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Is a Secular System Right for Egypt?

…ame), Amr Ezzat, a journalist and researcher on religious freedom with the Cairo-based Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, provides a fine-grained picture of these legal and administrative structures. There is a traditional Islamic discourse that takes pride in the fact that there is no central religious authority in Islam—no church, no priesthood, no clerical class to govern the religious (and certainly not political) lives of Muslims. . . ….

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Egyptians Rejecting Religious Leadership, But Not Religion

…was promptly ignored by many of their youth, who argued they were just as Egyptian as any other and needed to be part of this movement for change. When Muslim religious figures came on state-run television to speak, many of the Muslim youth on the street derided them. And many of those youth were keeping their canonical prayers, but were not from Islamist movements. They were from all classes of society, and from all educational strata. Many of t…

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Mubarak Steps Down; The Birth of a New Egyptian State

…ifferent from what we expected? What developmental trajectory will the new Egypt carve for itself? What forces, old and new, will seek to shape it? Is the destiny of all nations the end-state of a liberal democracy? The Mexican “deprofessionalized” intellectual Gustavo Esteva once said that with the international development and aid industry, a people’s dreams have already been dreamt for them. As the Egyptian people arise to shape a new future, w…

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Invited by Allah

…r company has never allayed my fears. They never really came forward with any information or with any response to direct questions. So I have stayed nervous. I knew that from the US there are no quotas, and that what had been a factor —no matter what technicalities were used from the embassy in Cairo—the real matter was that Egypt is not only very conveniently located vis-à-vis the Arabian Peninsula, it is also a very highly populated Muslim count…

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Glenn Beck’s Cheap Grace

…aven; then come, follow me.” (Mark 10:21) This is not an easy message for any of us who own anything to hear. Indeed, over the years preachers and theologians have tried to soften those passages, arguing that it is not money per se, but the love of money that stands between wealth and heaven. Still, the fact of the text remains; and it sounds a whole lot more like James Cone than Glenn Beck. Beck then goes on to ridicule Cone’s identification of J…

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What is ‘The Square’ that Beat Mubarak?

…spared no effort in raised awareness about the situation; and most of all, it existed in the innocent lives that were lost. Egypt now has a huge challenge in front of it—one that may well be larger than the one they have just overcome. The expectation on the part of many is that all of the problems of Egypt will now be solved—but disappointment will almost surely follow. Yet one hopes that the people of Egypt have shown themselves what is possible…

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How the Conspiratorial American Right is Spinning the Egypt Protests

…Ph.D. “The Muslim Brotherhood has been thirsting for power in Egypt for many, many years. Should they succeed, it will not only spell disaster to the west and to Israel, but also to the Christians and the secular-minded Muslims.” Remember this about Shoebat: he claims to have been a former member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization and the Muslim Brotherhood but to have since denounced terrorism — and Islam — in favor of a virulent, Islam-…

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Egyptians Approve Constitution with Establishment of Islam as State Religion

…d liberals. While they certainly play significant and influential roles in Egypt, Egypt is far more Muslim and religious. Judging by independent polls, the overwhelming majority of Egyptians probably want that clause to stay, or something similar. Its not Islamist, but it is conservative—and the ultra-puritanical Muslim preachers, that belong to the minority Salafi trend, made sure that Egypt was reminded of its “Islamic identity.” There were even…

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Santorum on Election of Muslim Brotherhood Candidate in Egypt…

…r ally Israel. Tragically, a great opportunity has been missed. We cannot afford four more years of naive and politically-correct foreign policy under President Obama.” In other words: I condemn the Egyptian people for voting the way they did. President Obama should stand up for American values and reject Egyptian democracy. How dare they pick the Muslim version of me?…

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What Ben Carson’s Pyramid Theory Might Say About His Foreign Policy

…serts revered figures of the Biblical tradition into the starring roles of Egypt’s history. Hoeh’s assertion that Egypt’s most revered structure was built by the Israelites Job and Joseph is followed by a territorial claim. The Great Pyramid, says Hoeh, was constructed by the Biblical Job with the help of Joseph “to commemorate what Joseph did for Egypt and to mark the border of the territory given to Joseph’s family in the land of Egypt by Pharao…

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