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God Dissolves into the Occupy Movement

…le frequently ask me, in the context of my reporting on the religious right, is, “where is the church for progressives?” In other words, they look at conservative megachurches and televangelism and see no countervailing structure that is both religious and political. Elizabeth, can Occupy be the megachurch of the left? Should it be? ED: The megachurch movement, which comes directly out of mass media culture, separates people into consumers of mess…

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Anti-Gay Campaign In Indonesia Leads to Arrests; Mexico’s Religious Right Wars Against Secular State & LGBT Equality; Muslim Preacher Sparks Controversy in UK Re Death Penalty For Gays; Global LGBT Recap

…milies in the many global contexts in which the church exists. Worth noting, too, are the affirming words from Belgian Archbishop Jozef De Kesel, who last year said he had “much respect for gays. . . [and] their way of living their sexuality.” Shine also says it is significant that some of the most conservative U.S. bishops were not named cardinals, including Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia, Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore, and Arch…

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Step Right Up And Get Your Low-Priced ‘Pro-God Content’! Donald Trump Enters the Bible Business

…includes the “handwritten chorus from Lee Greenwood’s song ‘God Bless the USA,’” as well as the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance. “It will be perfect,” we’re told on the order form, “to take to church, a bible study, work, travel, etc.” It has a brown leather-like cover with an embossed US Flag curling across the bottom. Thoughtfully, it features large type, for those Trump supporte…

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Top Ten Peacemakers in the Science-Religion Wars

…o piece he told the story of a Christian who challenged his atheism, saying, “OK, but tell me this, Mr. Atheist: Where did we come from? How did all of this get here?” Stedman writes, “I answered: ‘Well, I’m not a scientist, but to be honest, that question doesn’t matter all that much to me. I’m not especially interested in how we got here; what concerns me, given that we are here, is what will we do?’” It is a real step forward to have a public a…

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Conservative Rep Grills Oklahoma Personhood Sponsors

…y replied that most of the calls must be in support of the bill, right? “Oh, no,” she said. “Against it.” That representative ended up voting in favor of the bill. Ah well.) But when you’re caught in the middle, it’s probably best to do what Rep. Cox has done: act with integrity and consider the consequences of what you’re saying. Bravo, Rep. Cox. I don’t know whether, between the two of us, we could find more than a handful of positions that we a…

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Personhood Super PAC

…lans to run ads in other states at least through Super Tuesday. Personhood USA, the group that has agitated for so-called Personhood amendments and laws in the states, sent out a press release “applauding a Pro-Life Super PAC ad exposing Mitt Romney’s continued support of abortion.” The Super PAC’s website has a widget that allows you to “find out which candidates have pledged to be pro-life.” It clicks through to the Personhood USA website. Perso…

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In Historic Vote, Presbyterians to Allow LGBT Clergy

…ntation or marital status. This is an amazing moment in the life of the PC(USA),” Michael Adee, the director of More Light Presbyterians, told RD. More Light has been working since 1974 for full equality for LGBT people in the denomination. The Associated Press reports it was “the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area, based in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn., [that] cast the deciding 87th vote Tuesday night. Sixty-two presbyteries have voted against…

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The Angel of Death and Pam Tebow

…ing in the arrival of “the Angel of Death” (Obama), followed by Hell (Obama, Reid, Pelosi). The United Nations — that bogeyman of the right — makes an appearance as well, in service of another lie: that the US government funds abortions overseas. The video claims — again, falsely — that the Obama administration has classified conservatives as domestic extremists. (It has not.) “A vote for Amendment 62 is a vote for life, liberty, and traditional A…

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Creators of Missing Lowe’s Ad Tell All

…of America’s best-loved shows. You are even versatile enough to play brown, Muslim, American terrorists. But don’t you find your role in this most recent ad from Lowe’s truly objectionable? Here you are destroying the world’s natural resources to drive around town, and turn on an obscene number of lights. Doesn’t this offend your morality? Or do you truly have no shame? PC: Riz gets to play all kinds of roles. I just play fat Indian guys. In fact…

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‘A Slice of Heaven’: Lakota Look to Buy Back Stolen Sacred Lands

…Auction House of South Dakota obliquely mentions the moment: “For 136 years, brave, strong, pioneering families… have forged the prairie into what it is today, one of the most beautiful, unspoiled sanctuaries in the entire Black Hills.” The brochure goes on to say that purchase of the land will give the owner a “Slice of Heaven,” where they can sit and “let your mind wander back in time & imagine the Native Americans… who passed across this land t…

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