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School Voucher SCOTUS Case Isn’t About ‘Choice,’ It’s About Coerced Support for Religion

…taxes to Montana. They are relieved of that obligation if they divert the payment to a scholarship organization that funds private education. It’s a dollar-for-dollar match. One dollar to a scholarship fund is one dollar off your taxes, and 94 percent of these scholarships fund private religious education. Montana appropriated $3 million to cover the anticipated shortfall from forgiving those obligations. The Montana Supreme Court struck down thi…

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Why Has the Critique of Hypocrisy Run Out of Steam?

…a purported affair while his third wife was pregnant. Questions about the payment from journalists to the president were met with calls of “shame” by attending evangelicals—shame on the journalists for asking about the affair and payment, not shame on the President for violating his marriage vows and paying for adulterous sex. So what’s happened to the notion of hypocrisy? Why has the crit…

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Why Has the Critique of Hypocrisy Run Out of Steam?

…a purported affair while his third wife was pregnant. Questions about the payment from journalists to the president were met with calls of “shame” by attending evangelicals—shame on the journalists for asking about the affair and payment, not shame on the President for violating his marriage vows and paying for adulterous sex. So what’s happened to the notion of hypocrisy? Why has the crit…

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Catholics Coming Around On Senate Health Care Bill

…ontinue to buoy Rep. Bart Stupak to hold out for nothing less than the language he secured in the version passed by the House last year. But despite Stupak’s intransigence, pro-life Catholic organizations and members of Congress are beginning to see that the Senate bill does not, as the anti-choice holdouts baselessly claim, fund abortions. His claim to have a dozen or so members on his side is rapidly fading. The Catholic Health Association, whic…

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Greece Must Suffer for Redemption: A Nietzschean Reading

…ast several years. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, elected on an anti-austerity platform, held a hasty referendum on their proposal. Defying pollsters’ predictions, Greek voters roundly rejected it. Tsipras hoped that the referendum would function as a bargaining chip in European negotiations, but the maneuver backfired. Faced with the prospect of Greece’s exile from the Euro—and the chaos that would ensue—Tsipras was forced to propose terms…

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Our Lady of Good Hope and Excellent Behavior: Why this Apparition and Why Now?

…from grottos. The Virgin descended in mists or clouds of blinding light, usually wearing snowy white robes more dazzling than the sun. She was uniformly young and beautiful, with sweet features and an even sweeter voice. Only her accessories varied (at Knock, a crown; at Fátima a cloak like gold and a rosary; at Banneux a blue sash around her waist and a golden rose on her foot.) Her messages, which she always repeated in the local language, have…

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Dispelling the Zombie Myth of White Evangelical Support for Trump

Yesterday’s inaugural Republican primary event gave us our first official glimpse into the 2024 election-year love affair between Trump and White evangelicals—and judging from the results they haven’t lost that loving feeling. White evangelicals are highly influential in the Iowa Republican Caucuses, comprising approximately one-third (32%) of Iowa Republicans according to PRRI surveys, and a majority (55%) of Republican Iowa caucus participants…

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Francis Visits the Church that John Paul Broke

…ber 20, 2015 The last time there was this much excitement about a pope’s inaugural visit to the United States, Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall” topped the Billboard charts, Jimmy Carter was in the White House, and cell phones were the size of a brick. But those aren’t the only differences between Pope John Paul II’s historic 1979 visit and Pope Francis’ virgin trip to the US this week. Pope Francis will find a church that is markedly diffe…

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Rage Against the New Age Machine: Three Days at the Osho International Meditation Resort

I went to India searching for spiritual enlightenment. I found a neoliberal heaven that catered to my worst possible self. That’s almost true. I took my journalism class to India this past spring to cover the role of religion in the recent election. I’d done similar trips before to Israel and Ireland, but this time I wanted the students to have more than a fleeting encounter with the religion they were covering. During a previous trip to India, t…

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Can Expelled Teach Us a Thing or Two?

…comedian best known for his bit part in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Expelled makes the claim that Academic Science has erected a wall around itself and the theory of evolution, and that anyone, including scientists, who dares to question evolution, who tries to scale that wall, is ostracized by the system. This, according to the movie, is an affront to freedom, a basic right upon which America was built. The movie focuses on five or six folks (all o…

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