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The Islamists vs. The Markets: Egypt’s Election Analyzed

…s a whole range of domestic social policy and priorities? And how will the Arab world possibly be any different? The source of much of the Arab world’s recent unrest lies in income inequality, injustice, authoritarianism, and economic stagnation. No country in the world, the United States included, can now pursue domestic policy independent of international financial markets. How much more so the Arab world—considering how much poorer and less dev…

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Gandhi, his Grandson, Israel, and the Jews

…ime Minister Yitzhak Shamir signed the order for Awad’s deportation to the United States. In the United States Awad persisted in espousing a non-violent approach to the conflict: “I am one of those people who reminds the Palestinians that the Israeli is a human being. And we must see them, as well as ourselves, as human beings. The more you destroy another human being the more you destroy yourself.” During the Second Intifada, which began in Octob…

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The Shari’ah Spring: Media Gets It Backwards

…ive, nearly fully Muslim country, whose recently deposed tyrant frequently promoted Islamic practices and pieties. If we read the Arab Spring as a zero-sum game between Islamists and secularists, we’re going to miss what’s happening; if we imagine Arab democracy will look like secular Western democracy, we will likely be disappointed. And if we assume reference to Islam and democracy reveals only hypocrisy, insincerity, or ideological confusion, w…

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Two Women and a Mosque: A Convert Community Grows in Panama City

…es. But she cannot attend the lecture, which is often given exclusively in Arabic to a majority Arab audience. She and Jackson want the new mosque to provide Spanish-speaking Panamanians with better access to Islamic teachings. They have provided their students with religious materials that have been translated from Arabic to English and Spanish. Jackson said she thinks women have the right to attend the mosque. She has spent most of her life in t…

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Welcome to the Shari’ah Conspiracy Theory Industry

…Fund. “Today you can find closed communities of Radical Muslims across the United States promoting Radical Islamic ideology and living under localized versions of Shari’ah.” This view that shari’ah is a threat to the constitution, to capitalism, and to American liberty helps explain the rash of attempts to “ban” shari’ah in the states. Rep. Gerald Gay, the Wyoming legislator sponsoring a shari’ah law ban there, said, “I don’t want our laws having…

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Anti-Gay Campaign In Indonesia Leads to Arrests; Mexico’s Religious Right Wars Against Secular State & LGBT Equality; Muslim Preacher Sparks Controversy in UK Re Death Penalty For Gays; Global LGBT Recap

…and will be involved. These are positive things,” Cherlow told JTA. United Arab Emirates: Lebanese Gay Man Faces Death Penalty Earlier this month a 21-year-old gay man from Lebanon was arrested after posting a photograph in drag online and is facing the death penalty for charges that include offering sexual services to other men. France: New Gender ID Law, New Anti-Marriage-Equality Protests The Associated Press reports that tens of thousands of p…

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Promise Keepers 2.0: Women and Jews Invited

…provided no theological or political critique of structural racism in the United States—racism was deemed a personal sin to be confessed. These attitudes about race found their iconic moment at the 1997 DC rally. When white evangelist John Dawson knelt in prayer to ask forgiveness from his African American brothers for his own sin of racism, men of color gathered around him to affirm his repentance and accept his apology. PK rallies always seemed…

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Excerpt: The Christian Roots of Zionism

…any Western visitors. The phrase was most pointedly used to claim that the Arabs of Palestine had no distinct Palestinian identity. They were ‘‘Arabs,’’ not a cohesive national group. That Palestine was not ‘‘empty’’ (in either the demographic or political sense) soon became clear to some Jewish observers. This was ruefully acknowledged in the telegram sent home by two rabbis from Vienna who visited Palestine in 1898, the year after the First Zion…

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The Ghosts and Illusions of the Occupation

…n “price tag attacks, unjustified police violence, and physical attacks on Arabs including women and children has led to increased anger and frustration in Arab localities,” even before the three Israeli teenagers were heinously kidnapped and murdered last month. The group has called on the international community “to put a stop to the racist violence and incitement against the Arab community in Israel and to put an end to the unjustified politica…

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Egypt Protests Upset Assumptions About the
Arab World

…hat Tunisia is special because it’s “less part of the connective tissue of Arab North Africa” than a “demographic and cultural island” enjoying “upwardly mobile European aspirations.” He asserts that Tunisia’s cultural superiority is established by its desire to be European. The lesson: Tunisia revolted because they are culturally superior aspiring Europeans while states to the east have no such capacity. The reality in Egypt belies such simple an…

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