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Promise Keepers 2.0: Women and Jews Invited

…n between the rich and poor didn’t play prominently, either in the event’s promos or at the stadium rally itself. PK did offer a “pay what you can afford” program to woo low-income rally-goers, and it also urged attendees to bring food donations for the Denver Rescue Mission. At the rally itself, there was no sustained talk about the spiritual or political effects of the global financial crisis, but there was a call to support something called the…

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The Intellectual Source Code For National Conservatism Can Be Found at This Niche Catholic Publication

…cultural conservatism in the United States. The foundation of this source code (the motherlode of the code, as it were) is Catholic natural law moral philosophy. Natural law is the 800-year-old Thomist tradition that absorbs (from revelation and scripture) and communicates (into public discourse and legal practice) a quite specific understanding of the human individual as the summit of God’s creation. First Things has hosted some of the most impo…

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Vatican Reverses Anti-Liberation Policies in Mexico

…he diocese’s majority indigenous population with pastoral innovations that promoted liberation on the ground. With financial support from Mexico’s Papal Nuncio, the bishop established schools for catechists that drew scores of Maya indigenous to San Cristóbal where they encountered the Catholic teachings of Vatican II and, for the first time in Maya history, were entrusted with the Bible. After a period of church testing and consultation with loca…

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‘Open Mosque’ in South Africa Receives Threats; ‘Blood Test’ for ‘Degeneratism’: Global LGBT Recap

…The lawmakers are now working on a new version of the Marriage and Family Code that already bans people known to be gay from adopting children. This is where the anti-gay changes are expected to appear soon. The legal ban is highly called for, according to Bolashak’s leader Dauren Babamuratov, 30, because the Kazakh society has been experiencing a lot of pressure from its gay members over the past several years…. “We have stooped so low that LGBT…

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Australian Church Leaders See Marriage Vote as Battle for Soul of Australia: Global LGBT Recap 10/30

…frica, who were among 13 human rights activists detained and charged with “promoting homosexuality,” were deported: Local police chief Lazaro Mambosasa said they had been “promoting homosexuality”. “Tanzanian law forbids this act between people of the same sex, it is a violation of our country’s laws,” said Mambosasa. Just days later an NGO, the Community Health Education Services and Advocacy (CHESA) centre, was suspended on the same charge and a…

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A Roundup of Conspiracies and Bad Ideas That Caught on or Gained Momentum in 2023

…the exact nature of new or evolving conspiracy theories that may emerge in 2024, it’s likely that the pervasive conspiracy theories of 2023 will continue to influence the political landscape, particularly in the context of the 2024 election. In any event, belief in conspiracy theories, often rooted in fear, perceptions of injustice, distrust in societal institutions, and feelings of disenfranchisement, is unlikely to fade away. Issues like immigr…

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Dispelling the Zombie Myth of White Evangelical Support for Trump

…t 44% of White evangelical Protestant Republicans preferred Trump to be the 2024 nominee for president, compared to 23% who preferred DeSantis and 5% who preferred Haley. Against this backdrop of White evangelical support for Trump, a broad, unsupported hypothesis has re-emerged that Trump’s stalwart continued support among White evangelicals can be explained by his strength among what I’ll abbreviate as WEINO’s, or “White evangelicals in name onl…

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The ‘Unified Reich’ Scandal is a Feature Not a Bug of Trump’s Brand of American Fascism

…ica. It’s the same fascist fever swamp that brought us the heavily Groyper-coded DeSantis ad with the Nazi “Schwarze Sonne.” Asked if he could see a second Trump administration potentially hiring Hochman, Walsh’s response was sobering: If Trump is serious about his calls to become a dictator on day one, somebody’s going to have to staff that administration. And in particular if you remove thousands, if not tens of thousands of career civil servant…

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Egyptian Da Vinci Code Author Angers Coptic Christians

…ene, as the Egyptian authorities did in 2007 when they banned The Da Vinci Code. The Coptic community—which accounts for roughly 10 percent of the nation’s 80 million citizens—had raised alarm and demanded that both the book and movie be banned. Now, three years on, Zeidan’s bestselling novel is is prompting angry demands from that same community. In early May a group of Coptic lawyers demanded that the government imprison the author for five year…

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Egypt Goes After Gays to Silence Islamist Critics; South Africa’s ‘Open Mosque’ is Closed; Global LGBT Recap

…ther setback in the struggle for gay rights on the continent. Chad’s penal code is more than half a century old and does not explicitly mention homosexuality. But section 361 of a draft new code states the punishment for anyone who has sexual intercourse with someone of the same sex is 15 to 20 years in jail and a fine of 50,000-500,000 Central African francs (£60-£600), according to a document seen by Agence France-Presse. The cabinet claims that…

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