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파워볼최상위✳〘lv-2021,ⓒoM 텔레ʀoʀoʀo①①⑼ 코드ⓐⓐⓐⓐ﹞ 에볼루션사이트✹도박사이트 클릭계열♫슬롯사이트추천 에볼루션

Q Shaman’s New Age-Radical Right Blend Hints at the Blurring of Seemingly Disparate Categories

…institution which authorizes shamans in America, so anyone can call themselves a shaman, and constitute their practice however they want. While Angeli’s claim to be a shaman may be another costume, alongside terms such as “energetic healer” it emplaces him within the constellation of beliefs and practices known as New Age spirituality. Another indication of his involvement in this milieu is the sign he held at a protest in Phoenix that references…

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White Supremacy Erases Its Violence: The Predictable Blaming of Antifa

…hey don’t even have to answer tough questions. Instead they can cast themselves as the real victims and heroes. They can, like Matt Gaetz, seamlessly transition from excusing themselves from responsibility to regurgitating the same baseless conspiracies that fomented White Supremacist violence in the first place. I want the United States to be the place of freedom and hope that our leaders and major media personalities extolled on the evening of J…

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Why Does Trump’s Authoritarian Christian Base Ignore Never-Trump Evangelical Leaders?

…prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves,” thereby opening the door to centuries of infighting about who can claim the mantle of “true Christian” and who must be cast out as a “false prophet.” For America’s Christian Right, which views the world through the dangerous and destabilizing lens of spiritual warfare, Trump is a charismatic authority figure, one about whom many white evangelical leaders claim to hav…

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In Order to Move Forward We Must Believe the Unbelievable: Some Choose Death Over Democracy

…ica is no more exceptional than any other nation. We can and will eat ourselves. I don’t mean to sound hopeless. I mean that we can’t solve the problem till we see it clearly. There’s probably no better illustration of this than Jodi Doering’s interview on CNN this morning. Doering is a nurse in South Dakota. These days, she sees a lot of death. She said nearly all of her small town is now dead from the new coronavirus. She sees patients denying t…

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There is Another Reason Trump Refuses to Concede the Election

…lay claim to victory actualize it, while those who admit defeat find themselves hopelessly entrenched in it. The president’s admiration for prosperity theology is well-documented. He was raised in Manhattan’s Marble Collegiate Church, which was pastored by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, whose The Power of Positive Thinking, was a key text in the prosperity movement and took the nation by storm. Similarly, the president’s spiritual advisor, Paula White-…

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‘The White Privileged Man’s Burden’: If Jesus Was White Who Are We to Question the ‘Privilege’ That Came With it?

…sinless nature) with whiteness Metaxas is, through “sleight of hand,” absolving white people of the “sin” of white privilege. Just as Christ bore the sins of humanity, white privilege isn’t the unearned benefits bestowed on whites that some claim, it’s the unearned burden through Christ’s own “whiteness” that harkens back to Rudyard Kipling’s “White Man’s Burden” of Christianity and civilization. Therefore if Christians view Jesus as “white” in a…

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What Does the Catholic Church’s Patriarchal Structure Have to Do with the Failure of the Amazon Synod?

…g to the Amazon would have spoken volumes. Moreover, if feminists were involved, the meeting would not have been of a group of 180+ bishops even though they were said to represent the whole church. It would have been, and could have been by Pope Francis’ choice, a meeting of the whole church made up of delegates from all sectors, privileging the lay majority. Instead, this event maintained the outmoded monarchical model of church that is driving p…

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Hey Hey, Ho Ho White Jesus Has to Go… But The Issue is More Complicated Than You Think

…images of Christ, God, or the Virgin Mary as a way to differentiate themselves from Catholics. While not historically accurate, these depictions did not possess the racialized character that we’ve witnessed throughout the modern era. The transition from a culturally specific depiction of Jesus as white within Western Europe, to the emergence of Jesus as a “white god” occurred during the period of Native American dispossession, African enslavement…

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You Can Take The Boy Out of the Crack House: MyPillow CEO’s New Book Promo Has Deep Roots in American Christianity

…f its own. We ought to just be grateful that Lindell isn’t enforcing coronavirus rectitude with a hatchet. (Carrie Nation was also an unabashed self-promoter, by the way.) It’s a strand that goes back to Wesleyan perfectionism and Calvinist propriety, some of the deepest roots of American religion. It may look like faith seen through a funhouse mirror, but in the end, it raises the same question those mirrors raise. Namely: what the hell did I jus…

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Whether it’s Celebrated by CT or Denied in NYC, Evangelical Proselytizing Isn’t in Quarantine

…nt Sinai Health System about the possibility privately objected to the involvement of Samaritan’s Purse, whose “approach to L.G.B.T. issues runs counter to that of the Episcopal Diocese of New York.” In light of the above, Graham’s assertion that “we have never asked any of the millions of people we have served to subscribe to anything” seems particularly disingenuous. While representatives of Samaritan’s Purse insist that the organization does no…

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