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Indonesian Clerics Issue Anti-Gay Fatwa; Anti-Civil Union Peruvian Lawmaker Cites Hitler; Is Christianity more ‘un-African’ than Homosexuality?; Global LGBT Recap

…ort published by Heinrich Böll Stiftung, The Green Political Foundation in Germany, Eric Gitari of the National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission reviews LGBT-related legal, political, and cultural developments in Africa in 2014, both pro- and anti-equality, including many stories we have covered here. He ends with a cautionary discussion of what he calls “The elephant in the room.” The international community must be led by the advice and p…

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The Shared Assumption Behind Creationism and Anti-GMO in Europe

…’s very small and marginal. But you don’t have to have a lot of people. In Germany, there are not so many creationists, but they’re widely influential, they’re quite active. They are quite capable of making themselves heard. In the book, one contributor talks about the German state of Hesse, where a minister seemed to defend the teaching of creationism in a pair of state-funded schools. There was also an incident in the Netherlands in 2005. The mi…

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LGBTs in Philippines Reflect on Papal Visit; Francis Meets Trans Man Shunned by Parish; French Group Turns ‘Bar of Sodom’ into ‘Pub of Mercy’; Global LGBT Recap

…women bishops in the U.S., New Zeland, South Africa, Ireland, Sweden, and Germany. The consecration of Lane could exacerbate divisions in the Anglican Communion, as did the ordination by the Episcopal Church in the U.S. of an openly gay Bishop, Gene Robinson. (Anglican Mainstream, “an information resource for orthodox Anglicans,” featured on its website this week an article by Joseph Nicolosi, champion of “reparative therapy.”) In a related note,…

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Religion Was Not the Reason for the Paris Attacks

…oons in Charlie Hebdo are analogous to the ethnic cartoons of Jews in Nazi Germany, or the bespeckled buck-toothed drawings of Japanese in American World War II posters. These images demean a whole race or culture, in the case of Muslims. Algerian Muslims in France already feel demeaned, and for many the cartoons were the last straw. But no matter the keenly-felt injury of satire there is nothing, as so many have said this week, that could justify…

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Torture Denial: U.S. Flunks the Religious Acid Test

…eir lives. Spiritual maturity allows individual persons and whole nations (Germany and South Africa, most notably) to pass through a necessary process of self-examination and repentance. Repentance first and foremost requires acknowledgement of the realities of the misdeeds; it requires honest self-examination. Today’s spate of denials, the “many misgivings” responses coming from the liberals, and the bitter attacks on the credibility of the Tortu…

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Win For ‘Natural Family’ Crowd at UN Human Rights Council…

…awaiting trial, for a rainbow-themed paint job that the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Vice charged was promoting “emblems of homosexuality.” Taiwan: Marchers hope for marriage equality in near future Reuters reported that on July 11, “[t]housands of gay rights supporters marched through Taipei…months ahead of elections that are likely to usher in a pro-gay party and could make Taiwan the first place in Asia to legalize same-sex marria…

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It’s The Apocalypse, Stupid: Understanding Christian Opposition to Obamacare, Civil Rights, New Deal and More

…with Sutton at the Heidelberg Center for American Studies, in Heidelberg, Germany. Why write about evangelical Christian apocalypticism? The question that initially sparked this research was why were fundamentalists and their evangelical heirs skeptical of the state? Why were and are they critical of the federal government? I started thinking about this in the context of the health care debates over the last decade. Why were so many Christians so…

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At the UN, Conservative Christian Agenda Cloaked in Human Rights Language

…use. Slater’s Family Watch International (FWI) has been deeply involved in promoting abstinence-and fidelity-only initiatives in Uganda and has praised Nigeria—where same-sex couples can face up to 14 years in prison or stoning at the hands of Sharia courts—as “a strong role model” for other regional governments “on how to hold on to their family values despite intense international pressure.” The Human Rights Campaign has reported that FWI’s annu…

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South Asian Religious Leaders Challenged to Take on Stigma and Discrimination: Global LGBT Recap

…try ratings here. Dominican Republic: Govt Commission Bans Miley Cyrus For Promoting Lesbian Sex We have reported previously on some religious leaders’ resistance to James “Wally” Brewster, the openly gay US ambassador to the Dominican Republic. Last week, Blabbeando reported, “The National Commission for Public Performances in the Dominican Republic announced today that they were banning a September 13th Miley Cyrus concert for, among other thing…

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In Tea Party Senate Candidate’s Dissertation, A Nostalgia for a Populist Christian Nation

…l faithful countrymen ‘to remember that when Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany, his first move toward world conquest was the expulsion of religion from the schools.” Becker’s machinations have been largely lost to history, since historians of the period, to Sasse’s dismay, have focused more on the Vietnam War and Civil Rights Movement than on religion. But as Sasse’s narrative proceeds, it becomes clear that despite failing to amend the Consti…

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