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You Fix This Mess: Post-Election, Evangelicals of Color Disappointed in White Evangelicals

…about women, were simply disqualifying. Aaron Cho, an associate pastor at Seattle’s Quest Church, works in a vibrant multiethnic, multiracial congregation that, he says, embraces women in leadership positions, affirms refugees, and embraces racial reconciliation. “These are all core convictions that we have had for years” he tells RD. “It was really hard to navigate seeing his platform getting so much support when it is contrary to the message of…

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Denying Darwin: Another Peculiar American Institution

…battles over religion and science. Fundamentalist Fervor According to Ron Numbers, in his book The Creationists: From Scientific Creationism to Intelligent Design, the rise of Christian fundamentalism in America didn’t really start in earnest until the early 1900s. For the most part, Christians were not biblical literalists and accepted science—including the ideas that the earth was very old and that living creatures changed through time. A typic…

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Single Greatest Idea Ever: On the 150th Anniversary of Darwin’s Origin of Species

…ce between the Kitzmiller trial and what we’e witnessing today is that the Seattle-based Discovery Institute (intelligent design’s chief champion) at least pretended it had developed a legitimate scientific theory—even though, to this day, there remains not one peer reviewed-scientific paper on the concept and no one has produced any research into its legitimacy. Brown University cellular biologist Ken Miller writes in Only a Theory that at the he…

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A Church Group, a Lawsuit, and a Culture of Abuse

…Mohler, president of the country’s largest Southern Baptist seminary, and Seattle’s “cussing pastor,” Mark Driscoll. Harris and Mahaney are also board members of influential, staunchly conservative organizations like The Gospel Coalition and the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. Alongside these powerful partnerships has come strife. In its short history, SGM has been shaken by several high-profile departures and church splits. Co-founder…

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Creationism and Global Warming Denial: Anti-Science’s Kissing Cousins?

…about “both sides” of controversial issues—most notably on evolution. The Seattle-based, pro-intelligent design Discovery Institute is behind efforts to introduce many of these bills and has proposed sample legislation for lawmakers to follow. Since the Louisiana bill was passed (making it the only state to have actually passed an academic freedom bill into law), proposed bills have included global warming and human cloning on the list of “contro…

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LDS Church-Owned Radio Station Stands By Rush Limbaugh

…f insurance coverage for contraceptive medications. But not KTTH 770 AM in Seattle, Washington; a station owned and operated by Bonneville Communications, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As protests mounted Monday, a KTTH spokesperson defended Limbaugh, using a boilerplate statement from his syndicator, Premiere Radio Networks: AM 770 The Truth is committed to providing its listeners with access to a b…

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Court Rules Against Texas Education Employee Forced To Resign Over Forwarded Email

…ess, who testified about the Wedge Document, an internal memo in which the Seattle-based Discovery Institute, the nation’s leading proponent of intelligent design, outlined a public-relations strategy to destroy “scientific materialism” and affirm the idea that human beings are created in the image of God. After Comer forwarded the email, Lizzette Reynolds, a TEA hire who had worked as an advisor to Gov. George W. Bush, recommended that Comer be f…

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Anti-Science Bill Passes Tennessee House

…oning.” The bill’s language is based on sample legislation proposed by the Seattle-based Discovery Institute, an organization that promotes intelligent design. The Senate version is scheduled for the Senate Education Committee on April 20. In March, the Sensuous Curmudgeon predicted that of the record number of creationist bills that have been introduced in states across the country, the Tennessee bill would be the one to become law. So far, he’s…

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Scopes Redux DOA Pending Expert Input

…ould include, “Biological evolution, the chemical origins of life, global warming, and human cloning.” Scientists say the wording is a ploy to sneak creationism into science class. Once again, the bill’s language is based on sample legislation proposed by the Seattle-based Discovery Institute. The bill is not yet officially dead, however. According to the Sentinel, “the Senate Education Committee wound up adjourning Wednesday night with some other…

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Melissa Harris-Perry: LGBT Advocates Need Public Progressive Faith

…d a room with Stokely Carmichael. By the time her mother and father met in Seattle in the early 1970s, each had become a parent and had been divorced. After they had Melissa, they moved their blended family and children—white, black, and mixed-race—to Virginia in the immediate aftermath of the civil rights movement. “In that context you had to be Unitarian Universalist,” she said to knowing laughter.  Raised among secular, humanist UUs, Harris-Per…

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