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Jerusalem Countdown: Christian Zionists and the New Israeli Government

…warheads on these missiles, can you imagine, Glenn, a world where London, New York, and Jerusalem have been hit by a nuclear missile on the same day. That’s the nightmare scenario that Ahmadinejad is trying to put together and he’s dangerously close to doing it. Because Benjamin and I are So Close The subject line of a recent Mike Evans newsletter read “Send your congratulations to Benjamin Netanyahu.” It asked supporters to “Sign the letter of c…

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Something So Broken: What’s Frightening About Beasts of the Southern Wild  

…cclaim of Glory at Sea, Zeitlin redirected his attention from post-Katrina New Orleans to parts of Louisiana that, in the words of Zeitlin, “kind of crumble off into the sinews down in the gulf where the land is getting eaten up.” He made his way to Terrebonne Parish, where he found inspiration on a narrow strip of land surrounded by a dilapidated ring of levees built to protect the two dozen remaining French and Indian families of Isle de Jean Ch…

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Malta Adopts Marriage Equality Over Objections of Catholics and Evangelicals; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…behind.” A spokesperson for the U.S. State Department called reports of renewed extrajudicial killings “troubling”: Novaya Gazeta, an independent Russian newspaper, on Sunday published the names of 27 men who it said authorities shot to death in the Chechen capital of Grozny on Jan. 26. The Washington Blade has not been able to confirm reports that some of the men who were reportedly killed were gay. The Russian LGBT Network, a Moscow-based advoc…

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“I’d Be Stupid Not To Go Packing Now.”

…t of you with other officers watching,” Williams told me, referring to the news about the cop beat down of Duanna Johnson, an African American transwoman, in a Memphis booking room that was captured on a surveillance video. “I’d be stupid not to go packing now.” Williams lives in Oakland, just outside of San Francisco, and he’s going to check out the San Francisco chapter of Pink Pistols. As a national organization that encourages lesbian, gay, bi…

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The “Obamosque” Smears and the Money Fueling Them

Special Guests, a booking service that sends out daily press releases to reporters, producers, and radio shows, and which earlier this week described the proposed Park51 project as “Obamosque,” is today touting a Time magazine poll showing one quarter of Americans apparently believe President Obama is a Muslim. (A Pew poll out today shows that figure at 19%). Why do that many Americans believe that? Could it be the use of terms like “Obamosque?”…

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New Theory for Tucson Tragedy: Blame the Atheists

…k forward to seeing the Christian media blaming the atheists in tomorrow’s news cycle. Details of Loughner’s religious beliefs are sketchy, but that isn’t going to keep them from defending the argument that he is an atheist by pointing to a supposed shrine that was found in his backyard, which consisted of a skull, as well as the fact that two of Loughner’s favorite books listed in his YouTube account are Mein Kampf and The Communist Manifesto. (A…

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Palin’s Israel Trip

…r her Israel trip, as it has done for other presidential hopefuls, instead booking it through a Christian tour agency. He thinks, perhaps, that Palin is miffed that he and other RJC board members have been critical of her, but that she’s unwise to rebuff them because they could be so helpful to her. But this is characteristically Palin behavior — with or without the criticism. She is, for example, the only GOP aspirant who has never spoken at the…

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The Theodicy of George Carlin

…ent. Whereas the freethinker and the comic once shared a tour schedule and booking agent, now they are bifurcated by genre and accessibility. Both are degraded by the absence of the other, as the quest for quick hard laughter and serious statistical proof press Carlin and Jacoby to extremist corners of inflexible insight. Jacoby, a self-described “cultural conservationist,” might be right that the Bush presidency signals an all-time peak in Americ…

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Want to Know What Public Education Would Look Like Under Project 2025? Just Take a Look at Oklahoma

…f a macho Christian culture warrior by writing his op-eds and speeches and booking him for media appearances. Local investigative journalism has blown the lid off of his vanity project—which, as it happens, is directly connected to Project 2025. Walters had the state contract with Vought Strategies for his public relations campaign. The president of Vought Strategies (whose name bears an eerie resemblance to the evil corporation in the popular TV…

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Perkins and MSNBC

…y the group Faithful America launched a campaign to pressure MSNBC to stop booking Perkins as a guest on its programs, because of his history of anti-gay bigotry. The group attempted to place an ad on MSNBC that sets out their complaint, but MSNBC rejected it: Faithful America’s petition reads: “The Family Research Council is a hate group, and journalists ought to treat it as such. MSNBC must stop inviting Family Research Council spokespeople on t…

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