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We’ve Finally Begun to Confront White Christian Nationalism; But What About Its Source Text?

…lonialism, and genocide against Israel’s enemies. Warrior was also among a number of scholars who emphasized that African Americans were not the only Americans to identify with the Israelites. White European settlers had also adopted the Israelite Exodus narrative as they understood themselves as God’s chosen people who had a right to claim their promised land of America at the costly expense of the original inhabitants. Based on the Christian wit…

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For Black Buddhists Struggling with Intergenerational Trauma of Slavery, Segregation, and Incarceration, Thich Nhat Hanh’s Teachings are Vital

…hay’s teachings known to Black people has evolved from his own journeys to Southern plantations in Virginia and the Deep South. Berry speaks of how his commitment to ancestral practices grew during a retreat with Thay, in particular during a “Touching the Earth” ceremony. Berry says: “I resonated with bringing in all of these folks that were my family, historical people, including abolitionists, suffragists, and spiritual ancestors.” For many year…

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Donald Trump visits a black church. It goes about as well as you would expect.

…stage. One black woman, Reneta Richard, yelled at him “What do you mean, ‘African-Americans have nothing to lose?’” repeating back to Trump his recent call for African-Americans to turn their back on Democrats and vote for him. Some people say this demonstrates how Flint fights back against Trump, but no, I don’t think so. It was less a confrontation than a event that went sideways. It really did seem like Trump wasn’t feeling well, and he doesn’…

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The Right Questions Kamala Harris’ Blackness — Yet as Long as She Holds Any Power She’ll Always Be Too Black for Them

…is not a descendant of chattel slavery in the US and isn’t a generational African American. An interesting question would be to discuss what scares the US so much about a candidate who is a generational African American. And yes, there’s a valid critique of how her own upbringing and privilege shaped her life and career. Perhaps there’s a watering down and “Whitening” of herself that, at times, has erased her connection to Blackness. Did she aspi…

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Ebola and Us: The American Roots of Liberia’s Trauma

…rn New York State.) Apart from some fastidious Yankees, most supporters of African colonization had few misgivings about the rightness of chattel slavery. Their ranks numbered legendary compromiser Henry Clay of Kentucky and planter-statesmen John Randolph and Richard Bland Lee of Virginia. Liberia’s capital, Monrovia, was so named in 1824 to honor another slavery-supporting Southerner who happened to occupy the White House at the time: President…

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True Detective’s Occult Conspiracy

…director Cary Joji Fukunaga’s level of cultural sensitivity by his casting choices, but I couldn’t help noticing that the pastor was played by Clarke Peters, best known for his role as Big Chief Albert Lambreaux on Treme (perhaps the most respected avatar of Louisiana’s African-American cultural heritage ever depicted on TV). If that choice is any indication, the lines between “occult,” “Christian,” “African-American,” “Cajun,” “voodoo,” “Santeria…

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Is Africa the Most Homophobic Continent?

…ls to articulate the self-determination demonstrated on the part of LGBTQI Africans as proof against an imagined Africa where all people think negatively about queer and trans people. Even in Uganda, on the very day of the passing of the anti-homosexuality bill, queer and trans Ugandans, and their allies, are asserting their disapproval through a global media campaign aptly titled, #IAmGoingNowhere.   That there are those placing their lives on th…

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Global LGBT Recap

…e independent thought. If anything, the struggle for gay rights in so many African countries today tells us about a continent still battling the demons of colonialism, a continent that is still in the process of negotiating an identity – as articulated, again, through the lens of the colonial master. Among the greatest challenges many African democracies face today are the continued existence of one-party states and the lack of strong civil instit…

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80 Million Anglicans Can’t Be Wrong—Or Can They?

…n Welby any closer to ethnic, political, social, or theological type? Yes, African, Asian, and Latin American Christians are more conservative than are their Western sisters and brothers in the Church. But, as women speak more openly and clearly in the aftermath of the Arab Spring, and as LGBT people in places like Rwanda and Nigeria continue to risk their lives to honor their createdness in the image and likeness of God, this conservative orienta…

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A New Goal for Anti-Choice Activists: Targeting “Sex-Selective” Abortion

…mony about PRENDA as an anti-woman wolf in pro-woman sheep’s clothing by a number of advocates. This from Miriam W. Yeung, Executive Director of the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum: PRENDA pretends to speak the language of women’s equality, but, unfortunately, the voting records of its supporters do not strengthen civil rights, women’s rights, or the rights of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. For example, this year alone, spons…

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