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Rumors of the Suicide of the Liberal Church Are Exaggerated: A Response to Chris Hedges

…ual number of people as they have attracted—and meanwhile there has been a net loss of wealthy donors and elite allies. One might expect Hedges to approach this as a trade-off. Indeed it is a sort of tradeoff for him—“a heads you win, tails we lose” variant between selling out and abandoning ship. It is unclear how invested Hedges is in the survival of liberal institutions—but either way, it’s hard to see how his intervention is constructive. He p…

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The Religious Right: Still Not Dead

…based tools for both targeted electoral outreach as well as casting a wide net. They’ve been used by many conservative and Christian Right organizations in recent election cycles, including the American Family Association, Family Research Council, Citizen Link (the national political arm of Focus on the Family), Vision America, and Ralph Reed’s Faith and Freedom Coalition. Indeed, the Christian Right didn’t die in 2007 with Jerry Falwell, whose Mo…

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Among the Problems with Trump’s Proposed Ban: Who is a Muslim?

…nt should never be in the business of sweeping up people based on their religious identity in any case, but it becomes even more problematic when we have little sense of how wide the net could be. * * * Also on The Cubit: Reading Sam Harris in the age of Trump Follow The Cubit, RD’s religion-and-science portal, @TheCubit…

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Holey Holey Holey: The Problem with a New Study Valuing Religion at $1.2 Trillion Per Year

…s educational institutions, charities, media organizations, and healthcare networks, and adds that to the multibillion dollar kosher and halal foods industry and to an estimate of the total revenue of American religious congregations. To get that final number, the Grims took one estimate of the total number of congregations in America (344,894) and multiplied it by another estimate of the average revenue of each ($242,910). Depending on how you lo…

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Is the Rise of “Nones” Actually the Decline of Catholics?

…s, which saw a 4.5-point loss, while white evangelical denominations saw a net drop of only 2.2 points, largely because they have both a lower rate of disaffiliation and a fairly robust rate of new adherents. Meanwhile, the faith of no faith saw a nearly 16 percentage point increase. According to PPRI’s Director of Research, Daniel Cox, 36% of all those who left their childhood religion were Catholic. This means that Catholics are punching above t…

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Going Negative: Traditionalist Churches Gang Up on ‘Progressive Christianity’ in Arizona

…ation seems to be growing ever more polarized along ideological lines. The net effect is roughly analogous to when campaign ads go negative: the base is kept strong and in line, but the majority of people say “to hell with the both of you, I’m staying home.” The only discernible difference between the civil declension is that one takes place on a Tuesday and the other on a Sunday. It may work often enough for political campaigns, but I can’t recom…

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Data-Mining Denominations: Same-Sex Marriage Edition

…other hand, really, really dislike same-sex marriage, as do evangelical members of the Churches of Christ or Disciples of Christ. Interestingly enough, Orthodox Christians—a tradition hardly known for its liberalism—hover around Hindus, both in size and net approval. My unscientific guess? We’ll probably see both pros and cons continue to move in their respective directions, with precious little left in the middle. And of course, that big blue bal…

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David Brat: Catholic, Calvinist, and Libertarian, Oh My!

…the responsibility of the family and the church and any government safety net is labelled “socialism.” It is the model in which education is the sole responsibility of families, leading to the goal of eliminating public education and any state regulation of private education and home schooling. At the very heart of this version of Calvinism is the goal of bringing all areas of life “under the Lordship of Christ.” So yes, Catholic, Calvinist, and…

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Georgetown Poverty Summit Impoverished on Women in More Ways Than One

…ve’ relative to an issue like abortion. And while he is right that both Catholics and Evangelicals often seem more worried about children before they are born than after (though the Catholic Church is more consistent in its support for safety-net programs) the reality is that abortion rights can’t be separated from the larger issue of reproductive justice, which itself can’t be separated from the issues of poverty and opportunity—as many women get…

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5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Overthink the New Pew Data’s Impact on Politics

…opulation). But their overall numbers are up because they have experienced net gains from religious switching. Here “evangelical” includes the Southern Baptist Convention, the Assemblies of God, Churches of Christ, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, the Presbyterian Church in America, and “0ther evangelical denominations and many nondenominational congregations.” Sixty-two million Americans fall into this demographic, two million more than in 200…

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