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Trump’s Fear and Loathing Won’t Silence The Nation’s Sole LGBT Muslim Organization

…ing as part of resistance, and to remember that our outrage is nothing—and will produce nothing—without acts of resilient love. Tynan: As an activist in the LGBT Muslim community, I’m witnessing an unparalleled level of cooperation among activist and advocacy groups. Rather than remaining siloed as a special interest group, we’re taking steps to support and collaborate with organizations that share our values, such as those working for racial just…

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Gingrich Downplays Adelson Money, Stokes Fear of “Second Holocaust” at Florida Church

…ristian legal group Liberty Counsel and others, at Aloma Baptist Church in Winter Park, Florida, just north of Orlando. Gingrich was running late, so the event co-sponsors filled time with over-the-top God-and-country songs, prayer, and speeches about the causes their organizations promote. Liberty Counsel, the Christian right legal group headed by Liberty University Law School Dean Mat Staver, was the lead co-sponsor. Others included the Florida…

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How Much Did Jesus Care About Sex?

…e” has turned into a kind of meme that Rod Dreher can toss into his debate with Andrew Sullivan without any reference to the context in which Bonhoeffer coined the term.  The Gestapo didn’t hang Dietrich Bonhoeffer in April 1945 because he had taken a stand for sexual abstinence (which he hadn’t). Heinrich Himmler ordered Bonhoeffer to be hanged for treason: for insisting in word and deed that one has to choose between the religion of nationalism…

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Beyond Alarmism and Denial in the Dominionism Debate

…f two streams: one, his time at Fuller seminary from the 1970s on, working with John Wimber, founder of the Vineyard church movement, and second, from his work in the church growth movement. He was considered to be the heir of Donald McGavran, founder of the church growth movement. That movement essentially said “whatever grows a church is good” and needs to be nurtured. When McGavran retired in the early 1980s, Wagner was his heir apparent. What…

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Episcopal Church Assault Data Reveals the Dark Side of Inclusive Christianity

…ons by tweeting “The Episcopal Church Welcomes You.” The tweet was deleted within an hour following a backlash from Twitter users who pointed out that there are still parts of the denomination that do not, in fact, welcome LGBTQ+ members. Marketing itself (however flat-footedly) as the progressive, welcoming face of American Christianity makes sense as a way of distinguishing The Episcopal Church on the religious landscape from the evangelical Rig…

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Power Up: Turn Off the Cell Phone

…etc. I hated that guy. Anyway, this Bloomberg piece on power players eschewing the use of cell phones strikes me as of a piece with my executive’s perspective. Technology is for the people who work for you. The article literally discusses someone getting Third-World peasants to loan her a cell in a pinch. You don’t get much more entitled than that. Still, there is something to be said for the virtues of unhooking from technology. I sometimes wond…

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Sacred Texting: When Religious Writ Gets Wired

…t the mere ability of cell phones to be used for impure activities, some Jewish cell-phone users have requested so-called “kosher” phones. The idea is to offer conservative Jews a phone that is free of “corrupting influences” of the sort that are already avoided by ultra-orthodox Jews through a ban on television and some radio. Reuters reported in February 2008 that Bezeq Israel Telecom launched a new “kosher” landline phone service, which will bl…

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Why The Book of Mormon (the Musical) is Awesomely Lame

…his favorite place on Earth—Orlando! The recurring musical outbursts about Orlando, Florida, were for me the funniest parts of the show. There are indeed striking similarities between Temple Square and Disney World: the fantasy-castle architecture; the immaculate, artificial neatness; the perky helpfulness of “cast members”/missionaries; the imagineering and the edutainment in service of a well-groomed corporate brand. Imagine There’s No Hell Many…

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“Saints Are Only Human”: Leaving the Church, But Heeding this Pope’s Lessons

…of the people’s pope is not to change the world with any particular agenda with its winners and losers. Instead this papal visit offered people like me who felt hurt by the church a chance to lay down our anger and forgive. Not for the sake of those who perpetrate injustice and violence—Father Serra, for all the good he did and evil he allowed, is long dead. Rebecca helped me remember the grace of forgiveness for the living people who suffer harm….

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We Went Through Amoris Laetitia Section by Section So You Wouldn’t Have To

…of loneliness and the desire for stability and fidelity exist side by side with a growing fear of entrapment in a relationship that could hamper the achievement of one’s personal goals. Pope Francis is right to wring his hands about the disposability to marriage these days. But then in Section 52 and onward, Francis makes it clear that same-sex unions are excluded from this “ideal,” when he slams the doors shut on LGBT Catholics over and over. The…

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