aebersold and Chanda Bell. The book alone has sold over six million copies since it was released in 2005. For $29.95, parents can purchase the book and toy…

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Who Says The “Partly Jewish” Are Bad For The Jews?

…may also represent a vibrant minority, whether Greek Orthodox, Buddhist, Pagan, Muslim, Hindu, or humanist. Judaism does not get to “win”—to strong-arm or guilt these spouses into giving up their beliefs—based on its traditional underdog status.   In Being Both: Embracing Two Religions in One Interfaith Family, I chronicle a grassroots movement to provide interfaith education for interfaith children. In interfaith family communities in Chicago, N…

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