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Will Getting Rid of Bryan Fischer Get Rid of the AFA’s Problem?

…erous and debunked “history” of a Nazi-gay link, claiming “the masculine homosexual movement in Germany created the Brown Shirts, and the Brown Shirts in turn created the Nazi Party.” In a column earlier this year opposing the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, Fischer recycled that 2008 column, adding, “Even today in America, it is chic in some homosexual circles for individuals to wear replicas of Nazi Germany uniforms, complete with iron crosses,…

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Nuns on the Bus: 2700 Miles, Nine States, and a Rock Star DC Welcome

…re still and increasingly popular. The world does not need experts to make more money or more computers, Kim observed, as we have enough of those. The world needs experts in human relationships if we are to survive and thrive in the 21st century. We need communities of people who embrace the world, who “hug people to life, not to death” as Simone Campbell put it. If you can still say that after a two-week bus trip, no wonder people are inspired an…

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Here Comes President Boo Boo: Trump’s Tour as Reality TV

…first as tragedy, then as farce. Techniques developed in documentary work, most notably by Claude Lanzmann in his monumental film Shoah, filtered down to small screens and smaller subjects. Lanzmann’s documentary explored the Holocaust while eschewing archival footage and reenactment, concentrating instead on the contemporary footage of significant sites and on footage of people who had played roles in the events. Lanzmann trained his camera on su…

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RD News Round-Up: October 27, 2008

…od and never-before publicly seen footage from Pastor John Hagee’s now-infamous ‘God Sent Hitler’ 2005 sermon, in which Hagee pantomimes a Nazi holding a rifle pointed at Jews. ++++++++++ Hagee Hears a Who-madgeddon For the few gifted enough to retain information beyond the 24/7 news cycle, you will have no trouble remembering Pastor John Hagee. The head of San Antonio’s 19,000-member Cornerstone Church was riding high; his multimillion-dollar med…

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RD News Round-Up—Nov. 4, 2008

…s in particular—limited the ticket’s appeal? Does the Party have to become more mainstream, more inclusive, and more tolerant? Is Palin to be the Party’s savior? Or, have the American people learned more than enough about some of the less-than-ethical ways she goes about her business? Everyone will have an opinion and most of those opinions will be flawed. After all, it is nearly impossible to predict what will happen in the coming year, let alone…

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How Much Did Jesus Care About Sex?

…and absolved a whole nation unasked and without condition…Was there ever a more terrible and disastrous instance of Christianizing the world than this? It’s regrettable, I think, that “cheap grace” has turned into a kind of meme that Rod Dreher can toss into his debate with Andrew Sullivan without any reference to the context in which Bonhoeffer coined the term.  The Gestapo didn’t hang Dietrich Bonhoeffer in April 1945 because he had taken a stan…

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Wal-Mart Faces a New Round of Historic Strikes… But Why Now?

…ith him, he said, the dehumanization. Protesting this kind of treatment of mothers and mothers-to-be, Moreton noted, epitomizes different kind of “family values”—not about gay marriage or abortion, but the value of taking care of one another. “There are a whole lot of ways to see family values as economic values as well,” she pointed out. The workers, too, see the value of solidarity, of supporting their colleagues, as a “family” value. “What peop…

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Hipsters vs. Hasids, Round: Yawn

…ur Father God of Mercy, have mercy upon our generation that is weak, and remove this difficult test from these people, these immoral antagonists that by their doing will multiply, God forbid, the excruciating tests and the sight of the impurity and immorality that is growing in the world.  And here we live in fear that owing to the encroachment of these individuals upon our community we will not be able to teach our sons and daughters according to…

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Are Religious People More Generous? (Round LXXVII)

…art showing that, indeed, the “Bible Engaged” appear to give a far larger amount of money to nonprofits than do “Bible Skeptics,” with averages of $3,259 and $584 respectively. In an effort to further emphasize the generosity of the Most Biblical among us, it also notes that they reported an average income that’s actually lower than Skeptics—though it also implies that on average they’re well shy of the 10% Christians are generally meant to tithe….

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Liberty University’s #NeverTrump Petition Is No Shot Heard ‘Round the World

…ion Research Institute show that young evangelicals actually support Trump more than evangelicals over 50 do. Furthermore, if evangelical stronghold Liberty University is any indication, Trump can count on college-educated young evangelicals on November 8th as well. Since president of Liberty University, Jerry Falwell, Jr., endorsed him and welcomed him on campus, Trump has been inextricably linked to the Christian school, an association that its…

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