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How the Conspiratorial American Right is Spinning the Egypt Protests

…that is connected to Islam and that is proud to be Muslim? Now enter World Net Daily — the chief outlet for birtherite conspiracy theories which has relentlessly pushed the absurdity that President Obama is not a U.S. citizen and is a Muslim — and its ever-unreliable Middle East correspondent Aaron Klein, the “reporter” behind the debunked claim that Hamas supported Obama. He takes aim at Nobel Laureate and pro-democracy dissident Mohamed ElBarade…

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CPAC Conservatives Shun “Crazy Bigot” Gaffney

…o investigate “creeping shari’ah,” talked to the conspiracy web site World Net Daily, claiming “that CPAC has come under the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is working to bring America under Saudi-style Shariah law.”  Gaffney’s exhibit A is Suhail Khan, a member of the American Conservative Union board, which annually sponsors the Conservative Political Action Conference. WND’s piece is based on Gaffney’s charges “that Islamism has infi…

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Why Drew Brees Was Right

…try. They lacked awareness and any type of compassion or empathy.” I’m a pastor in the city that Drew Brees calls home and it’s from this perspective that I say Drew Brees’ comments were right. His comments were right not only because he spoke from his heart but because his comments, especially given the fact that they were made in the midst of everything that’s going on in our country,…

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The Revolutionary Spirituality of ‘Hamilton’

…“The Hamilton Mixtape.” I thought to myself, “He’s done it again.” In the spring of 2015, I completed my master’s thesis on theology and the arts. Coming from a Pentecostal tradition, I often wrote on how the sacred exists outside the walls of the church. I was determined to integrate my love of musicals with my theological work. When I discovered the Hamilton cast was almost entirely made up of people o…

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The Women’s March, Anti-Semitism, and ‘The Jewish Farrakhan’

…mainstream Jews repudiated Kahane’s racism and use of violence, but they nonetheless defended his right to speak and be part of the Jewish conversation. In a 1971 Look Magazine poll, moreover, one in four American Jews polled had a “positive attitude” about the JDL. In the late 1960s there was a push in The Young Israel of Brookline congregation to open a JDL chapter. Its young rabbi, Saul Berman, who a few years before had been in the South fight…

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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Legacy of Eugenics and Racism Can’t Be Ignored

…ces Two things are certain: first, scientifically, the Earth is but one planet of trillions upon trillions across the universe; second, since this fact is relatively new in the knowledge of evolutionarily-formed humanity, it has only begun to permeate modern theology. Teilhard, to his credit, was one of the first to seriously consider this scientific idea. His considerations, however, were founded upon layers of bias against persons of various eth…

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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Legacy of Eugenics and Racism Can’t Be Ignored

…ces Two things are certain: first, scientifically, the Earth is but one planet of trillions upon trillions across the universe; second, since this fact is relatively new in the knowledge of evolutionarily-formed humanity, it has only begun to permeate modern theology. Teilhard, to his credit, was one of the first to seriously consider this scientific idea. His considerations, however, were founded upon layers of bias against persons of various eth…

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Rev. Rob Lee Lost Congregation For His Anti-Racism Speech: Here’s Why He Should Have Packed His Bags First

…it is the reality of working respectfully in community. Go to top Go to top So I’m not in favor of demanding Christians take particular social stances as a mode of pastoral ministry. To be very clear, it’s the “demanding” part that’s problematic here, not the idea that the Christian faith entails certain views on social equality. It does. And America very much needs leaders who can articulate the urgent…

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Dispatch from Charlottesville: “It Was a War Zone. It Felt Like There Were a Million Nazis.”

…—we didn’t have the numbers. White clergy did not respond to this. What does that feel like for you, as a trans queer Latinx, who is also public theologian and activist working in these spheres? What does that absence from white clergy signal to you and others who hold intersectional identities? It makes me think that whit…

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7 Problems with Trump’s Hastily-Tweeted Trans Military Ban

…ed by The New York Times called “Transgender, At War and In Love.”   …or leaders of the service branches to which he just issued orders… It appears that the White House and the Pentagon are playing a game of “hot potato” with reporters seeking further explanation and comment on the sudden about-face in policy. Meanwhile…

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