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Corporations Have Consciences and Contraceptives Are Cheap: Hobby Lobby at the Supreme Court

At oral argument in Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. and Conestoga Wood Specialties, Inc. v. Sebelius this morning, the Supreme Court justices spent a great deal of time questioning the lawyers in the case about whether corporations have a religious conscience, and whether Congress intended to protect it when enacting the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). What was most striking, though, was how all three female justices, Sonia So…

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Spiritual Unplugging, Or What to Do When There is Wifi at the Ashram

…self-interrogation boiled, my hand extended to the right. I reached for my phone, but I found nothing. At first I laughed at my instinct, my muscle memory. The phone, with its glowing screen, gave me solace and control. But I was tied to my cushion for another hour, and in this ashram for another day, so email would have to wait. I panicked. My heart raced. Would my editor be asking for me? Would a reply from that politician’s secretary sit unansw…

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Invited by Allah

…to me it would be a very easy to make hajj from there. I bought an airline ticket and was in contact with the family of one of my graduate school friends. They would pick me up from the airport and host me during my stay and the days of ritual. Nice plan. So I went to the embassy to get the visa and was denied because (as an American) I needed proof that I was Muslim. How do I prove I have been a practicing Muslim for a decade? I went to the famou…

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Inside Outsourced: Come See Where Your Jobs Went

… I think it helps that the film production community is more familiar with India and Indian culture than, say, 20 years ago. People have filmed there or have been invited to visit by friends or have been exposed to its culture through Bollywood or the music scene. So the knowledge of India reflected in the show is coming from a more realistic place, and the show can play with stereotypes Americans have of Indians in an honest way. Of course, there…

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If the Girl Scouts Investigated the Bishops…

…the Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life, and Youth meet Girl Scouts USA’s standards, rather than just the other way around? Girl Scouts USA has, after all, developed significant programming to encourage girls to pursue their interests in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The website even calls girls “natural scientists”! Moreover, when faced with abuse disclosures from scouts, Girl Scout volunteers are instructed to “tell h…

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Anti-Trans Bus Tour Is Not Very Welcome In Spanish Cities; Gay Rights As A Weapon In Nationalist War On Muslims; Global LGBT Recap

…ustice system. The manner in which the legal and justice system operate in India is inconsistent with the obligations that the Indian state has under international human rights law to prevent violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Manvendra Singh, a 40-year-old gay man described as “India’s first openly gay prince,” is urging the decriminalization of homosexuality. Israel: Gay couple part of military ad campaig…

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Pricking the Conscience of Churches: From AIDS Activism to Ending World Hunger

…amount of poverty. It is not accidental that South Africa has the highest number of persons infected with HIV—the consequence of apartheid has been poverty, lack of education, unemployment, hunger, and disease. In India, HIV spreads among the most impoverished and poorly educated. This theme of poverty takes me to a few more questions. You co-authored a book entitled Ending Hunger Now with Senators McGovern and Dole. And you had previously writte…

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Pride Month & Prejudice; ‘Worrisome Time’ For LGBT People; Global LGBT Recap

…ling Law and Justice (PiS) party in Poland came to power in late 2015 on a ticket of promoting traditional Polish values, family and Catholic traditions. he government has been attacked by the EU and other international institutions for its alleged attacks on democracy in Poland, in particular accusations it has politicized civil service, media and other areas of public life, while also undermining the Constitutional Tribunal. … In an open letter,…

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Caste First, Christ Second, for Some Indian Christians

…ivilege from the government.” But both the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India and the National Council of Churches in India, a Protestant organizing body, have backed Thomas. In doing so, church leaders have had to admit that Christianity in India is tainted by caste—a strange argument for American Christians, especially evangelicals, who pour millions of dollars into missionary work in India. Is religion, and Christianity in particular, as Das…

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Country of Georgia Considers Constitutional Marriage Ban; Hindu Nationalist Leader Surprises India With Call to Decriminalize Homosexuality; No End to Anti-LGBT Propaganda Campaign in Indonesia; Global LGBT Recap

…vement,” said Ashok Row Kavi, an activist who in 1990 founded Bombay Dost, India’s first gay magazine. “Decriminalization is the first step. We’ll deal with the rest later.” The Court’s 2013 ruling resulted in hundreds of arrests. This February, the Supreme Court essentially agreed to some reconsideration of the 2013 ruling, referring a group of “curative petitions” to a five-judge panel. Those petitioners were publicly opposed by the Apostolic Ch…

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