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Rage or Courage?: YouTube Terrorism Take Two

…contain an outpouring of popular protest and have repeatedly called on the United States to take measures against its producers. Google’s actions raises fundamental questions about the control that Internet companies have over online expression. Should companies themselves decide what standards govern what is seen on the Internet? How consistently should these policies be applied? Under YouTube’s terms of service, hate speech must be directed agai…

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Pussy Riot Members Sentenced to 2 Years for Offending Russian Orthodox Church

…ause the court refused outright to let the defendants speak. We called for contact and dialogue rather than conflict and opposition. We reached out a hand to those who, for some reason, assume we are their enemies. In response they laughed at us and spat in our outstretched hands. “You’re disingenuous,” they told us. But they needn’t have bothered. Don’t judge others by your own standards. We were always sincere in what we said, saying exactly wha…

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Evangelicals Looking for Walker to “Do Nothing” in 2016 Election

…of the culture wars. Legal exemptions to permit florists, caterers, social service providers, or other businesses to refuse service to LGBT people are hotly contested, both in legal circles and in the court of public opinion. In another context, the Hobby Lobby litigation, in which the Supreme Court ruled that the contraception coverage requirement under the Affordable Care Act violated a closely-held corporation’s rights under the Religious Freed…

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Is Army’s New “Humanist” Designation Just Semantic Hooey?

…approved faith codes has concrete implications as well. It gives Humanist service members access to Army Chaplaincy services, including spiritual counseling and gathering spaces for Humanist groups. It also means that the numbers and distribution of Humanists in the military can be tracked along with those of other religious groups, potentially inviting a reshaping of the military chaplaincy, which critics complain is inappropriately weighted in…

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Behind a Recent Stunt in Idaho Lies a Dangerous Theocratic Movement

…In the video, Scott explains at length to those in attendance about how to contact their state legislators in support of her bill. The video also reveals that the church was prepared to mail out letters to legislators produced in advance from those in attendance; the letters were reportedly available to sign after the service. On June 25, according to local reporter Nathan Brown, the Idaho state GOP adopted both the nullification of “federal court…

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Founding Father John Adams’ Advice to Rick Perry: Don’t Meddle in Religion

…the Founding Fathers in attempts to legitimate his central thesis that the United States is, and was intended to be, a “Christian Nation.” Surely, then, he would approve of the advice I propose to Gov. Perry: In calling for heavenly solutions to earthly problems, the governor might appreciate the observations of our second president, John Adams. Hearing this, a disciple of Mr. Barton might nod approvingly, and point out that Gov. Perry is indeed f…

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Make Aeronautic Jobs, Not Jihad

…tions ravenous for rights, dignity, and prosperity. In short, thank the world’s largest Muslim nation, Indonesia, for a big order signed on the occasion of President Obama’s visit (230 planes at $21.7 billion!). And thank one of the world’s fastest-growing airlines, Emirates from Dubai, for the other (50 jets at $18 billion). So here’s to cooperation of the civilizations. Here’s to throwing facts in the face of faux analysis. While Victoria Jackso…

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Ponzi Pastor, Bacon Terrorism, & Spiritual Jewelry

…nwhile, Angle herself warned that Muslim law was taking over cities in the United States. Posting about religion may lose you Facebook friends. Disney is marketing its new movie about the triple-crown winning racehorse, Secretariat, to “faith-based audiences” and offering special screenings to Christian bloggers and reviewers. The market for spiritual jewelry is heating up as more and more celebrities are sporting bracelets and necklaces with reli…

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Ross Douthat: Trump Is Women’s Fault for Not Having More Babies

…ntury. The average woman went from bearing about seven or eight children in 1800, to between three and four by 1900, in tandem with the industrial revolution. And among the native-born white population that Douthat is so concerned about, average family size was even smaller. A two-child family was already the norm for many middle and upper-middle class Protestant women, leading men like Theodore Roosevelt to decry “race suicide” and the “base and…

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What Makes a Human Bomb Tick?

…y is that it is not limited to religiopolitical violence. Lankford cites a number of American suicide terrorists that exhibited “classic suicidal traits.” Like Joseph Stack, a divorced software engineer with tax problems. In 2010, Stack crashed his single-engine plane into an IRS building in Austin, Texas, killing himself and an IRS manager; “There isn’t enough therapy in the world that can fix what is really broken [with me],” Stack wrote in the…

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