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The End (of Religion) is Near, Scientists Say

…religious affiliation in nine countries: Australia, Austria, Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand and Switzerland. Turns out, every case of self-reported religious affiliation is trending downward: 40% self-identify as religiously non-affiliated in the Netherlands, as do 60% in the Czech Republic. The mathematicians seem far more surprised by these numbers than most religionists would be. The first and most obvious re…

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The Blasphemy of ISIS: A 7-Point Pro-Guide to Islam(ism)

…ersation. Far from it. As a postscript, Iran and Pakistan are both Islamic Republics. The latter is a parliamentary democracy, whereas the former is, well, a constitutional… theocracy, for lack of a better term. So what then is an Islamic Republic? 4. Islamic law Not Shariah. Confusion of the two is rampant and unfortunate. Islamic law is an interpretation of Shariah; while various interpretations may be authoritative, and may find widespread acce…

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The Holocaust and 9/11 Museums: A Tale of Two Controversial Films

…Versailles, hyperinflation, fears of communism, the failings of the Weimar Republic, effects of industrialism, and changing societal mores. “The Rise of Al-Qaeda,” on the other hand, begins with a short, context-free definition of “groups known as Islamists,” burns through an array of undefined and inconsistent religious terminology, and ends with the blunt statement that Al-Qaeda seeks a sinister-sounding “rule of Islamic law.” The 9/11 Museum, i…

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A collage of a Bible, Valdimir Putin, and the Kremlin and an outline of Russia

Putin’s ‘Year of the Family’ Declaration Blends Russian Nationalism with the Far-Right Rhetoric of the Global Pro-Family Movement

…rud, “Blurring the Boundary,” 250. [20] When annexing the Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic from Ukraine, for example, Putin cited “restoring our historical unity” as one of Russia’s justifications for invading Ukraine. In that speech, like many others, he placed emphasis on Russia and Ukraine’s shared history, Orthodox faith, and linguistic and cultural similarities. See Team of the Official Website of the President of Russi…

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How Would Religion Respond to Extraterrestrials? A Thought Experiment

…scovery magnifies our understanding of creation. Citizens of the Christian Republic of Texas have taken the broadcast as a sign of the long-overdue apocalypse. Meanwhile, the Head Dawkins of the English Secular Atheist Community has announced that the “…discovery of alien life once-and-for-all disproves the idea of a creator god.” But Christians are left wondering whether the papal encyclical will explain how the crucifixion of Christ redeemed the…

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US Offers Help For Investigation of Bangladesh Killings

…the United States, which they want to impose “the new Moral Agenda” which promotes abortion, marriage between lesbians, gays and transsexuals. The president and director of the Christian Action Group spoke on a panel addressing “The new global agenda and its implications in the Dominican Republic.” They warned that international institutions like the Organization for American States and United Nations are pushing an agenda that would “destroy the…

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Texas Textbook Massacre

…s be able to “examine the reasons the Founding Fathers protected religious freedom in America by barring government from promoting or disfavoring any particular religion over all others,” was rejected by religious conservatives. 3. The Enlightenment Ends Here: Board members voted to remove Thomas Jefferson from a world history standard about the influence of Enlightenment thinkers on political revolutions from the 1700s to today. Instead, they rep…

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Gun Owners of America Celebrates Defeat of Gun Control Amendments

…of bright ideas like we don’t want guns around children, so let’s have gun-free school zones. Do you know where most of the mass murders have occurred in the United States? In gun-free zones. There’s an exception or two but typically it’s where the bad guy has reason to think he’ll have a monopoly of force. It has to be one of the most stupid laws on the books, and yet we’ve had so much inertia because we don’t want guns around children especially…

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Is Christianity Simply About God Entering the Uterus of a Jewish Virgin?

…m Richard Dawkins encouraging the recipient of the mailing to subscribe to Free Inquiry: Dear Friend, If you live in America, the chances are good that your next door neighbours believe the following: the Inventor of the laws of physics and Programmer of the DNA code decided to enter the uterus of a Jewish virgin, got himself born, then deliberately had himself tortured and executed because he couldn’t think of a better way to forgive the theft of…

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Two people on a podium with a board that reads "Project 2025 kills democracy"

Project 2025: How Trump Loyalists and Right-Wing Leaders Are Paving a Fast Road to Fascism

…who “purvey” it to be classified as sex offenders.[58] It turns out that “freedom” for Project 2025 activists is only freedom to live in alignment with their religious worldview: “When the Founders spoke of ‘pursuit of Happiness,’ what they meant might be understood today as in essence ‘pursuit of Blessedness,’” the report declares, adding, “That is, an individual must be free to live as his Creator ordained—to flourish. Our Constitution grants e…

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